Any July 2017 Mummies?

Hello lovelys,
I'm gonna go speak to my dr tomorrow I'm having quiet a lot of discomfort
On my left hand side and it's actually fairly painful :( so I think I need to be checked up on really. How're you all doing? I also think it's lovely we're all due close together Xxx

Oh no, Hope everything goes ok at the doctors Violet, this worry is horrible, I'm so paranoid about everything! Think I need to chilll out! xxx
Congrats Clementine :dance:

Hope it's isn't anything serious Violet and it's just baby getting settled in there.

I'm only going to be taking folic acid this time round. I had a hospital appointment for a fibroid on/in my ovary today which is 6cm. They were planning to remove it but obviously it has to be postponed for now. I will be having regular scans though to keep an eye on it so will have one at about 6 weeks x
I hope everything is ok violet, probably just caused by all the stretching preparing your body for the 9 months ahead. Nausea has started today but only very mildly, I feel this may be the start of it though :(
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Hope everything is ok Violet. Hopefully its just stretching pain.

Is it safe to use essential oils in pregnancy?
Was just thinking about have a bath and using a lush bath bomb then wondered if it was safe.
I was going to ask if you were all still having baths? I keep reading to avoid them but I loveeee baths, I love them really hot which I know I wouldn't be able to have now but are warm baths ok? xx
I had loads of warm (not hot) baths first time around. Didn't put any salts or bubble bath in though. Didn't do any harm. :)
I was going to ask if you were all still having baths? I keep reading to avoid them but I loveeee baths, I love them really hot which I know I wouldn't be able to have now but are warm baths ok? xx

We only have a bath :( Since finding out i was preg i fill the bath halfway and kneel heh use the shower head connected to the taps to wash all the shower gel off... so worried about having a normal bath lol.
I think baths are fine as long as you don't have them hot, but I'm not risking it heh.
I need to use bubble bath! My skin feels horrible if not sends me mental. X
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Well i used my lush bath bomb anyway.
I love a hot bath but didnt have it as hot as i normally would.
Someone did tell me i couldnt have a bath but how else am i ment to relax and read a book.
Idk lmao. Just worried about taking them.
Tbf though with first mc, it happened while I was in the bath (it didn't cause it dw). Think it just worries me now like everything. Haha. Xx
I hope everything is okay violet, you do right being checked out! I had a really painful right side in my first pregnancy and they scanned me to check for ectopic but it turned out it was nothing to worry about, they said you can have a little cyst develop from the side you ovulated from which can cause the pain, it's harmless and will go away on its own. FX there's an explanation like that for your pain xx

Baths are fine but just not too hot, as you don't want your body temperature going too high. I'm not sure if it's a risk to the baby or just because you might be at higher risk of fainting when pregnant. Jacuzzis are not allowed for same reason. I don't miss alcohol at all when pregnant but I do really miss baths and Jacuzzis!
I miss hot tubbing too! We got one recently and I was looking forward to winter hot tub trips!!
I haven't even thought about alcohol. I only drink on christmas day and new year anyway. Guess it will be a dry new year for me although i can just about stay up till 10 atm so wont be going out.
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Thanks girls I may be going for an early scan my dr is a bit unhappy with the pain I'm in but he was really good also gave me sickness tablets too. Honestly avoid hot hot baths warm is fine I was in the bath 2 some times even 3 times a day haha and I know this may not help but your first scan and you'll be flooded with relief I was and I cried like a big b*tch haha I've had 3 glasses of orange juice and omg no more sickness!! Baby likes :) also I have a vile craving feel free to say ew... rice pudding with bacon frazzles dipped in it! How odd xxx
Clementine my mum had my little sister at age 45! She's now 5 and very healthy and energetic heh. :P x

Violet i hope everything is ok! Have you got a uti? I had lots of pain in left side turned out was just a uti turned into kidney infection. Hope you get a scan asap! Xx

Omg peanut! That's awful Hun :( definitely not a uti I normally have pee pain when I go to the toilet and I've none of that it's all on my left hand side and goes up towards my ribs. I ended up going to the Drs today anyway glad I've got such a lovely dr xxx
That's so gross haha!! (rice pud and bacon) The rest sounds very positive though, good luck with the early scan :)
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Hi Violet glad to hear your doctor is sending you for a scan, is the pain the same side as you ovulated? As supposedly if baby implants, the cyst which released the egg from your ovary supports the baby & releases hormones until the placenta takes over so maybe this is causing pain. Hopefully the scan confirms all is ok xx
Hi Violet glad to hear your doctor is sending you for a scan, is the pain the same side as you ovulated? As supposedly if baby implants, the cyst which released the egg from your ovary supports the baby & releases hormones until the placenta takes over so maybe this is causing pain. Hopefully the scan confirms all is ok xx

Didn't think of that! Thank you lovelies I'm having a lot of watery cm today as well which is also new for me with my son I had next to nothing until 33+ weeks xxx
I did a clear blue earlier just to check! and it said 2-3 should I be worried? Shouldn't it be saying 3+ ?
After conferring with my friend google it turns out 1-2 on a CB means 3-4 weeks, 2-3 means 4-5 and 3+ means 6 + so I'm not so worried now. I had a dream last night that I had a MC though, I never worried with my first I was so young I was unaware of the rates and ignorant to it all.

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