af is late!!! could i be pregnant

have you been stressed or anything hun. It may be your period will be late this month sorry to put a downer on things but I went 2 months without one to have one on the 3 rd month x that was down to weight loss and stress from work load x
Honestly no stress at all, love my job and home life and have truly never been more content, weight hadn't changed, nothing has been different which is why I'm so baffled!!!
I'm feeling your pain 4 days late myself, its all the overthinking you do and every drop of cm have to go to loo to check it isnt blood.
Good luck hope its good news and soon!!
x Daisy
Got a very small about of light brown discharge but only when I wipe, does anyone know of this happens in early pregnancy?? If I am pregnant I'd be 5 weeks, it could maybe be the start of af but its never been brown
Yes spotting is common. Do you usually get ot before af?
Well af has just arrived, she can be very cruel playing tricks like that :-(
Really sorry to hear that :( I think my af is about to start too and it sucks! Oh well, better luck next year for both of us hopefully... Hugs and take care of yourself:hugs:xx
Aww sorry to hear that.:hugs: wishing you luck for next year xx
Im gutted! I found out when i was at work secretly felt like i could cry but just had to get on with it, by this morning i really started thinking just maybe i am pregnant especially as id never ever in my life had a late period but I guess i can have a wee drink over christmas and maybe have another go next month!!
Good Luck ladies i do hope some of you get your BFP's this month - possitive mental attitude!!

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