Any weight loss tips?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2014
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I have now been ttc for over 2 years.

I consider myself to my relatively healthy. I don't drink or smoke. I eat a fairly balanced diet. I do eat chocolate sometimes and like an occassional glass of coke.

I don't exercise as often as I should, it sort of goes in phases of nothing one week to 4 times the next and I know I need to sort that out.

I am a size 12 and always thought I was okay.

I went to my first ttc hospital appointment this week and was told that my BMI is 26.6 which id in the overweight category :shock:

Ideally it wants to be 25 or under.

Has anyone had any experience with losing weight for ttc and does anyone have any tips?

Not necessarily for TTC, but I do have plenty of experience with yoyo weight!
I lost 2.5 stone before my wedding in 3 months - too quick to be completely healthy mind you, and not recommended for TTC.

I also lost another 1.5stone before I got my BFP as I was on a low GI diet for PCOS (can't recommend enough, and a very easy way of losing weight).

As cliche as it is, there really are two things:

1. Portion control
2. Move more (really difficult for me, I'd rather eat even less than exercise!)

You really don't need faddy diets, literally just eat less. Even a little bit.

I used a fitness app which you input EVERYTHING into (even ketchup used, sauces, squash, drink), and you really see where your calories are coming from and what you can easily cut out. Sugar in tea was a big one for me - and once I'd cut that one, weight fell off.
Agreed; move more, eat less really does work.

I have to watch what I eat quite a lot as I'm inclined to overindulge. I've always found that recording what I eat helps a lot. I used to use notebooks but use My Fitness Pal now which can be downloaded for free. Little things like measuring how much oil you use when you cook or how much cheese you put in a sandwich can make a real difference.

Wearing a pedometer is an easy way to keep tabs on general activity levels and help you make little changes eg getting off the bus a stop early, parking at the far end of a car park, taking stairs instead of lift as you can see the difference it makes.

The important thing is not to set yourself unrealistic targets and not to ban certain foods, just to limit them - there's nothing like an absolute ban on cake, chocolate or ice cream to make you crave it all the more and then binge!
Not necessarily for TTC, but I do have plenty of experience with yoyo weight!
I lost 2.5 stone before my wedding in 3 months - too quick to be completely healthy mind you, and not recommended for TTC.

I also lost another 1.5stone before I got my BFP as I was on a low GI diet for PCOS (can't recommend enough, and a very easy way of losing weight).

As cliche as it is, there really are two things:

1. Portion control
2. Move more (really difficult for me, I'd rather eat even less than exercise!)

You really don't need faddy diets, literally just eat less. Even a little bit.

I used a fitness app which you input EVERYTHING into (even ketchup used, sauces, squash, drink), and you really see where your calories are coming from and what you can easily cut out. Sugar in tea was a big one for me - and once I'd cut that one, weight fell off.

I looked up GI diets online. All my favourite foods seem to be high GI.

I know I need to move more! I'm really good at making excuses not do it!

I'm looking at this as a test. How much do I want to be a healthy weight?
Not necessarily for TTC, but I do have plenty of experience with yoyo weight!
I lost 2.5 stone before my wedding in 3 months - too quick to be completely healthy mind you, and not recommended for TTC.

I also lost another 1.5stone before I got my BFP as I was on a low GI diet for PCOS (can't recommend enough, and a very easy way of losing weight).

As cliche as it is, there really are two things:

1. Portion control
2. Move more (really difficult for me, I'd rather eat even less than exercise!)

You really don't need faddy diets, literally just eat less. Even a little bit.

I used a fitness app which you input EVERYTHING into (even ketchup used, sauces, squash, drink), and you really see where your calories are coming from and what you can easily cut out. Sugar in tea was a big one for me - and once I'd cut that one, weight fell off.

I looked up GI diets online. All my favourite foods seem to be high GI.

I know I need to move more! I'm really good at making excuses not do it!

I'm looking at this as a test. How much do I want to be a healthy weight?

It's definitely not the "nicest" diet, but definitely is a healthy way. It was hard cutting out carbs, but definitely a quick way of dropping pounds xx
I lost 2st whilst TTC. I had no choice, I was borderline for fertility treatment so had to get my BMI down from 29.5 to something much nearer 25 otherwise I knew I ran the risk of getting through all the tests before IVF and then being told no just cos I'd craved cake the week before appointment (I had nightmares and everything lol!)
I took my time as I knew it needed to be a change I could stick to in case fertility treatment took a number of years. I took up some exercise classes at the gym and started running, something I thought I would hate but I really came to enjoy the adrenaline you get from a good workout. Portion control and cut carbs is the best advice I can give on food. I had no idea what a portion of rice or potatoes ought to be until I actually looked it up and realised I would normal eat twice the recommended!!
I've put on quite a bit of weight during my pregnancy but I've just not been giving two hoots about how much I eat as food is also a massive comfort to me. As long as I am getting all my vitamins for the baby I don't care, I don't fear loosing weight anymore in fact I can't wait to get running again and feel nice and fit.
Good luck with it, you really don't have that much to loose so just a few little changes should do the trick xx
About tips on getting fit, I do some regular exercises like walking. I also drink a lot of water and eat a balanced diet.
Here's what's always working from me. I'm not really on the big side but on times when I feel like I'm having a hard time moving, here's what I do:

1. Food intake from morning to night is like an inverted triangle. Big breakfast then I reduce intake at lunch and smaller portion for Dinner
2. Move more, I walk 15 to 20 minutes a day
3. Replace carbs with good food and reduce sweet intakes. When I say good food, I replace white rice with either boiled sweet potato or just steamed veggies pair with either fish, beef or pork.

Hope this helps. :)
diet and sport. You should eat 1500 cal a day and run about 30 minutes every day. That's how I lost my weight
There is no any working diet for me, and diets of course can bring to metabolic disease, gastritis or ulcer...That's why I always choose my own diet: no potato, mayonnaise, bread, sweets, and don't eat after 7. Of course I eat porridge, chicken, beef of fish baked with vegetables. And the main: sports as much as possible, especially cardio
You don't really have to deprive yourself of eating. You just have to choose healthy more of veggies and fruits. Plus, a regular exercise would definitely help. An hour of walking in the morning will help and some home exercises.
By the way, the problem of excess weight can be also caused if your body is heavily slagged. Try to clean it, for example by using Dr. Parell
My friend gave Luxxe Slim capsules. She said it's effective. She gave birth 5 months ago and after 2 months of taking Luxxe capsules, she lost 10 lbs.
start to drink more water and eat 5 times a day, but small portions
There are no shortcuts in loosing weight. The best way and the only way to loose weight is to have a balanced healthy diet and exercise a lot. If you consume more calories than you burn out then you will gain weight. If you burn more calories than you consume you will loose weight. It's just that simple.

For some tips that can make life easier

Wake up early
Drink two glasses of hot water (not scalding hot but drinkable hot) immediately when you wake up.
Through out the day drink atleast 4-6 litres of hot water.
There are no cheat days till you reach your desired weight.
There is absolutely no alcohol consumption not even vodka.

I've followed a strict regime of diet control and exercise and lost 50 kgs (about 125 pounds) in around 8 months.

Some things that you should follow.

Always be under some medical supervision ALWAYS
Take vitamins and mineral supplements
Take protein supplements - the ones weight training people do only with a low calorie count.
While exercising take care and do a healthy mix of cardio as well as weights. It will make you loose weight faster and will make sure you don't loose muscle mass

I hope this helps.
My 2 cents

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