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I went to bed at half one on the 16th (technically the 17th - her due date) as the oh had just got into work, this followed a couple of nights of no sleep, oh started to snore about ten mins later and i had my first pain at 2.00am, not a light one either! For some reason i thought i either had food poisoning or trapped wind, deffo didnt think little madam would be making an appearance on her due date! I was having tthese pains every 20 mins and got up and sat on the toilet with each one, aftetr a couple of hours they were coming every 7-10 mins and still very painful
At 6.00am i decided to get up and take a painkiller - at this point they were every 5 mins, at 7.00am i woke the oh saying that i was having tummy pains and could he get up and make me a cup of tea and keep me company lol!
I still didnt think they were contractions as my tummy didnt go hard once (not even at the end) We called his mum at 7.00 and she came straight down, also phoned my mum who was getting ready for work and as i was booked in for a sweep she said let me know what the mw says, she is used to me being a drama queen so prob thought it was a false alarm!
We decided to ring the mw as she wasnt due till 1.00 and she came then at 10.30 instead, i was breathing my way through each contraction trying to find my peak (totally recommend this) and was handling them really well to everyones suprise!
The mw came and examined me and to my shock said 'right you are 4/5 cm, well done! Leave now and meet me outside the hospital and we'll go straight to the labour ward'. Was in total shock! Only prob was that she couldnt feel waters and the only time id had a remotely wet pad was over a week before so baby and i were at risk of infection so she said i would be on an iv of antibiotics during labour.
Rang my mum (as she was coming to the labour room with me and oh) and she said she would meet us there. Off we went with me breathing like a prank caller in the car!
Got to the hosp and the mw amelia was waiting outside the doors with a wheelchair and took me straight to my labour room.
I was placed on an iv (ouch) and the other bits and bobs for heartrate etc were attached - made it difficult for my five trips to the loo before she told me no more!
At 12.30 my mum arrived and about 1.00 amelia gave me the gas and air (thank the lord!!) had an examination and was then only 6cm so she gave me an injection to speed it up, it then got more painful! At about 8cm and 2.30pm she gave ma an injection of pethadine - now this did absolutely nothing so i dont reccommend it, painful injection and bloody pointless!!
At 3.30 I was 9cm and couldnt stop myself pushing, amelia decided that was enough and got everything ready to start, now when people tell you to push like your pooing for gods sake do it! She kept putting her fingers up me and saying push them away, I had no clue how to do this!!
As I was pushing so bloody hard and not quite in the right place i started to lose consciousness in the 3rd or 4th push with every other contraction and that was scary! I was coming to seconds later and not realising where i was or what i was doing which was scaring my mum and oh senseless, apparently i was trying to go up the bed and was looking petrified! Everything is a little blurry at this point, I ended up pushing for an hour and 40 mins! I got her round the bend thank god so the forceps they were threatening me with didnt get used but they did call the lovely doc with the kiwi ventouse to help me crown her as by this point i was shattered! so in he came with a few other people and i could tell this was it - i was so close to meeting my baby girl, terrified at the same time!
I didnt realise it at the time but as he placed the cap on her head he cut me at the same time, oh said he nearly shouted out 'hes cuttiing you!' Thank god he didnt! lol, he also said he wanted to punch the doctor! anyway for some reason that cap gave me one hell of a boost and when he shouted to push apparently i gave the biggest one yet and pushed so hard i got a tear inside too!
Needless to say head came out in about 1 second swiftly followed by the rest of her and she was placed on my chest. OMG what a feeling!!! All i could say was look at her hair!! Shes so tiny!!
My oh fell backwards and nearly knocked over the paedeatrician!
They took her for a wipe and wrapped her up and gave her to my mum, little did i know that the pain was not over! The doc squeezed down on my tummy to get the placenta out which was uncomfortable but only took a minute, then i asked him what he was doing and he told me he was stitching me up inside, now this didnt hurt at all as they had injected me inside before putting the ventouse on (injections hurt!) But oh when he started to stich the episiotomy i nearly passed out! My mum threw the gas and air at me lol, and whispered to my oh 'bless her - now THIS hurts!'
So if you managed to get to the end of that well done you!! Lol, oh and when i looked in the mirror afterwards did i have a shock, my face looked like a whoopie cushion! and all my blood vessels had burst from pushing - hence no pics of me straight after birth lol, Sofia Jane Coles was born on her due date 17th april 2012 at 17.17pm and was 5lb 15 and a 1/2oz (guess you know what our lucky number is now - we got engaged on 17th may last year too!)
