Any July 2017 Mummies?

I'm coming up as 2nd July too, going by the online calculators from first day of last cycle (25th Sept, is that correct?)
Yeah that sounds right my lmp was 26th sept and it says 3rd july for me
My lmp was also the 25th Sept, should i go by that until I get my dating scan? I was going off my ovulation xx
My cycles where that irregular I don't even know what's going on haha I began agnus castus on 17th September and stopped it just after af which the first day was the 24th and I apparently conceived the 8th of October my ovia pregnancy things says it did this last time though and I was 5 days ahead of what we thought xxx
Oh that would be nice though 5 days ahead!
I've just changed mine back to lmp Edd, I don't actually know when i ovulated, was going off ovia predictions (usually right). Xx
We'll find out on scan day :) haha I don't think ovia has ever predicted for me correctly tbh but I'm not sure. Roughly when will your scan day be? I have my midwife booking in app on the 25th of November and I think scan will be 16 of December roughly so just before we go home! Got 7 boxes ready for the scan photos to go in and I've wrapped them ready! I think I'll be an early nester haha xxx
I've never made it to the midwife appointment in my other pregnancies. 8 weeks will be around the 20th November so around some time then. Im supposed to go to scans from 6 weeks because of my history but I'm just gonna wait until 8/9 weeks so I can have an abdominal one. I don't want anything inside me at all this pregnancy, wanna do things differently.
When are you supposed to go to a normal scan? X
Lmao! I think when your excited you wanna do everything straight away! X
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Awww Hun I'm sorry, I just read your signature properly :( by me it's 12 weeks till first scan I've never had an internal and I also don't want anything in there either. I'm excited for this one too "dotty" my sons nickname was pickle but I'll be consultant led this time which is all new I just hope at my 12 weeks scan I have a good consultant. Can't wait to see your scan pic Hun :S xxx
Why will you be consultant lead if you don't mind me asking?

Ahh i love seeing scan pics! CAN'T wait to see everyone's who's due in July :D (Hopefully I'll be able to see a baby and it just flickers of a hb this time on mine lol)
I have everything crossed for you peanut and I can't wait to see the photos:DI had a c section and I want a vbac if able so I'll have a consultant to guide me if you will he could flat out say no way but if I go into labour on my own this time properly I'll be given trial of labour so that's good but we'll see haha. You guys know before our family so they are gonna be shocked but I'm glad I can share it with you all too xxx
Oh ok! I didn't know that was possible (I know nothing really about pregnancy and labour) i hope your able to get what you want!! :D

It's great to be able to speak about it, my hubby is getting bored of me going on about it all the time. And I'm definitely not telling anyone before Xmas, would go insane not talking about it heh.

How did you oh react when you told him? X
Awww peanut yak my ear off I never get bored of talking about baby stuff it's exciting! Especially when you start ding the nursery haha ours was all done and sorted after my 12 weeks scan! Bahaha. My c sec was emergency because of failure to progress and heart rate dropping so I said get him out and they did. Our hospital has a high vbac rate which I'm excited for but at of it all if I have to have another c section I'm at peace with it. He was really excited and he cried it took us a long time for our first so to be trying for 7 'months it was a shock but a really happy one. What was your hubby like? Xxx
Oh that's good then, you'll hopefully be able to have it! X
Awhh that's so sweet! My hubby refused to believe it, until I missed period. Then he said ok but I'm nit getting excited. Mcs have ruined it for him i think :/ xx
Oh that's good then, you'll hopefully be able to have it! X
Awhh that's so sweet! My hubby refused to believe it, until I missed period. Then he said ok but I'm nit getting excited. Mcs have ruined it for him i think :/ xx

Aww Hun :( that's not really fair though as I know you've heard it before but it's not your fault or anything and I've mc too and hubby was apprehensive at first but once scan day is here it'll change. The relief I had first time was huge I sobbed but I'm overly prone to worry which I can't help :/ I send lots of love and healing (pm me if you ever want to chat Hun) xxx
I found out I'm expecting baby number 4 today!! I'm still shaking with shock. I already have 3 boys aged 9,12 and 15 so going to be a big age gap.
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I found out I'm expecting baby number 4 today!! I'm still shaking with shock. I already have 3 boys aged 9,12 and 15 so going to be a big age gap.

Congratulations!! :) me and my brother are 10 years apart if that helps haha I think it'll all be fine Hun plus your boys can help out too which will be nice xxx
Lol Amy my mom had my little sister when I was 18, bro was 19 and sister was 26. I think it's cute, baby will have 3 big brothers to protect him/her and you get help :D

Aurora, yeah that would be good :) xx
Hi, can I join this thread? I found out a few days ago I'm pregnant, had a very faint line on clear blue plus on about thirsday
Then Friday a whopping positive and "pregnant 1-2 weeks" on digital, a little bit worried as did an Asda test yesterday and it says "not pregnant", I had a mc in June so I'm absolutely terrified but so so happy and praying everything's gonna be fine and il get to hold my baby. I've had achy boobs on and off, and can feel little flutters in my stomach like little cramps which makes me think its making itself comfortable xxx
Hi, can I join this thread? I found out a few days ago I'm pregnant, had a very faint line on clear blue plus on about thirsday
Then Friday a whopping positive and "pregnant 1-2 weeks" on digital, a little bit worried as did an Asda test yesterday and it says "not pregnant", I had a mc in June so I'm absolutely terrified but so so happy and praying everything's gonna be fine and il get to hold my baby. I've had achy boobs on and off, and can feel little flutters in my stomach like little cramps which makes me think its making itself comfortable xxx

Hey Hun could the Asda test be faulty or something? Try a first response but if clear blue digital picked It up then that's a lot less sensitive so for it to come up your hcg is good. Big hugs Hun xxx

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