Amelia Anne-Marie Elliott - 30/4/2011


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Aug 3, 2010
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Just want to start with a thank you to Pinky mum for being a great text buddy, her texts kept me occupied when OH wasn't there! And Thanks to all you girls for wishing me luck and your congrats has been so nice to read them all xx

Heres my birth story whilst I have a wee chance to write it!

So I was booked to be induced on the 29th at 2pm at 41+2 weeks, Got to the hospital and got the pessary at 5pm, had a few niggles but nothing great and by 8pm OH had to go home - I was not pleased! And as soon as he left it turned into proper contractions, went for a bath to try and ease the pain it helped me relax and cope better but didn't do much for the pain, got out had some paracetemol and co-dine, and got myself a birthing ball and tried everything but nothing was working and I started pacing around, so the midwife came in and told me she would monitor and check me (I was getting to the end of my tether at this point I really wanted my OH) Sitting on the monitor was torture because I couldn't move about, but eventually came and got checked over and went from 1cm when the pessary was put in to 3cm :dance:! So I could be took to labour ward - told them I wanted an epidural straight away so I could go straight to medical, text OH to come up even though he would still be over an hour away. Got the epidural, and it was easy! A bit uncomfy but nothing compared to the drip in my hand - that was freakin sore! OH came in as soon as the epidural was done (got it straight away was so happy :lol: ) So OH missed all the contractions and what not so he got to just sit next to me for a while!, Got re-examined at 5am was still 3cm so they broke my waters and then I went for a sleep and got examined at 9am to be told I was 7-8cm but babies heartbeat dipped a couple of times they weren't concerned though, they where thinking of giving me petocin i think its called cause my contractions appeared to be slowing but it was just cause I was snoozing and once I had woke up I didn't need it.

Started feeling pressure in my flower :oooo: Was just uncomfy, but epidural never touched it - it really only stops the pains of contractions and nothing else.. really!

The pressure started intensing and this is when I got gas and air :lol: I went mental on the stuff, and starting begging OH for ice cream and singing easy like Sunday morning, was biting the gas and air so much through the pressure with contractions that I broke the mouth piece! They where still painful but I could never really remember the pain and wasn't thinking about it much when they went away and was thinking to myself that my birth so far had actually been a great experience and not horrible in any way

(even this next bit was bad but still thought it was a good experience)

So Got checked was fully dilated and she was descending - hence the pressure :lol: - So was left to do my own thing and was pushing involuntarily anyway, I didn't realise I thought I was just holding my breath but apparantly not but it really took away the pressure and felt rather good! Started pushing properly but babies heart beat was dropping ever so slightly so they tried forceps and really the epidural only takes the contraction pain away and nothing else I felt like a bear wwas clawing my insides :shock:! But they kept slipping off and wasn't working, so I got cut (she did not warn me and at this point I screamed!) And got ventouse, was crying and not wanting it any more as this bit was no fun :lol: but a few minutes later she was born :cloud9: Cord around her neck once thats why her heartbeat was dipping, but nothing to worry about, and I was so in love, wow! She is perfect!

7lb 10oz, born at 12.58pm.

Being stitched up was worse, it was really bad and had to be given a general aneasthetic, so no idea what kind of cut but my word it hurt, afterbirth was easy and didn't have too much blood loss, have been left feeling very tender and what not, but home now and feeling much much better, things I wasn't expecting was my arms and jaw to be so sore and stiff, having to eat soft foods because I can't chew that well! They don't tell you that in the baby books.

Had first midwife check today and told me to get baby out in sun for a bit as she is a tad jaundice but apart from that we are both great, OH has been wonderful and she is a really content baby and barley cries, I tried breastfeeding but as of last night I decided to use bottle as she was getting so frustrated and screaming and crying and breaking her heart for up to an hour before latching, so I didn't want to go into a downward spiral and decided best to quit before I end up getting more upset and putting me and baby in a bad position and now we are both much happier and I am happy with my choice!

I love her so much :cloud9: Well done if you read all that!


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well done.....she is a cutie...xxxx
Aww she is gorgeous! Well done you sounds like it was a bit of a roller coaster but definitely all worth it in the end! X
Congratulations! She's beautiful, x
ahw well done you - very brave x x x
Well done and Congrats again honey. You did great! Loved being your text buddy too :)
She's beautiful!!!!

Awwwwww she's beautiful! Love your story too. I'm not brave enough for an epidural, so I'm hoping 2nd time around I don't need one for a c-section!!!
Gas & air does the strangest things to you - love hearing those tales best of all!!!
Glad all went well & you're both safe & well too. Looking forward to more updates & pics from you x

Sunnyb xxx
Thanks girls, can't take my eyes off her and had so many visitors so hardly had any time to ourselfs! xx
She looks beautiful. Having a birthday on the 30th April is always good. xx

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