JACOB NIALL - sorry it's late (it's long)

Oh dear Lord. You poor thing. So sorry you had a rough time of it but glad you and little Jacob are fine now & recovering.

Why do some midwives have to been so rough? I had a couple who were really gentle & another two who were rough & horrid. You're going through enough pain as it is without that making it worse!

Can't wait to see photos.xxx :hug:
Its great to hear Jacob is here and now feeling alot better. Sorry to hear your labour was hard work but as many of us say it is well worth it. Cant wait to see some pictures of him - CONGRATULATIONS
A Huge congratulations.........and welcome baby Jacob.....all worth it in the end!!!

Can't wait to see pics!

Amy xx
What an ordeal!! Glad you both came through it ok and CONGRATULATIONS again, can't wait to see pics! :D
Awww hun what an ordeal. Well done to you and I am so glad that all is ok.

Hope to see some piccies soon :D

Take care :hug:
Aaaaw Hayley welcome back and big Welcome to Jacob Niall.. fab name!!!!
So good to see you on here at last, hope you are feeling better and enjoying yourself at home with your family!!

Had an feeling that your birth story would not be simple.. sorry to hear you had the internals from hell like I did.. some of those midwives and doctors really must get sworn at an awful lot!!!

So made up that all is well with Jacob now.. its so scary when something is wrong.. I still well up with tears when I remember how petrified I was when I saw that my waters were green with meconium when they broke that day... i really did feel cold with fear but hey.. all is well now with jacob and little lara too xxxxxx

Tankett... not long for you now... you are so right about how strange it is that all 3 of us having august babies and all by C-section.. but hey whatever it takes to get out LO's out safely works for me !!

Hayley - do you want me to put the picture on that you texted to me???
congratulations hun. it doesnt seem like that long ago when you were ttc.

well done. cant wait to see the piccies.
Well done you and congrats!

Glad little Jacob is good for you, I think babies can sense when their mums have been through a tough one and he is trying to make up for putting you through the mill!

Hope jacob is doing ok now bless him xxx
Hey Hayley and Jacob :wave:

Congratulations, glad you are home and things are settling down at last for you.

Looking forward to seeing some pics :D



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