Anyone else in their 40s?

Hi ladies,

Anyone here every tried hypnotherapy? My reflexologist specialises in it, she is taking a MArissa Peer accredited course so she can specialise more in (in)fertility hypnotherapy and offered to give me a session foc!
I haven't but have heard of it for ttc purposes - go for it! And keep us posted :)
Jumping on the 40+ bus please! I'm going to be 42 at the end of this month (eek!) I've got a nearly 22 year old son from a previous relationship and have been with my husband for 12 years. We've been trying for over 2 years with no luck. Neither of us want to go down the intervention route so are just seeing what happens. It's so frustrating though!! Keeping the faith that Bridget Jones got pregnant at 42....
Jumping on the 40+ bus please! I'm going to be 42 at the end of this month (eek!) I've got a nearly 22 year old son from a previous relationship and have been with my husband for 12 years. We've been trying for over 2 years with no luck. Neither of us want to go down the intervention route so are just seeing what happens. It's so frustrating though!! Keeping the faith that Bridget Jones got pregnant at 42....

I recently got pregnant at age 44yrs Nikkers so there is hope, unfortunately I lost it at 4wks 4 days. I just pray that the next one will stick. xx
Jumping on the 40+ bus please! I'm going to be 42 at the end of this month (eek!) I've got a nearly 22 year old son from a previous relationship and have been with my husband for 12 years. We've been trying for over 2 years with no luck. Neither of us want to go down the intervention route so are just seeing what happens. It's so frustrating though!! Keeping the faith that Bridget Jones got pregnant at 42....

Hi Nikkers, I'm the same on the intervention route (I'm 41 next month). Don't want to involve lots of doctors. Lots of women get pregnant at 42 these days. Good luck!
Looking forward to seeing that movie my niece said it was pretty funny.

When I read the Marisa Peer book she wrote you should meet your OH at a hotel for a night like it was a first date (supposedly men produce more sperm and they swim faster early on in a relationship so increase chances of conception :sperm: )

Nikkers hopefully you sneak in a bfp 42 is not too old.

Staces you'll have to tell us how you get on with hypnotherapy if you decide to do it, I liked some of the Marissa Peer book but I didn't really agree that our minds block us getting pregnant or cause MC, I thought her daily positive affirmations could help.
I saw Bridget Jones at the weekend, thought it was really funny! LOL @ referring to her as a geriatric mother :shock:

Hey Clementine, yes I will do, not heard back from her yet so just waiting. Will just go with an open mind I guess! See I actually do sort of beleive that we can have mind blocks.... I know I have a terrible fear of MC again, so much so that I honestly wonder why I continue to put myself through this! I honestly cant say if it is a 'block' or not but I dont imagine it is helping.... x
I really enjoyed the film. I've been a fan of Patrick Dempsey since he was McDreamy in Greys Anatomy :)

I agree with you Clementine that I don't think our mind blocks cause miscarriage. I've read that elsewhere, I think it was "It starts with the egg" or whatever that book is called. I do think mind blocks can cause other issues though such as Staces describes.

I had hynotherapy a few years ago as I though my "mind blocks" were keeping me single, stopping me from meeting the right partner. It's a bit more complex than that (and not quite as sad as it sounds, kind of). Anyway, it worked for me. I found it really helpful. Had sessions during the summer of 2014 and fell in love with my ex boyfriend in Feb 2015 :)
I fell pregnant naturally with my 3rd at 43 after trying for 4 yrs and a failed Ivf, I fell whilst down regging ready to start second round, still got the meds in the fridge never got to use them thankfully. I think it just takes a little bit longer when your in your 40s but think the 1st round of ivf may have woken up my ovaries. I have a 13 and 8 yr old and now a 7mth old so it had been a while. Went to see Bridget Jones last night with my friend who like me and Bridget also conceived at 43. So there is def hope don't give up. Good luck X
Lovely to hear a positive story like that Bee xx
Just wondering if anyone else is TTC in their forties? I'm 40 and turning 41 in two months and really panicking that it's not going to happen. Apparently a lot of the fertility stats for women in their 40s and over 35 is totally out of date and either from the 1950s or based on 1850s data from rural France! And lots of women are having babies in their 40s. So I'm trying to stay hopeful!

I wish you good luck, may you achieve that ;)
Think I fit here too. Just turned 41 n trying for a third baby we had said our second was our last but changed our minds not much luck so far n I'm putting down to my age we always conceived pretty easy well longest was 5 month though not all were sticky n we have three Angels too.
Morning ladies.
Did anyone hear the news about Geri Halliwell? She is pregnant at the grand old age of 44!:dance: So there's hope for us yet ladies!! #nevergiveuphope

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