Any July 2017 Mummies?

Yes sudocream is great for spots!

I feel totally normal too, no symptoms, starting to worry me!.. xx

Don't worry about not having any symptoms.
I had none on my 1st didn't even find out till i was 17 weeks pregnant.
Please don't worry about symptoms girls I had hardly any with my second pregnancy, i think I was sick once at 9 weeks but wouldn't have even known I was pregnant apart from that :) he's a happy healthy 1 year old now! I had a few symptoms with my first but not loads, and they didn't start until 6 weeks either. You might be one of the lucky ones who sail through pregnancy :)

I'm feeling pretty tired and a bit sick this morning, but I don't think I will actually be sick, just a bit nauseous like I'm on a boat! Xx
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Thank you, that's reassuring!.. It hasn't sunk in for me yet, It doesn't help that I don't 'feel' pregnant! lol.. xx
I feel sick after I eat sweet food like chocolate. That's the only nausea I've got. Boobs hurt on and off. Nipples were bright red this morning and sore heh.
I did feel awful after work yesterday. Hips and back were so sore. Another 8 hours today! I cba aha.
I don't feel pregnant either! When does it kick in? Lol x
Mine got super bad 6-7 weeks lol oh the nausea good luck ;) :oooo: :shock: lol
I don't feel pregnant yet either! Still getting cramps occasionally but nothing too bad, probably wind!!! Haha. Hoping it doesn't hit, I hate nausea.
Hello lovely ladies! I'm also seriously suffering with nausea like bad and throwing up :( it's also a sad day today my friends cat was hit just by where we live and no one told her!!! It happened almost 3 weeks ago so I'm helping her collect her cat today I'm holding a show box so not touching but I can't let her do that alone it's awful I'm big on animals and I believe they should come home no matter what so that's my good deed of the day if not a sad one wish us luck. I hope
Those feelings and being sick are okay I'm not too bad just queasy xxx
Hello all,
I'm not sure how these forums work? If I just add on the bottom lol. I'm starting to get excited but still anxious. Like many of you I have bad spots on my face which is out of character for me. Had this last pregnancy too.
Internet cheapie hcg sticks are finally starting to get darker. Still testing twice a day for some crazy reason. How is everyone this evening? Xx
Hi Victoria, congratulations on your BFP!

I haven't tested again since my positive, I think it would drive me mad!.. am I the only one not still testing? I see a lot of people do lol

This will be my first so very anxious and nervous too!

Not had many symptoms so far, only 4+1 weeks ATM! xxx

Tentatively posting in this thread again. I'm 4 weeks +2.
There seem to be loads of us who are around the early 4 weeks mark. :)

I was testing last week but it only led to worry.
My tests didn't seem to be getting darker. Definitely darker now and period is definitely late. But would not recommend it. My last pregnancy ended in a loss so I'm quite anxious about it all.

I had terrible skin in my first pregnancy, what was worse was that I was getting married around that time.

Sorry to hear people are getting bad sickness.

I think it's perfectly normal to feel completely normal at this stage.
6-7 weeks then symptoms become much more obvious.
Ooh Victoria congratulations:) I think I stopped testing after 2 weeks tbh so you aren't alone haha also cheese I'm so into cheese ATM it's amazing haha cxx
I only tested twice, it would worry me if the lines didn't get darker or the numbers didn't go up.
Hi Keeley, I'm 4 +2. This is baby number 7 for me. I have 6 daughters aged between 7 months and 18 years. Last one for us. :). Had a few m/c so always very nervous to get into the 2nd trimester.

Hi Violet. I'm glad to here I'm not the only one who keeps testing. I have stopped temping though now as will over worry if my temp drops at all. I will try and stop testing but with a draw full of Internet cheapies it's so tempting.

Hope all are well this evening xx
Congratulations on the bfps ladies :)

Had a breakdown at work! Of all places! Just got it in my head I was gonna miscarry and started crying. :/ Even on the way home i was just trying to hold back the tears. I called my husband (he's working away) he said when he's home he will take me to get my bloods done again to calm me down.
(I have anxiety anyways, which doesn't help!!)

Lol i tested this morning because I felt ok and didn't wake up to pee in the night. Heh.

Hope your all ok :) xx
Aw Hun, try not to stress as that won't do you any good. I know easier said than done but stress really puts a huge strain on your body. Try and distract yourself or maybe download a relaxation app and pop some headphones on and listen to it to relax yourself, its like when you hear about people trying for a baby for years, then they stop trying and get pregnant because they were relaxed and not stressing. That happened to my SIL.
I'll try hard though.

What does morning sickness feel like? I'm nit being stupid, i know 'sick' but idk if I've ate something dodgy (had some fries fron the takeaway next to my work) didn't feel like cooking!! I just wanted to throw up. So hard to tell :/ x
Sounds about right, must be a good sign :) I just kept feeling like I needed to be sick but never was, it was horrible! I've not got it again yet but I'm sure it'll come. I'm surprised I've not got it as for the past few years I've been suffering from nausea caused by pts!
So I've made it this far with no spotting. Hasn't happened before. Symptoms come and go. Hate it when they go! Makes me panic.

How are we all this morning x
Can I join you? Due date 11th July, fingers crossed this little one sticks X

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