Any July 2017 Mummies?

Just back from taking my son trick or treating.
Will update 1st post now
Good morning! Did everyone enjoy Halloween? �� We did hehe I think baby is implanted left side I felt odd yesterday but it was good xxx
Good morning! Did everyone enjoy Halloween? 😁 We did hehe I think baby is implanted left side I felt odd yesterday but it was good xxx
Yes, took my son trick or treating dressed up as a joker :lol:
Thankyou, the beginning of the month is very popular I wonder if we'll all move around after scans. Happy to have a summer baby! Jakob is October so I can never organize garden parties, that said July is usually our worst month for random rain!!
Ahh we're not bothered by Halloween.
I have my midwife appointment on the 11th Nov, Dr said would be best to see her soon. Might actually get to see a midwife this pregnancy lol.
I'm at work. Very irritable, work at subway, dropped the cookies I got out the oven on the floor heh. Went mental slamming doors and throwing the washing up in the sink from halfway across the room. Gosh it just made me so angry, basically cried.
I told my boss I'm pregnant last night, and that the doctor told me to take it easy after my history. He said ok... 1 hour later he gives me my shift for today.., 10 hour shift, really?! Ugh xx
O wow lots going on for you all! Today is a good and bad day for me too tbh my friend had her baby finally after 6 days in labour and she's been erm a bit nasty said In anger that "maybe you'll do it properly this time and have a natural birth" because I told her straight that you cannot feel movement at 6 weeks when she was telling me and I just said you really can't feel that yet. There's other stuff gone on too but I'm just meh I'm happy she's had baby now but she's being a bit nasty to me about my birth :/ also up since 5 the
Clocks changed and squish has been a sod haha xxx
Had a risk assement today.
My boss is so supportive.

So because you had a c-section you didnt do it properly? Hope its just her hormones talking but wow that is nasty. You where most likely in more pain after giving birth than she will be.
Talking of work.. what is everyones opinion on telling your boss you're pregnant? Sounds like some of you might already have.. I work for a very small company, it's only me and two guys (one being my boss) I work in a office part-time so there's no risk of over exerting myself! I wasn't planning on telling them until after my first scan, I thought that seemed like the best idea - My only worry is the sickness is going to kick in and they'll start asking questions! They are typical guys, I only have to say I feel sick and they automatically assume i'm pregnant!!
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Ooh how'd the risk assessment go? Yeah basically I didn't birth properly and I was selfish to have a c section �� Xxx
Oh Violet you don't need enemies with friends like that do you! For what it's worth both my births have been 'natural' and the thought of a C section would absolutely terrify me, I think c - section mummies are very brave it's a major operation usually done for a serious medical reason!

Keele gracey I'm not telling my work until after 12 week scan, im an office job aswell so would be different if it was a physical job but I see it as not their business until then! Maybe see how you go with sickness and tell them if you feel you need to, but not if you aren't too sick :)

Food cravings/aversions are starting to kick in here. Decided I really wanted a cheese and onion hot pasty for lunch (totally unhealthy! ) but just been to the local Tesco and they no longer do them, I could actually cry I really want one! :( I've been obsessed with the soup from the bakery near work all last week but today the thought of it makes me feel sick. So weird! Xx
I have a physical job so i had to tell my boss.
I'm on light duties now with no heavy lifting. Extra breaks so that i can rest more. I have to do a risk assesment every month with my job.
That's true ams25 I don't need enemies with her around! I don't think anyone is more hardcore or anything than another mum I think all mums are fab how we birth has nothing to do with how we parent as long as you love your kids and do what's right by them that makes you a good mum xxx
My boss is my brother, so I've told him but only so he doesn't moan ar me when I refuse heavy lifting (I work in B&Q ). I'm waiting a bit tell HR as last time (on 4th baby) she told the whole store and one of my friends got upset I hadn't told her myself.
Im so wishing the time would hurry up as I hate not telling people, I've not told my children yet and I'm normally terrible at keeping secrets.
I'm self employed but will need to tell my clients as they'll have to replace me. I'll probably give it until around 10-12 weeks to give them plenty of time.
Symptoms have well and truly hit me today, morning sickness and more spots than i ever had as a teenager.
Guess i did want symptoms but why does it have to be spots!?
Lol sucks doesn't it! I'm very spotty too, it's the only symptom I have ATM! xx

Yea the spots are a bummer. Sickness has hit me big time this morning as well. Feeling very pukey-so far keeping it in! I'm happy I feel like this though. Fingers crossed it's stuck nice and comfy in there x
I feel amazing this morning - which worries me :/

Ladies sudocream helps acne (i usually have it all the time). Works great for me! Xx

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