Any July 2017 Mummies?


Congratulations! I'm the 11th July too!

The days seems to be going so slow!! It's bad wishing the time away but these weeks are going to drag! X

Peanut butter sorry to hear you are struggling to chill out. I'm a little more calm as have the scan on Monday and so far also no spotting so I'm feeling slightly positive. I'm concerned it could still be a blighted ovum which I had with miscarriage 3 and didn't find out until I went for an early scan but I did have issues with the tests only very slowly getting darker with that one so I'm hoping that as I had a dark line so soon that it's a good sign. However I had kept a digi here to check today it would say 3+ and the bloody thing didn't work!! Taking that as a sign to step away from the tests!

As regards to sickness. Morning sickness doesn't mean actually physically being sick, it includes just feeling nausea, it's just called that. Lots of women are physically sick but actually the majority just have nausea. Even then it's something like 70% of women that suffer m/sickns so actually there's quite a lot of women that don't get it at all! It also doesn't really kick in usually until 6-7 weeks. I wasn't ever sick with my 2 boys, just felt sick on and off for about 4/5 weeks from
About 6wks. I don't remember feeling this queasy this early with either of them-but it deffo has always come and go with every pregnancy.. I wouldn't worry too much- most women don't really feel pregnant until 2nd tri. I really think an early scan will help u- u can ask for it to just be external. They should be able to do an external at 6 1/2 weeks just not get measurements but as long as u see a bean with a heartbeat measurements aren't important at this stage.

Big hugs xxx
Thank you.
My midwife appointment is on the 11th. Have to wait to see her to get a scan. I'll be nearly 7 weeks. So definitely be able to do abdo one xx

How are you? X
Feeling so sick today. Its mostly nausea, have been sick a few time but never in the morning.
Why call it morning sickness when it doesnt just happen in the morning!

I think symptoms start getting worse after 6 weeks when the placenta takes over.
Definatly feels more real once baby starts to kick in tri 2.

Congratulations! I'm the 11th July too!

The days seems to be going so slow!! It's bad wishing the time away but these weeks are going to drag! X
Thanks KeelyGracey, it's really really dragging but I have set myself some things to focus on. I'm not contacting docs till 5 weeks and Xmas will be busy so fingers crossed it will start to fly by for us x
So I've made it this far with no spotting. Hasn't happened before. Symptoms come and go. Hate it when they go! Makes me panic.

How are we all this morning x

I have literally no symptoms, don't panic!! Xx
Thank you.
My midwife appointment is on the 11th. Have to wait to see her to get a scan. I'll be nearly 7 weeks. So definitely be able to do abdo one xx

How are you? X

Ah ok, it's different where I am, as I'm under recurrent miscarriage clinic they do an early scan as procedure at 6+ weeks, I will ring midwife after that if it's alll looking good and should see her about 8-9 weeks (at which point I'm hoping they will have done another viability scan)

I'm feeling ok- bit nauseous now and again-it comes and goes at various points of the day and night! No pains or cramping, not really any bloating either this time but I've cut back on gluten so that might be why. Still very anxious but as the scan gets closer I'm more hopeful. There's nothing I can do now to change the outcome so I've just got to plod on and hope for the best.

I still havn't phoned my doctor yet best get that sorted soon.

What vitamins is everyone taking? My friend told me not to get pregnancare as they make alot of women feel sick.
I dont see how though. I still bought them but if i feel worse after taking them then i may switch.
I have doc appointment on Tuesday, they've already booked me in for MW on the 21st but I'll only be 7 weeks, seemed early to me? I'm sure she said they see people from 6 weeks.. I guess it's just different in different areas? I'll see what the doc says.

Hi Aurora, will you please add me to July 11th (which happens to be our wedding anniversary), I am cautiously sticking my toe into Tri1, I got my BFP yesterday, I think I'm 4weeks +2 days.

Lots of congrats to everyone x

I'm an older Mum-to-be as I'm 44 and I don't have any other children, married my DH in 2012 we tried to have a baby up until March of this year, I got pregnant twice since 2012 but both times it ended up in a Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks and 10weeks. It was all a bit head wrecking and we decided to give up back in March, then we went on holidays in October and it was during my fertile time so we said we'd give it one more go & unbelievablely it seems to have worked! It's early days but I'm really hoping that this is a strong healthy baby bean & will stick with us :dust:
Hi Clementine!

Congratulations!!.. Lots of us around the same date, exciting!

FX'd this is your sticky bean xxxx
I'm on pregnacare. Was taking Aldi cheap folic acid and vit d tablets but preferred to have an all-in-one tablet as it's hard to remember to take 1 let alone 3 tabs a day!
Feeling totally fine today- apart from the boobs being sore and heavy I don't feel pregnant at all! Whereas yesterday morning I was heaving in the morning for 2 hours and felt nauseous most of the day! I reckon it's where the hormone surge hits us every 48 interesting to see if I feel rough again tomorrow.
I still havn't phoned my doctor yet best get that sorted soon.

What vitamins is everyone taking? My friend told me not to get pregnancare as they make alot of women feel sick.
I dont see how though. I still bought them but if i feel worse after taking them then i may switch.

Seven seas preg vitamins have ginger in to help nausea :)
Hi Clementine
Congratulations on your Bfb :dust:

I think the list is all up to date but if i have missed anyone please let me know.
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I'm taking pregnacare and hasn't made me feel sick as yet x
Just booked my 1st reassurance scan at 7w +1d, I'm based in Ireland because of my age I'm going privately and using the consultant I used the last time I had my MMC as he was lovely. Scan is the 23rd November ...
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Hello lovelys,
I'm gonna go speak to my dr tomorrow I'm having quiet a lot of discomfort
On my left hand side and it's actually fairly painful :( so I think I need to be checked up on really. How're you all doing? I also think it's lovely we're all due close together Xxx
Clemintime I have fx for a sticky bean, being older I don't think you should worry too much I've a friend who had her first
At 46 after 10 years of ttc she had twins haha but she also miscarried a fair few times before hand too. Lots of love Hun xxx
Clementine my mum had my little sister at age 45! She's now 5 and very healthy and energetic heh. :P x

Violet i hope everything is ok! Have you got a uti? I had lots of pain in left side turned out was just a uti turned into kidney infection. Hope you get a scan asap! Xx

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