Anyone Else Not Picked a Name Yet??

Well, i've still not brought it up with OH & its Sunday & he's off to his bed soon, so will need to leave it for another time.

I have another 1 to suggest to him tho - so we'll see what he says.

Tried to bring it up & his bloody fone went grrrrrr

we haven't picked a name. we did have 'Seth' but too many people have been really against it :roll: so now i feel like we are 'settling' with a list of about 3 names that we both think are 'ok' rather than we really like, we can't agree on the names we really like :(

We're the same pos - we have 2 for each sex that both of us agree on, but are by no means "our favourites" I think we're holding off making a decision incase we find names we like better.

I like Seth, thats the reason I've not told anyone my choices, coz I cant be bothered with negative comments, it only matters what me & OH thinks.

I also think that a name can grow on you, if you like it a little sometimes you can end up liking it alot.

Soooo difficult isn't it.

Envy those who have names picked out from before baby is even conceived!

thanks girls, i've learned my lesson, next time round i'm not telling anyone my names, people can be so rude!! honestly when i told my mum and dad and brother 'Seth' they reacted as though i chosen to call him banana or something, it was ridiculous! xx
It's horrible!! I'd understand if it was a genuine stupid name and the poor kid would be bullied for life!!
yeah exactly, people just don't care when it comes to that sort of thing. we went through a list with them and every name they hated! it makes me want to call him Seth even more to tell the truth! just to bug them! x
thanks hun, whenever i've put it on here i've got a good reaction and also my female friends like it, its just my family and OH's friends. if i like seth when he arrives then that's what i'm sticking with, everyone else will have to get used to it. altho my brother said that if i call him seth he will call him something else :roll: xx
Sod them all Hun if u like Seth then you have it!! It's not a horrible name!! It's different and cute!!!
Pos - its defo not as bad as ppl are making out.

I find certain family members can be stuck in the old school when it comes to names & automatically assume coz the name isn't in the top 5 baby names that the kid is gona get picked on. I defo dont think its the type of name to get picked on. If ur fam refuse 2 call him that i'd say...well dont bother speaking to him then.

I was mortified after my 1st was born & my mum refused to let her call her gran - and started getting her to call them by their first names just coz she thought she wasn't old enough to be a gran. soooo insensitve. Duno whats wrong with ppl, esp the older generation!

That's disgraceful littlemiss!! My mum wasn't happy being a young nan so she didn't like 'granny' so she's always been nanny!
Seth is a cute name!!!! I agree if he don't wanna call him the name u choose then just don't see him! My brother is 1 in November and they called him Tobik as she is Czech...she's only 28... It's an awful name but I still call him that and love him even though I've never met him!! Just on webcam and pics! I'm used to the name now, still don't like it lol but that's was their choice and I respect that!
I'm bringing this thread back to life

:yay: :yay: :yay:

We've eventually settled on names one for a boy & one for a girl, not spoken about spellings yet or middle names but i'm happy!!

Makes it feel alot more real now lool as if i need reminding but you know what I mean!

Has everyone else picked theirs?

btw - thanks for all your help everyone!!

Thanks, it feels great!

Dont really wanna post them incase I tempt fate, tried to pm u pos but it said your inbox was full :cry:
thanks hun, whenever i've put it on here i've got a good reaction and also my female friends like it, its just my family and OH's friends. if i like seth when he arrives then that's what i'm sticking with, everyone else will have to get used to it. altho my brother said that if i call him seth he will call him something else :roll: xx

My OHs sisters said the same thing about our name :( People are mean.

We are like Jayceesmumma, have got a set boys name but no set girls name. Got it narrowed down to about 4, but not really that gung-ho for any of them.
So glad you've got ur names now babe!!
I've still been struggling with our girls name, we have maybe two but we aren't in love with them u know?x
We are nameless too...The name we picked I changed my mind. So we are going in with a few we like & just going to see what he looks like! :lol:

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