Another Confused Girl (Help)


Apr 25, 2005
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Hey every1.
I was trying to read every single topic to see if my problem was like someone elses, i have some of the same symptoms, but there is a question i had about Preg. (Here it is). My periods were arriving every 21st day of the month (as usual).(sry if this is to much infor.) but had intercourse the 7th of april and my period came a week early the15th and it lasted 2 days and was Bright red. two days later..was up at 1am throwing up every hour, i have extreme tiredness.everything irritates me,ive been having nausia everyday since i threw up, smells make me sick,certain foods like(poultry). and i recently stopped having pelvic pains on one side. im thinking its the flu im not sure. i wasnt sure if after 2 weeks after sex (if i concieved) would it be possible to have these symptoms. i took a test but i didnt know if 2 weeks was to early to tell, it was negative. So if some1 can tell me if this is the Flu or something else please help.
Hi Jenn
well im kinda imn the same boat! i had started trying again in march my periods are pretty regular they would come around the same time every month In march i got AF on the 7 and it ended on the 14 well i had sex and then i got AF or what i thought was AF on march 28 and it ended on april 5 well i started having sex again and i noticed i felt sick all the time and my breast were sore and foods i liked alot didnt appeal to me any more! well i took a test today and i said no but i think it was to early to test! but now i dont know when im suppose to get it cause of what happend last month!so i figure it might be the flu to cause it kinda feels like that too :? all i can say is maybe we should wait till May and test again!

let me know how things go and if you get AF or a BFP!
*******BABY DUST********
Some ultra early tests can measure as little as 10hcg. I bought several on Ebay for under £1 each. They are next day delivery (you have to use Paypal). Why don't you buy some? I tested BFP faintly approx 10 days after ovulation using them. The next day I used a First Response, that was positive. Have you tried a FR? They can test early too. I know some people don't believe in early testing working, but it was fine for me.
i dont know any of those abbrieviations, im sry.. so im reading ur replies, but not understanding most of it.... but iam just going to have to wait till may and just deal with this nausia. But if some1 can please give me a diagnosis of what kind of symptoms im having, that would be appreciated. but tell me what happends with you... and every1. ttyl
Hey every1
and thanx for that abbrievations list...(now im understanding all of it :) ) But... im gonna wait until mid may to take a test, because i think it was all in my head. i didnt have nausia today or throw up.. but im still easily irritated and sleep every chance i get and smells are all too strong to me....??? i dont know y? So im just going to not worry. and for you L.. i didnt know u got AF twice in one month? has any1 told u anything? im clueless... but tell me what happends in may, and keep me up to date. TTYL.
Hello again Jenn
well nothing knew yet but my fingers are crossed !!
i think i will also wait until mid may or as long as i can before ill test!

so i'll keep in touch and let me know if anything else changes with u!
my fingers are crossed for u too :D


Well......... :roll:
I took a test, because if i was preg.. it should of showed up on a test 3weeks later. (i used first response) and i got nada. so.... Yes im very disappointed. I couldn't wait till may, thats too long.But i hope the best for you L, and every1 TTC, i guess its just not my time. :cry: Thank U guyz for the support and information.TTYL Later.
Hey every1...
i see that there hasnt been that many replies. But i had a Question? im not going to over act or jump to conclusions. The test said Negative, and i still belive it. But this Sleeping habit that im getting?? and tonight i was spotting light pink? my AF isnt due for another 2 weeks...So...I think im just a bundle of problems :roll: , and L.... whats going on with u, i havent heard anything. TTY all Later. :D
hello there
im no expert or anything...i just wanted to let you know that with my son, and now my second pregnancy, i got neg test readings right up until 2 weeks after my AF was due, when i started getting very faint positives. even with the first response test. i have also heard that when the egg implants in the uterus it can cause spotting. never experienced that myself. but i will remain hopeful for you! all your symptoms sound like pregnancy.
hi Jenn and everyone
well still no sign of AF :D i tested at the end of april again and BFN but i still believe that its to early or im just not sure when AF is due but im going to wait till 2 weeks into may and test again or until AF comes ! oh ya i still feel like im going to vomit all the time and my breasts are sore i know TMI but hopefully its pregnancy signs! well jenn good luck to you im sure your time is coming soon just like mine hopefully is ! keep me updated !


Hi All!!

I'm looking for some advice really. My husband and I have been trying for a baby now for a couple of months. Unfortunetly we have had no such luck until now :cry: (well I'm hoping :? ).
I am having some serious signs that I could be pregnant but the tests are still coming back negative as AF not due until 09/05. I have tried first responce tests but still nothing.
The symptoms I've been having are: perminatly tired, sick feeling (so bad I've been off work last 2days) breaking out spots on my face & back, slight sore breasts (especially the nipples).
Are any of these like what you've had? And would the signs start this early?

Hope to hear back from some of the experts!!
Sarah xx
Hey every1...
they usually send me the responds to my email, so i know to check up on u guyz.. but ive been reading ur replyies, and L i hope all good news for u, thats what it sounds like to me. i had a question, is it good to hold whatever i feel like i need to throw up, down? cuz if i got a BFN and i still feel like vomitting, i dont want to because it might all be in my head, but then again whirleegirl got a BFN up until 2 week after her af was due. Idont know what to think anymore, i just dont feel like myself.
Sarah H. i had a quick ? u said ur af wasnt due until 9/05 ? ur symptoms sound correct for preg. but we all have them 2 we just have to wait it out.
Ill talk to u all later, and keep me updated.
I officially Missed my period, and it doesnt feel like its gonna show up. So now, im just going to wait some more, its killing me to wait but ill test in 3 more days. Talk to U all later.
I'm experiencing the same as you are Jenn. I hope it turns out ohk for you. But you sound pregnant to me. SarahH, those are some signs...I'm having them too. But my Af isn't suppose to show up till much later. I had spotting during my last AF so the best of luck to all of you!

:cry: I just dont know anymore.... I dont think im Pregnant, But then again i dont know why im very moody and irritable, feel sick and my boobs are bigger (did i mention sore :( ) My AF is 2 days passed due, I have no signs of my AF coming, but i have a feeling it is going to come. I dont know... I have my Ups and Downs. But Goodluck to every1 TTC and all u patients ones waiting to test, i Wish the Best. Talk to you all later.
hi jenn
it's been awhile! how goes everything with you? any sign of AF?
well i still havent gotten AF and there are no signs of her showing up :D
but i took a test a few days ago and it was a BFN but im not giving up hope cause this happend with my first pregnancy so i figure ill just wait and wait and wait till something comes or ill probably test agin next week cause really im cant wait that long :D
well the best of luck to you keep me posted
ill keep my fingers crossed for the both of us!


Im doing good... No AF, but im not as sick/nauseas as I used to be,but i still want to throw-up, But im still tired as EVER! I got 2 BFN one on Apr 30 and another on....May10. I think ive given up, i think ill just have no AF and deal with my nausea,sleeping habits, and sore boobs (excuse my french), before i get another BFN, they are so disappointing. So L, how many days late is your AF? and when are you going to test again? TTYL.
hey jenn
dont give up hope! iam the same way really your symptoms sound like mine! and this time i really think im pregnant :D im not sure really how late i am cause i got AF march7 it ended march 14 the i got it agin march 28 and it ended april5 :? so im not sure how lat i actually am!!!!!! but i remember with my first pregnancy i got BFN and waited a while then tested again and got a BFP so i figure ill try to wait till the end of the weekend or even the middle of next week and test again!so when r u goin to test again? sorry how late r u???? any ways heres to hoping for BFP keep in touch!


:) L :)

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