Here are some pics of my perfect girl
I went to bed at half one on the 16th (technically the 17th - her due date) as the oh had just got into work, this followed a couple of nights of no sleep, oh started to snore about ten mins later and i had my first pain at 2.00am, not a light one either! For some reason i thought i either had food poisoning or trapped wind, deffo didnt think little madam would be making an appearance on her due date! I was having tthese pains every 20 mins and got up and sat on the toilet with each one, aftetr a couple of hours they were coming every 7-10 mins and still very painful
At 6.00am i decided to get up and take a painkiller - at this point they were every 5 mins, at 7.00am i woke the oh saying that i was having tummy pains and could he get up and make me a cup of tea and keep me company lol!
I still didnt think they were contractions as my tummy didnt go hard once (not even at the end) We called his mum at 7.00 and she came straight down, also phoned my mum who was getting ready for work and as i was booked in for a sweep she said let me know what the mw says, she is used to me being a drama queen so prob thought it was a false alarm!
We decided to ring the mw as she wasnt due till 1.00 and she came then at 10.30 instead, i was breathing my way through each contraction trying to find my peak (totally recommend this) and was handling them really well to everyones suprise!
The mw came and examined me and to my shock said 'right you are 4/5 cm, well done! Leave now and meet me outside the hospital and we'll go straight to the labour ward'. Was in total shock! Only prob was that she couldnt feel waters and the only time id had a remotely wet pad was over a week before so baby and i were at risk of infection so she said i would be on an iv of antibiotics during labour.
Rang my mum (as she was coming to the labour room with me and oh) and she said she would meet us there. Off we went with me breathing like a prank caller in the car!
Got to the hosp and the mw amelia was waiting outside the doors with a wheelchair and took me straight to my labour room.
I was placed on an iv (ouch) and the other bits and bobs for heartrate etc were attached - made it difficult for my five trips to the loo before she told me no more!
At 12.30 my mum arrived and about 1.00 amelia gave me the gas and air (thank the lord!!) had an examination and was then only 6cm so she gave me an injection to speed it up, it then got more painful! At about 8cm and 2.30pm she gave ma an injection of pethadine - now this did absolutely nothing so i dont reccommend it, painful injection and bloody pointless!!
At 3.30 I was 9cm and couldnt stop myself pushing, amelia decided that was enough and got everything ready to start, now when people tell you to push like your pooing for gods sake do it! She kept putting her fingers up me and saying push them away, I had no clue how to do this!!
As I was pushing so bloody hard and not quite in the right place i started to lose consciousness in the 3rd or 4th push with every other contraction and that was scary! I was coming to seconds later and not realising where i was or what i was doing which was scaring my mum and oh senseless, apparently i was trying to go up the bed and was looking petrified! Everything is a little blurry at this point, I ended up pushing for an hour and 40 mins! I got her round the bend thank god so the forceps they were threatening me with didnt get used but they did call the lovely doc with the kiwi ventouse to help me crown her as by this point i was shattered! so in he came with a few other people and i could tell this was it - i was so close to meeting my baby girl, terrified at the same time!
I didnt realise it at the time but as he placed the cap on her head he cut me at the same time, oh said he nearly shouted out 'hes cuttiing you!' Thank god he didnt! lol, he also said he wanted to punch the doctor! anyway for some reason that cap gave me one hell of a boost and when he shouted to push apparently i gave the biggest one yet and pushed so hard i got a tear inside too!

My oh fell backwards and nearly knocked over the paedeatrician!
They took her for a wipe and wrapped her up and gave her to my mum, little did i know that the pain was not over! The doc squeezed down on my tummy to get the placenta out which was uncomfortable but only took a minute, then i asked him what he was doing and he told me he was stitching me up inside, now this didnt hurt at all as they had injected me inside before putting the ventouse on (injections hurt!) But oh when he started to stich the episiotomy i nearly passed out! My mum threw the gas and air at me lol, and whispered to my oh 'bless her - now THIS hurts!'
So if you managed to get to the end of that well done you!! Lol, oh and when i looked in the mirror afterwards did i have a shock, my face looked like a whoopie cushion! and all my blood vessels had burst from pushing - hence no pics of me straight after birth lol, Sofia Jane Coles was born on her due date 17th april 2012 at 17.17pm and was 5lb 15 and a 1/2oz (guess you know what our lucky number is now - we got engaged on 17th may last year too!)
Here are some pics of my perfect girl

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