af is late!!! could i be pregnant


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2011
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Af hasn't turned up yet, due on Wednesday, I've no usual feelings she's gona come, I'm goin to go a clearblue digi tomorrow, Im so nervous. I really want a baby but I'm also terrified! My period is never ever late, and I could almost time it to the hour its gona come, I really thought I wasn't pregnant now I'm starting to wonder, I did a test on Tuesday it was negative, and had a cocktail at Christmas dinner with work, worried if I'm pregnant I could hurt baby? So scary will keep u posted !! symptoms I'm having today is a tugging sensation to right side and lower middle abdomen, But not a cramp
fx for you hun, and im sure 1 cocktail isnt going to hurt (there are girls out there who smoke and drink and dont realise they are pregnant for a while and they all seem ok)

hope you get the bfp u hoping for :) xxx
I'm excited but so scared too!!!! Doubt ill sleep tonight!!!
I know whenever i know im gonna test following morning i dont sleep lol xx
Ooo good luck!! December has thrown out alot of bfp,s so far, let's hope you'll be another.
Still no sign of af, just done a clearblue digi, bfn!! Af due two days ago, I'm NEVER late, is it possible there isn't enough hormone in my urine to detect it? Where do I go from here is there another type of test I can do? Feel like I'm in limbo
Do a first response they are very sensitive may pick it up if u r pg but not much hcg in system don't think the digi ones are v sensitive!
Don't worry about the cocktail. I spent most of my first month drunk lol and no harm done (bloomin wedding season) xxxxxxxx
Thanks Mrs w, I think ill try that, just going to look online here and see where its cheapest, don't want to wast money comin up to christmas, I'm a nurse I should have got one of the girls in work to do a blood test yesterday, since af is late will it matter what time of day I poas?
you should use first morning urine as it wouild have the highest concentration of hcg or if u have do do it later just try not to wee for 4 hrs before the test.
I did a first response this afternoon, very hard not to pee for 6 hours lol unfortunately it was negative, it may sound weird but i feel in my head im pregnant even though the test is neg i still have a gut feeling i hope i am ill maybe do one more test tomorrow and if the witch isnt here by monday ill do another test! id just like to know either way, havent told my hubby about any of this so its good to talk to the girls on the forum, wouldnt that be a lovely christmas surprise for him haha
I hope you get an answer soon hun, it's so frustrating not knowing what's going on :) x x
Vixxie77 posted this the other day and I thought it might be relevant to you mummywannabe (hope you don't mind Vixxie77!!:) )

Found the table online


from conception from LMP (mIU/ML or IU/L)
7 days----------- 3 weeks----------0 to 5
14 days---------- 28 days---------- 3 to 426
21 days---------- 35 days---------- 18 to 7,340
28 days---------- 42 days---------- 1080 to 56,500
35 - 42 days---- 49 - 56 days---- 7,650 to 229,000
43 - 64 days---- 57 - 78 days---- 25,700 to 288,000
57 - 78 days---- 79 - 100 days--- 13,300 to 253,000
17 - 24 weeks-- 2nd trimester--- 4060 to 65,400
25 wks to term- 3rd trimester---- 3640 to 117,000

Sorry if it hasn't come out very well. This just proves that our levels vary considerably from lady to lady and if yours is particularly low, then would explain BFN when af late then a week later BFP. I think this gives us all hope and a bit more understanding too. Hope this helps some ladies x x
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Thanks girls for the support!!
Done a first response with fmu this a.m still bfn. No sign of she who shall not be named lol, so going to leave it a few days as tests are expensive, may go to gp next week if no af. Although with Christmas comin I may not get an appointment for 2 weeks :shock:
Thanks ceebee, good idea :D x x

Good luck mummywanabe :dust: hope you get your bfp soon x x
Good luck. I got very faint lines when af was a week late with my boys, and I was never late either. If I tested before then I doubt I would have got any lines. It just takes time for some of us lol. Fx,d for you.
Good luck. I got very faint lines when af was a week late with my boys, and I was never late either. If I tested before then I doubt I would have got any lines. It just takes time for some of us lol. Fx,d for you.

Thanks for that, maybe I just don't have enough pregnancy hormone to tell yet, ill be one week on Thursday so I may wait til then, I'm a bit headachy, no cm at all now, very tired, I just want to know

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