Could this be the month???

I think it was dysco had to leave her ic for a while she thought it was neg then it was pos! Try her journal. It might not have been mind but it was someone recent!

Sent from my HTC One S
Yeah its in the announcements too x

Sent from my HTC One S
Thanks Liz, my heart sank, DH didnt say much cos i think he knew i was gutted. Im trying not to get my hopes up too much really so just gonna try and relax now :-( will have a look for that journal later on and wait to retest monday now xx thanks xx
Stay positive though, I'm going to town today so might test later or tomorrow morning lol. Think I wpuldve had a.pos by now though I'm 5 days late and 17 dpo I think.

Sent from my HTC One S
Im not sure when i ovulated but im roughly 5 days late now :-( PMA all the way!! xx

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