Any old wives tales or tips for keeping the little swimmers in!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Hey girles. After many a romantic session ending in frantic cries of 'where are my pillows, I need to elevate my legs!' I was just wondering if any of you had any tips, advice or old wives tales that have worked for what to do after :bd: lol hee hee. Have been reading up on the optimum angle at which to position my legs afterwards to give the little guys the best chance but then i either end up with a numb behind or sore heels from resting them on the headboard!!!!!
What do you all do to defy gravity and send the :sperm: on their way?
Anything else weird and wonderful that you have heard (even if it hasn't worked).
I know some people use Mooncups or Softcups after :bd: to help keep the swimmers in.

I've linked the sites for each one, happy clicking :)
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You know... i have been giving this topic waaaay too much thought recently after my two BFN cycles.

I tend to change it every cycle based on the aassumption that nothing is medically wrong, it's just positioning and timing.

It seems to me that my cervix kinda points towards my bum, so if i'm on my back like in missionary it is pointing downwards at a slight angle.

If i'm doing doggy then it's pointing upwards.

I have decided that i would be better off on my back and let the semen pool underneath the cervix so that it is dipping into it.

So this month, there is no legs up for me because i reckon that could make the semen go past the cervix and pool behind it.

I'm going to stay on my back and just raise the slightest amount to stop it escaping when it melts.

That is Louise's tip of the month lol :)

Edit: Oh i tried softcups and diaphragms last month - i found them awkward and not effective after one attempt :) will not be trying again.
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Is it just me or does it always seem that when the little guys decide they don't want to stay in they always seem to leak out on your side of the bed and you are the one that has to sleep in a wet patch - LOL
you know what annoys me. pretty much everytime we bd i need to go pee afterwards. sorry i know tmi. so i'm trying not to so nothing else comes out!lol tmi again!
Morning all :)

Louise what you say about legs up and the angle of your cervix is really interesting and confirms my suspicion that sometimes these little extras that are said to help only actually hamper efforts :eek: (I don't wish to run anyone down at all, it just seems that there are a WHOLE lot of accidental pregnancies where no leg lifting, mooncup installing, sanitary pad wearing etc went on at all- and so many people doing these things who aren't pregnant yet- that I can't help wondering if they hinder? :eek: )

Please feel free to disregard my thoughts as novice ideas from a delinquent newbie :eek: but or the reasons cited (and because I think it ruins the afterglow mood somewhat, which is a shame if I want to keep DHs interest in BD) I haven't and won't be lifting legs etc (well at least for the first few cycles and BFNs :p )
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Ooh weird duplicate post, sorry!
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Morning all :)

Louise what you say about legs up and the angle of your cervix is really interesting and confirms my suspicion that sometimes these little extras that are said to help only actually hamper efforts :eek: (I don't wish to run anyone down at all, it just seems that there are a WHOLE lot of accidental pregnancies where no leg lifting, mooncup installing, sanitary pad wearing etc went on at all- and so many people doing these things who aren't pregnant yet- that I can't help wondering if they hinder? :eek: )

Please feel free to disregard my thoughts as novice ideas from a delinquent newbie :eek: but or the reasons cited (and because I think it ruins the afterglow mood somewhat, which is a shame if I want to keep DHs interest in BD) I haven't and won't be lifting legs etc (well at least for the first few cycles and BFNs :p )

While I see where you're coming from about people getting pregnant without these methods, I doubt that anyone is trying to hinder these girls concieving by offering tips such as those mentioned :)
Is it just me or does it always seem that when the little guys decide they don't want to stay in they always seem to leak out on your side of the bed and you are the one that has to sleep in a wet patch - LOL

This cracked me up! :lol: it used to always happen to me, now i get my legs right up there for as along as i can and it doesn't seem to come out anymore :dance:

Good luck to everyone xxx
While I see where you're coming from about people getting pregnant without these methods, I doubt that anyone is trying to hinder these girls concieving by offering tips such as those mentioned :)

Oopsie no that isn't what I meant :eek: :(

What I meant to articulate (and clearly failed) was that perhaps what is helpful and productive for one person (eg lifting legs if their cervix lays rather flat) may hinder another because each person is different?!... I didn't mean to imply that anyone was deliberately giving out poor advice, simply that the same advice is unlikely to be appropriate for everyone?! :confused: :)
Oopsie no that isn't what I meant :eek: :(

