Calling all Clear Blue Fertility Monitor users...

Hi again, well the OPK has a really faint line again, no different to the last few days/nights so i think this is just normal, as you say some OPK's show a faint line whenever! I cant see even a glimse of a line on the PG test but i dont know if it would be too early to show on an ebay cheapie anyway?
Hi Sammy. I've just seen your old thread about the cock-ups at the clinic. I think all bets are off now! It seems they prescribed you the contraceptive pill(!) which you took for two days. Have you had the hormone tests that were delayed by it yet?

The estradiol in the pill is a form of oestrogen/estrogen, and the pill works by suppressing ovulation. I don't know too much about the quantities, but I guess that a) it's highly possible that the addition of hormones has caused ovulation to be delayed this month and b) the CBEFM will have picked up on the higher-than-normal level of oestrogen, which is what triggers the High. As I said before, the CBEFM is programmed to give HIghs until it gives Peak, or is overridden by pressing the m button for your period.

Basically, I really don't think you can read anything at all into this month's CBEFM/OPK results - the clinic has screwed everything up for you. This is not to say that you won't/can't have conceived - simply that until you get AF (or a BFP) there is just no way of telling whether or not you have even ovulated, and thus when to expect AF or when to test.

I'm so sorry - this is not what you want to hear. But I would say that if I were in your shoes, I would write off this cycle, and just try to forget about TTC till the next one, because I think otherwise this could cause a great deal of stress. If you don't get AF in the next two weeks, try testing with an HPT again but be prepared for it to be neg - you may not have ovulated yet. I really wouldn't bother with the CBEFM for the rest of this cycle - the oestrogen levels in your blood will have tricked it.

I know this probably doesn't help much, sorry...
Hi, Nooo kitty it does help a lot! I really appreciate you taking the time to look into my situation and i know you have spent a great deal of time trying to help me out and im very thankful of that! Personally i dont think i am pregnant. I think the clinic have screwed up my chances this month and im not happy about that... They are useless. Im feeling really crap today, im in a vile mood and our next door neighbours got broken into this morning at 5am and their passports and money stolen plus other things so im feeling really insecure in my environment as well. It was my friends birthday today and i was supposed to go out and meet her at 6pm but i just couldnt motivate myself to go. I have felt confused, anxious, hopeful, depressed and angry this month with all this going on :( You all have really helped and id prefer to understand why its happening than to not. Thanks so much for everything everyone and ill let you know if anything else interesting happens! :hug: :pray:
Hi Sammy, I was away for a few days so didn't see your post. Hope you're feeling a bit happier now. Do keep us posted!
Hi everyone, well AF arrived on Saturday evening (CD 28 ) and was in full flow by Sunday morning. Would you take CD 1 as the Saturday night or sunday morning as it was only pinkish on the Saturday night... When would i have ovulated then? Or perhaps I didnt and if i didnt would i miss a period? Would it have been 11 days before? So many questions!! It seems weird as since i was put on that contraception pill my periods have been really heavy and red and lasting for about 4-5 days again yet before this they lasted 2-3 days max and were not so reddish. Weird. :hug:
Sunday 8th, as the first day of full red flow, is the first day of your new cycle.

Well, all that looks about right then - my guess is that you ov'ed around CD13, that on CD14 when you first started testing on the CBEFM it was picking up either the back end of the surge or the increased levels of oestrogen from the pill, and you missed ovulation. AN ovulation day of CD 13 would make AF on any day from CD 25 to CD30 or so perfectly normal. Assuming that's when you ovulated this month, you'd have had a 15-day luteal phase - very normal! (CD14-CD28 would be included in the luteal phase).

Soooo - on to the next month. Are you going to temp? If so, you need a basal thermometer. That would tell you for sure whether you'd ovulated. If not, you need to start checking your CBEFM on CD6 to see if it's asking you for a test - it should be asking you by CD9 or 10 at the latest. Good luck!

JAN 10TH - 28 DAYS OV CD15 (Jan 24) AF CD30 - 14 day LP
FEB 8TH - 29 DAYS OV CD17 (Feb 24) AF CD31 - 13 day LP
MAR 9TH - 28 DAYS OV CD12 (Mar 20) AF CD35 - 22 day LP
APR 12TH - 24 DAYS OV CD12 (Apr 23) AF CD30 - 17 day LP
MAY 11TH - 28 DAYS [Poss OV CD13] - AF CD29 - [Poss 15 day LP?)
just read your other thread. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Whatever you decide this month, it would be a good idea to use the CBEFM anyway, to 'train' it for when you're ready.

Oh, and if you hit the 'm' button to make Saturday CD1, you will need to reset it first thing tomorrow morning, to make Sunday CD1, or your monitor will be a day out.
Hi, Yes hun i set it... its the first thing i did as i was looking forward to TTC and getting it right this month! Later that afternoon i received the awful news of our cat. I dont know how i feel now apart from giving up... lack of interest, feeling its never gonna happen, negative, cant be bothered. All of those things :cry: I just feel sad and upset. I suppose i have to continue with the monitor or it will never correct itself. I have ran out of tests and normal ov sticks and i cant be bothered to order any of either. Ive spent so much money on everything and im losing interest and thinking it will never happen. I guess i just missed OV and to be honest I dont think we BD much around OV so probably why i didnt conceive. You are a real star helping me out though. Thanks to everyone who has helped and took an interest. There are some lovely people on here. :hug:
Sammy do not worry about the monitor. I use it too. I am taking off this month and the next tired of peeing on sticks for 10 days and it was making me crazy looking for two days of peak each month. I called customer service and they said it is fine to just let it can reset the m button next cycle you decide to use it. Maybe give it this next month and take the time to grieve without the added stress of peeing on sticks.... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sammy - the main reason you missed ov last month is because you didn't turn the monitor on early enough! If you look at your ov patterns over the past few months, you will see that you often ov around CD12/13 - so the CBEFM would detect a Peak on CD11/12. If you don't start checking it till CD14, of course you're going to miss it! :lol: :hug:

If you haven't got the sticks, and you change your mind about trying, then you should try to BD every other day for 10 days or so from around CD6 or 7.

The main reason I suggested persevering with the CBEFM this month, whether you try or not, is because I think you'd be reassured to see the Peak - and I bet you'd get them, just earlier than you've been looking for them. Also, if the CBEFM consistently picks up Peak on around CD11, it shifts its test time forward a little - so will start asking you earlier than average, which will ensure you don't miss ov.

Good luck anyway :hug:
Hi, no i didnt turn the monior on until CD 14 as i didnt have any sticks until then. I was waiting for them in the post so I would not have been able to test until Cd 14 anyway even if i had of switched the monitor on. I must have ovulated early and missed it. Never mind, I will have to see what it says this month although i have little interest in it all at the moment and not sure if i can be bothered. I might temp just to see whats going on and to hopefully learn a little about how it works (i hope you can help explain whats happening as i havent a clue!) Thanks x

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