Anyone due June 8th or after?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2012
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I'm due June 8th and got my BFP quite early at 9dpo. I have known for a whole week now and haven't seen anyone on here due at the same time or after. Surely mine can't still be the smallest bean, lol.
Lol i was thinking earlier that we need more mummy's on the June board! Hurry up bfp's! Xx
We do need more June Mummies. I'm sure I have seen more bfps but they haven't found our thread yet xx
At least you guys have apple seeds, I seem to be the only one with a poppy seed, lol!

Not everyone is POAS crazy like me so wasn't surprised for the first few days but once I missed my period on Wed. was expecting them to roll in. The only new BFPs I've seen are due before me. I was a January mum too and there were dozens of us.
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Hey I'm due 9th June and I got my bfp last Saturday at 9dpo aswell however Iv been to worried to post in here as Iv had 2 miscarriages one at 4w3d and one at 5w3d. I'm just over 4 weeks I think xx
I'm a little bit earlier at 4th June but I only have a poppy seed too :)
At least you guys have apple seeds, I seem to be the only one with a poppy seed, lol!

Not everyone is POAS crazy like me so wasn't surprised for the first few days but once I missed my period on Wed. was expecting them to roll in. The only new BFPs I've seen are due before me. I was a January mum too and there were dozens of us.

Haha this made me laugh so much:rofl:
When one of the other June mummies went from poppy seed to apple seed I felt like i was stuck with a poppy seed forever too! The days were dragging. I think it says poppy seed even at 3 weeks so we had it for longer. Dont worry, yours will change soon too. You watch, you'll probably give birth first;-) xx
Thanks girls at least I know I have company! Overthemoon 12th June, that's loads behind me :lol:
I think I'm due around 16th June so very very early days!
14th for me, fx all goes well... congrats everyone :)
And I can't even get the damn ticker signature thing to work, so I'm not even a poppy seed lol
New ladies come join us in the June Mummies thread :) xx
if i go with my last period im due on the 3rd june, but the doctors said i look a week behind so I guess I would be due the 10th. But im going to say the 3rd until my next scan because the heart wasn't even beating because i was so early.

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