Anyone else in their 40s?

Don't worry about the drinking, it really won't matter at this stage.

I tested on Wednesday, 10dpo, bfn. I don't normally test at all but I'm all over the place this cycle. AF due Monday so won't test again til then, or poss Sunday if usual pre-at spotting hasn't started.
Thanks brown eyed I can't really believe it but it's early days so I'm keeping both feet firmly on the ground I'll see how the next few days go ...

Have you had your 12 week scan it's so cool that you got a surprise bfp xx

I totally understand but enjoy it, you're pregnant :) We're all rooting for you.

I'm 15 weeks now, 12 week scan was all ok so just waiting for the 20 week scan now. We had serenity testing so we know it's another boy :) Thanks for asking xx

Don't worry about the drinking, it really won't matter at this stage.

I tested on Wednesday, 10dpo, bfn. I don't normally test at all but I'm all over the place this cycle. AF due Monday so won't test again til then, or poss Sunday if usual pre-at spotting hasn't started.

Hi Syd, 10dpo is a bit early to show on a FRER, normally 12dpo is a good day to start peeing on sticks, I could never wait it out in the past. FX you catch this cycle. I'd so love if a gang of us oldies could get into Tri1 & have our rainbow babies. It's like a rollercoaster, I still can't believe we did it this cycle, it's such a lottery, I was lying in bed last night thinking what's in store for us, even my DH is shocked, hopefully this time it is a strong baby bean and is healthy & will make the full 9 month journey to meet us. (Though a scary thought crossed my mind, if I have a baby next year I would be 50 when they're starting school !! - I really will be a Geriatric Mum!!!)
Thanks brown eyed I can't really believe it but it's early days so I'm keeping both feet firmly on the ground I'll see how the next few days go ...

Have you had your 12 week scan it's so cool that you got a surprise bfp xx

I totally understand but enjoy it, you're pregnant :) We're all rooting for you.

I'm 15 weeks now, 12 week scan was all ok so just waiting for the 20 week scan now. We had serenity testing so we know it's another boy :) Thanks for asking xx

Thanks BEyed yes I want to enjoy it, I'm choosing to believe this is a strong super healthy baby bean ( I know from my other two MMC's that whatever will be will be & it's outside of my control) I keep thinking that my Dad who passed away at the end of May will look after me no matter what happens.
15 weeks already so you're in Tri 2 :-) what week did you get the Serenity Testing ? Because of my age I know the regular tests will have me at high risk & cause me to worry so I'm going to see if I can get the Harmony blood test done in Ireland, we won't be intervening regardless of the result but I think it would be wise for us to have a heads up if something was wrong.
Don't worry about the drinking, it really won't matter at this stage.

I tested on Wednesday, 10dpo, bfn. I don't normally test at all but I'm all over the place this cycle. AF due Monday so won't test again til then, or poss Sunday if usual pre-at spotting hasn't started.

Hi Syd, 10dpo is a bit early to show on a FRER, normally 12dpo is a good day to start peeing on sticks, I could never wait it out in the past. FX you catch this cycle. I'd so love if a gang of us oldies could get into Tri1 & have our rainbow babies. It's like a rollercoaster, I still can't believe we did it this cycle, it's such a lottery, I was lying in bed last night thinking what's in store for us, even my DH is shocked, hopefully this time it is a strong baby bean and is healthy & will make the full 9 month journey to meet us. (Though a scary thought crossed my mind, if I have a baby next year I would be 50 when they're starting school !! - I really will be a Geriatric Mum!!!)

Can you imagine!! That would be amazing, all us geriatrics together lol :dance::dance: I'm only 2dpo but pretty much ruling myself this month as I'm 99.9% sure I had already ov'd by the time we BD! FX wont be too far behind x
Anyway 50 is the new 40 :lol: xx
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I'd love it if we were all together in tri 1 :)

So this afternoon I did a cervix check (sorry, tmi) and it was very soft, yay! However it was also bloody, not yay. Carried on with a bit of spotting for the next few hours but now seems to have stopped. One of two things is therefore happening now, either usual pre-at spotting is starting in which case I'm out OR it's a repeat of exactly what happened before my bfp. Very soft cervix that bleeds when touched but no actual spotting. Will have to see what happens over the next 24 hrs. Loads of time for spotting to start as AF not due til Monday.
FX for you Syd, the whole cervix checking always confuses me lol. I dont tend to find it the most reliable method. I'm absolutely shattered today so ready to go home, have 4 days off, yippee. Reflexology booked for Sat which i am looking forward to. I really want a fertility massage but they are soooooooooooo expensive!
Never did cervix checking, I wouldn't know what I was looking (or feeling) for really.
Do you take your morning temperature Staces? Could you do this alongside OPKs to confirm ovulation day.

Enjoy your long weekend.

Hopefully 50 is the new 40, we had my DH's 3year old nephew stay with us for 4nights in Sept and we were knackered when he went home!! And he slept all night.
I do sometimes temp just around OV time to make sure I ovulate but forgot this month!! I usually get mild side pain/stitch the day after my positive opk so I usually count that day as OV day.

Haha, always good to get in a bit of practice x
Thanks brown eyed I can't really believe it but it's early days so I'm keeping both feet firmly on the ground I'll see how the next few days go ...

Have you had your 12 week scan it's so cool that you got a surprise bfp xx

I totally understand but enjoy it, you're pregnant :) We're all rooting for you.

I'm 15 weeks now, 12 week scan was all ok so just waiting for the 20 week scan now. We had serenity testing so we know it's another boy :) Thanks for asking xx

Thanks BEyed yes I want to enjoy it, I'm choosing to believe this is a strong super healthy baby bean ( I know from my other two MMC's that whatever will be will be & it's outside of my control) I keep thinking that my Dad who passed away at the end of May will look after me no matter what happens.

15 weeks already so you're in Tri 2 :-) what week did you get the Serenity Testing ? Because of my age I know the regular tests will have me at high risk & cause me to worry so I'm going to see if I can get the Harmony blood test done in Ireland, we won't be intervening regardless of the result but I think it would be wise for us to have a heads up if something was wrong.

I had the serenity test done at 11+6 but I think it can be done from 10 weeks. They do a scan as well and have a good look at baby's development which is super reassuring. I'll be 39 when this baby is born and didn't want the stress of possibly getting a high risk result from the nuchal screening. It was money well spent xx

Cervix checking definitely isn't particularly reliable but I'd never had a really soft cervix for days on end until the month of my bfp so it's a bit of an indicator but I can't rely on it.

You can get the harmony test from 10 weeks as browneyed says, I had it booked last time.

Enjoy your time off Staces, really missing my reflexology etc now I've moved abroad.
So I can't quite believe I'm doing this to myself, I don't test early and I don't do squinters a but I'm like a woman possessed this time around. Definite bfn on ic's this morning and this afternoon but I'm not sure about the clear blue, done this afternoon after a 3hr hold, af due Monday. Can you let me know what you think? And please please be honest, I would rather you said if you can't see anything, I'm quite willing to believe that I am in fact losing my mind...


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And another (sorry)


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Syd I can definitely can see a faint line on both pictures, can you get a FRER as the Clearblue need higher hormone levels.
I'm sending you buckets full of baby :dust: that this is the start of your bfp xxx
Thank you! I've got what I think is the equivalent to a frer for out here, will try and hold on til Monday.

Also had a strong positive on an opk this afternoon although I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
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I can definetly see a faint line!!!! Fingers crossed its the start of your bfp xx
Thanks Staces, will just have to see what Monday brings.

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