What I meant to articulate (and clearly failed) was that perhaps what is helpful and productive for one person (eg lifting legs if their cervix lays rather flat) may hinder another because each person is different?!... I didn't mean to imply that anyone was deliberately giving out poor advice, simply that the same advice is unlikely to be appropriate for everyone?! :confused: :)

Ohh I see :) Sorry about that! Just thought it best to make sure :x

I do see the point that the same advice is unlikely to be appropriate for everyone though... different strokes for different folks and all that.....
But there's no harm in trying, eh :)
I think some intresting points have been made in this. And this cycle i am going to not put a cushion under my bum or raise my legs - will be first month of not doing this and will be my 16th month of trying! xx
I'm a big fan of the legs up. If I don't do it then they reappear fairly quickly. If i do do it then it is hours before they come back the wrong way. Those hours are surely the really crucial ones?

I imagine them getting flushed inside by gravity and fluids during the 20 mins I am upsidedown, then almost trapped by muscle with only a narrow escape route now available to them. They should instinctively know to go on in and onwards, and are that much nearer so can 'scent' it better. I reakon a good percentage then go the right way and only the daft ones (which i dont want anyway) heading back to fresh air.

I try a bit of positive visulalisation of this happening inside me whilst i tap my feet against the wall.

If I stand up straight away then about double the amount seems to come back the wrong way, I am sure they just didnt get a chance to get near enough to work out the correct direction.

I know I'm loop the loop!
Oh, I would also like to add that earlier in the month there was a lot of talk on here about whether the female orgasm helped, and an article about the muscle spasms pulling the sperm further in.

This month my OH and I only managed to bd twice during ovulation, but I tried it with and without. So hopefully by doing 50/50 I have increased my chances either way :)
Is it just me or does it always seem that when the little guys decide they don't want to stay in they always seem to leak out on your side of the bed and you are the one that has to sleep in a wet patch - LOL

This cracked me up! :lol: it used to always happen to me, now i get my legs right up there for as along as i can and it doesn't seem to come out anymore :dance:

Good luck to everyone xxx

Try going for a walk afterwards ... We were morning sex people LOL get it on.. then take the dog out, Lovely feeling in the undies, even if i had been to the loo and "emptied" as much as possible lol
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Not sure about keeping them in, but if your OH is properly turned on, he produces more sperm than he normally would with the robotic, passionless sex that comes with trying to conceive!

Break out the lingerie!
Is it just me or does it always seem that when the little guys decide they don't want to stay in they always seem to leak out on your side of the bed and you are the one that has to sleep in a wet patch - LOL

LOL Yup im going to try shuffling accross the bed in future!!!

I'm a big fan of the legs up. If I don't do it then they reappear fairly quickly. If i do do it then it is hours before they come back the wrong way. Those hours are surely the really crucial ones?

I imagine them getting flushed inside by gravity and fluids during the 20 mins I am upsidedown, then almost trapped by muscle with only a narrow escape route now available to them. They should instinctively know to go on in and onwards, and are that much nearer so can 'scent' it better. I reakon a good percentage then go the right way and only the daft ones (which i dont want anyway) heading back to fresh air.

I try a bit of positive visulalisation of this happening inside me whilst i tap my feet against the wall.

If I stand up straight away then about double the amount seems to come back the wrong way, I am sure they just didnt get a chance to get near enough to work out the correct direction.

I know I'm loop the loop!

Starfish your not the only loop the loop one I do this too!

LOL's at the daft ones which you dont want anyway!!

Is it just me or does it always seem that when the little guys decide they don't want to stay in they always seem to leak out on your side of the bed and you are the one that has to sleep in a wet patch - LOL

This cracked me up! :lol: it used to always happen to me, now i get my legs right up there for as along as i can and it doesn't seem to come out anymore :dance:

Good luck to everyone xxx

Try going for a walk afterwards ... We were morning sex people LOL get it on.. then take the dog out, Lovely feeling in the undies, even if i had been to the loo and "emptied" as much as possible lol

I have had the soggy dog walking experience too!!!!!!! My OH spent the whole time laughing as i walked round the park squidging!!!!!!! At least the dog enjoyed his walk! LOL

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