Another 2ww.....whos with me this time?

I'm good thanks hun,
still spotty and craving savoury foods, loving tomatoes and can't get enough of them
Having really weird dreams for the last few nights have done a seperate post about that though

I have a good feeling about this month for me now though - especially as I was supposed to OV while I was on holiday and it seems that my body has waited for me to get home before OV!!!

And yeah 10BFPS already!!! I can't believe it! I hope its our turn soon hunni, x x x
Ah well thats a good thing that you Ovd late....oooooh fingers crossed!!!

Well my AF is extremely weird this month....(sorry in advance for the TMI and the Graphics) although there is lods of red blood as per.....theres rediculous amounts of what I can only say looks like overgrown EWCM and I was so freaked out at it and how far it was literally like that slime stuff kids play with....stuck to my hand and was all over the place and Ive NEVER had anything like it before so who knows whats going on there! Sorry but thats a strange one for me!!!

But keep chomping those tomoatoes it could be a good sign and yes lets get our fat ones asap!! xxx
How strange hun, I sometimes get this too - I have noticed it more since I've been using a mooncup,

Do you think some months your body produces a thicker/thiner lining and thats what decides what your periods will be like?!
Why can't our bodies just be the same month in month out - it would make it alot easier to know whats normal and whats not!!!
So are changes in food tastes part of SS?
My brother works with me and had a huge bag of crisps for lunch - I had some and they tasted stale to me but he said they were fine, Like they weren't as crunchy or something,
Then I've just had my lunch and had a little bag of crisps and they had the same stale taste.

Could this be another ep symptom?
Thanks Snoop! Fingers crossed she doesnt get you and you get a fat one! lol xxx

Thanks Wilma, but i am 100% it a big fat negative lol, and if it is i will just have to hang about in TTC for a wee while and get to know everyone a bit better :) and not put silly moaning threads up lol.

Bonny your symptioms sound really promising i hope you get your BFP this month, I can't believe how many there is this month there loads :)
Think i might splash out on a early response test :think: :whistle:
Omg i thought i started my period there the now because i went to the loo because i felt wet and thought the witch was here but to my surprise it was a huge amount of white discharge really thick sorry for tmi but is it this a good sign?

Not due on till monday, i have never had this before a period and the stomach cramps were sore this morning, i have had cramps yesterday on and off but they seem to be under my belly button and quite a strong pain which is more than i would get when i am due on. Usually they are more on my upper belly and nearer to my right side before af is due and not so sore just more niggly feeling.

The pain has started again this afternoon but it is not too bad.
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Ooohhhh fingers crossed for you hun, I remember a few of the other girls got alot of discharge before they got their BFP

I've got a bit of a dodgy tummy, feeling a bit sick and got slightly loose bowels - not sure if its a bug or a symptom!!!
ive had alot of discharge every since i ovulated,had v loose bowels also
I'm out ladies, it's the shelf for me :-(
Same here think the witch has started this morning i have a bit of af pain and brown discharge on wiping so i am out :(.

Good luck Bonny hope you get your BFP :) and the rest of you thats on the 2ww :)
i couldnt wait did a test bfn.... so just waiting for af on wednesday now
I'm not testing early, got weird pains going on at the moment,
feel like af is gonna turn up any moment,
really want her to stay away though,
roll on wednesday so I know either way what's happening!
Got my fingers crossed for you bonny, hope this is your month xxx
Budge up on that shelf Binzy, AF got me this morning,

Onto Cycle 5 now. Starting to feel a bit depressed about it all now to be honest.
Hey ladies had a poop weekend this heat is killing me....

So sorry AF got you ladies...its so dissheartening isnt it...I think the only that has kept me sane this time when AF arrived is that we were pre-occupied with DH health last week!

Good luck for those waiting to test and heres to another hopefully month of us TTC....

My AF has been majorly weird this time....only last 4 days which is the shortest in history for my cycles seem to be getting shorter and shorter...not a good thing I dont think...we be keeping an eye on my LP tho as dont want that getting too short!!

On well.....mubs firmly on shelves for another month!

Hugs to you all and good luck to us all xxx
oh bonny,she got you early....
least you can start ttc sooner....

when af arrives i will be on my 3rd cycle of clomid,
be lovely to fall soon as after 3 cycles it back to up my dose....
Funny you should say that Wilma coz my cycle came early (27 days) and was super short this time, only 2.5 days! Weird. Lets hope it's a good sign. Me and OH are going away for a week in July so no excuses not to get loads of BDing round. This is our 7th cycle and if one more person tells me they're pregnant I may well cry.
i second that, ive seen so many preggers woman today and every body on tele have a babies!!!
Let's hope the wait doesn't drag on too much for us, x

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