Anyone else.............


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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............loose their sex drive right after ovulation??

Ive noticed the last two cycles that although were at it as much as poss running up to Ov....once its here and over Im just not interested at all.....was talking to my friend today whos also TTC and she said that she also has this problem but 'gives in' lol! I dont withold just dont initiate right after Ov....and usually dont have any desire to until day after AF packs up and heads off!

Just wondered if its the majority or minority of us who are like this....this may also be why nothings happening as I am possible reading when I ov wrongly and so not BD'ing after surge as Im mistakingly thinking that when the line goes darker thats the important OV day.....who knows!!!

Im def chilled out this month and if no BFP this weekend I intend to try and remain this calm next month too!!

I am the same, for first half of the month I am there starting something everyday (well at weekends when we actually see each other!) but then the closer I get to the end of my cycle i am not really interested, but if he initiates then I will recipricate as he goes along with me jumping him every day I can at the start of the month :) :)
I havent tested to see when I'm ovulating but I have a high sex drive anyway, If I could I would be BD every day!!!
At the moment we BD every other day the whole way through my cycle, I am now 4 days late but got a BFN this morning,
I do find that around when i 'think' I'm ovulating sex is very painfull, I do get terrible stomach pains, but I just move to a position that doesn't hurt as much!

So no I don't loose my sex drive!
I don't really have a high sex drive anyway, i did until I had DD and I'm usually too tired but I always seem to find the energy when I know i am fertile. Quite selfish in a way because i usually dont want sex after it but if OH does try it on then i am usually up for it.

I think its because i put a lot of effort into having sex when ov ( i work long hours and also have DD) so ratherly selfishly i dont think about it as much when im not.

I do enjoy BD and once i get going its fine (sorry tmi lol) but i think OH is happy to be having sex as much as we have been and if we get a BFP from it then its a bonus.
Im with you on that one to a T.....DH is a star tho and doesnt really complain so lucky lol!

At least were putting so much effort into the important dates for now lol xxx
Yup Frankie know what you mean there.....ah lets hope we get our BFP this time ehh xxx
im the same as most... cant get enough at the begginning of the month but when you hit that point where you got no chance of concieving your not interested hahahah im sure if u got pregnant at the end of the month things would completely change:lol:..... its true what people say as well that you have the best sex when your ttc xx
I'm with the other Frankie on this one.

Good luck all
I am totally with you guys too, first part of cycle I cant get enough but as soon as Ovulation has come and gone my heart just isnt in it!
I'm the same, but trouble is OH gets stage fright as he knows that it's the lucky time because I want it all the time, and this time I had to make do with every other day, and we stopped quite early, so I am really dubious that we caught the full window, I will be well grumpy if we didn't give ourselves the full chances due to not overdoing my OH! I think I will have to suddenly like sex later in the month to keep him on his toes!
I've never really noticed, though now that I think about it, there are points when I just have no Sex Drive at all!! Though, normally I say "no i can't really be bothered.." and OH goes..."oh ok.." then still proceeds to get me in the mood somehow..haha!! xx Dont know if it's after OV tho, we're only in our 3rd month TTC now, so we decided to "try not to try" for the first few months and just see what xx
totally off topic but...

ooo MrsMc i just noticed your holiday ticker there, and looks like i'll be there at the same time as u! :) got family over there so we're going for a month :)

Hopefully we'll both have our BFP's by then :-S xx
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I told Hubby last night that next month we will have to BD every day for at least 2 weeks to see if that helps us get a BFP! He nearly had a heart attack on the spot!!! Poor bloke thinks i'm gonna kill him!!!
Ha love it Bonny!! Also after reading everyones posts Im glad Im not the only one who has a complete turn off right after OV time..... lol xxx
I'm horny as hell at the moment! I don't know whats wrong with me!!! Maybe its the sun thats shining in through my window at work - when its nice and sunny I'm always extra horny! Hubby doesn't get any peace in the summer!
Ha.....poor bloke....its funny how they go on about how much they wishes they could get it every day yet we are offering it they flag!!! lol Good luck xx
Yes I know what you mean. I feel sexy around ov time lol a
Yup same here...but the last couple of days I have also had an incling too but thought NO cant torture him again so early in the cycle ha ha! lol xxx

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