Airport story x

What a lovely story, trying not to cry because my best friend will think I'm crazy :)
they have been asked before to get it published but as she feels that there is another chapter the story i think they have said no so far but what an amazing husband this lady has :) im glad it brought you some comfort xxx
OMG Midnight......I took two goes at reading it I am crying that much and still did not finish......

Some people are just truely amazing.....this is one very lucky lady to have a Hubby like this.

I wanted to bump this thread for all the ladies with angel babys, as this story touched my heart when i lost my little one and even six months on i still think about it x x

I've just cried the whole way through it, :cry:amazing husband to write that
Just read this and still crying, what a beautiful story
:hugs: m2a xxxxx

ive never been through a MC but everytime i read this it chokes me up and make me thankful and makes me feel very lucky indeed
It's a beautiful story..............

Thanks for sharing xx
thank you, I'm going to write that in my journal so that every time I feel like giving up or it hurts too much, I can read it & be given hope again x x
just seen this and it is so amazing what a lovely story i cant describe how it has made me feel. Just beautiful hun gave me so much comfort x
thanks hun, although now welling up at my desk, skim read it cos i knew it would be sad that was enough to get me going! oops. we should keep that bumped up in here!
What an amazing beautiful story. Made me teary lol xxxx

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i asked mods if it could be a sticky
Blimey! That was hard to read through all the tears. What a wonderful husband and father he must be. Bless.
That broke my heart and mended it again. What an amazing husband to have xx
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*bump* for all those who need some comfort

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