Advice on switching to formula :(


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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I've posted elsewhere about my horrible boob problems over the last week. In a nutshell I had a tiny non cancerous lump in breast a couple of years ago that has grown huge whilst bf & then got inflamed last wkend. I'm on second set of antibiotics & they are not helping. The lump, which is hard now has a rapidly growing soft part that feels like its full of liquid, yuk! So basically I've got a bright red painful lump about the size of an egg sticking out of breast & it's right by my nipple & so it is hard for Isaac to suck as there's only a tiny bit of nipple left for him, I am still feeding from it as dint want it to become engorged as well. Pretty gruesome really! I've got a hospital appointment tomorrow to check the lump, but im actually wondering whether I should maybe go to a&e today as it gets worse everyday, I just don't know what to do :(
I've been a very stubborn breast feeder & have EBF Isaac for 12 weeks very successfully & I love it, but I'm beginning to realize that I might have to introduce formula as they are going to have to treat the lump somehow, I might have to go into hospital (can't bare the thought of leaving my little boy, especially without a boob, he loves boob & is really comforted by it!).
But, as devastated as I am I think I've got to prepare for some formula feeding & I'm totally clueless! I have given Isaac expressed milk before & he took it fine. I have 2 avent bottles with size 1 teets, Isaac is 12 weeks, is size one right? How do I know when he might need size 2? I think I'll have to buy more bottles. Also I'm sure I've read that aptimil is the closest to breastmilk? Perhaps I'll go for that. Finally, can I make up bottles in advance & store in the fridge?
I'm worried he won't settle well after formula as he didn't after expressed milk, he finds the boob comforting! Breast feeding is such an emotional thing, really hope I can continue at least from the good boob, I'll be distraught if I have to stop completely, it was all going so well :(
I don't have any advice but didn't want to read and run. Sorry to hear your going through this. :hugs: xxx
Thank you :)
oh yeh, and also, how much formula do I give him & how often?! And if he has breastmilk too how do i work it all out?! Sorry, I'm so clueless!
You will know when to change teats when he seems to be falling asleep without taking a great deal of milk or seeming to be sucking for ages without taking a lot of milk. He may need the next size up really at 12 weeks but if you're going to buy more I'd just get variflow as they'll save you money in the long run. You may find he actually sleeps better after formula milk because of how much longer it takes for them to digest.
I use comfort milk which is made with boiling water so I know it is definitely completely sterile and I make the night bottles up in advance and store in the fridge. During the day I make on demand and cool in a jug of water.

I can't really advise how much formula to give if you are still wanting to breastfeed and just use the formula as a top up but if you're stopping altogether then I'd give him 6oz to start with and see how he goes xxxx
Firstly the aptimal thing is marketing that the company to get people to buy it. Our midwife was happy with the back up cow and gate we had. Might be worth buying a few cartons and just testing the water to see which he prefers as baby's react differently to different milks.

Have you thought about combi feeding for now? Once everything gets better it is possible to build your supply back up if you wanted to go down that route?

I think if you really want to stick at bfing go to a & e and tell them it's effecting your babies ability to eat. If they say they can't help now, at least you've thought about formula so it wouldn't be 'too' hard to convert (I mean obviously it will but you know what I mean?)

:hugs: I know this is hard!

When I say different cartons I mean a couple of different ready made brands.

Hunnie - really helpful, thanks, had no idea you could get variable teets!
Pinky - good advice on milk, I will be breastfeeding as much as possible for as long as possible & hope to combi feed if I do have to introduce formula. Still got one good boob! Just wondering, do you know how combi feeding effect the immunity to illness baby gets from breastfeeding?
the fact you have done so well so far and breastfed baby as long as you have, you will have already filled him with your antibodies in those very important first few weeks :D

I combination feed with aptamil and we use size 2 teets with the avent bottles. the medium flow ones....if you have sezi 1, he may get frustrated that its not coming out quick enough!

I normaly make my bottles up in an evening and in a morning. I make them up with boiling water (well I literally leave it to stand for 5 mins in the bottles) and then i know that its all nice and sterile. Then i cool the bottles in some cold water and then into the back of the fridge, cos its really cold there! I know that these will be used within 12 hours so have no worries making them up in advance. I then just warm them up in a jug of boiling water when i need them. Takes about 3 mins to heat to body temp. YOu check the temp by putting a little bit on your wrist and if you cant feel it....they;re ready :)

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I think the fact the baby gets some milk Is better than nothing iykwim? It might be wothout checking kellymom or la leche league for advice on one sided feeding?

YOu have done so well to be bf through all of this!! I started combi feeding harrison and I put in the bottle the recommended amount on the side of the packet plus a little bit more and that seemed to satisfy him!! Harry currently has size 1 teats but he is ready for size 2s I just keep forgetting!! We use the cartons so I cant advise on making up the formula im afraid!! Harrison settles a lot better with a bottle the only disadvantage is that you cant just put them on your boob if they are really wound up so you have to fnd other ways to soothe them!!
i combi feed, Alyssa has 3 or 4 boobie meals a day and a few formula feeds too. the afternoon 2pm ish feed is usually boobie and then a bottle too. my boobs have adjusted to this pattern well. i give her 5oz bottles of aptimil formula, shes happy on that. tho be warned the milk change may give her a rash, it dosent sem to bother them but its not nice to see, alyssa is just getting over it now. sometimes she will take 7 or 8 oz in a solely formula feed but thats just recently, at 12 weeks i think your lo would probably want at least 6 oz per bottle anyway. id say variflow or size 2 teats would be best for you too

i dont think you have to give up completely at all, if nothing else then alternate one boobie feed with one bottle feed using the bottle like your other boob.
Thanks for all the advice, it's been so helpful. I ended up going to an out of hours doctor today & he thinks I've got a breast abscess. He's given me yet more antibiotics & im going to hospital tomorrow for treatment. My mum had a breast abscess when breast feeding & had to go into hospital for a few days. I'm not sure if things have changed & maybe it can be sorted quicker now, has anyone had one? I'm so upset that I might have to leave my baby boy.
OH is being a bit of a dick too which isn't helping. He's banging round the kitchen throwing a strop about everything he has to do, I've had to come upstairs as trying to settle the baby, hes being really selfish, so not what i need. Im actually terrified of leaving Isaac with him. He's never done night times & he doesnt wake when isaac cries & is rubbish at settling him. I might have to get my mum to come down, but she lives 2 hours away. I cant believe how much OH annoys me since having a baby, it's not good.
I'm still breastfeeding from both breasts, very painful, but got some formula to take to the hospital in case OH has to feed Isaac while I'm being treated. How long does it keep for once mixed & kept out of the fridge? Would it be better to take sterile bottles with boiled water in & take the powder & mix if/when needed?
If I have to stay in hospital for a couple of nights will my milk dry up? I hope I'm able to express or something to keep the good boob going. Ohhhhh it's all just so annoying! Sorry for moans I'm just feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment!
Goodness me! Can you not take LO? can you speak to a bf group or hospital about lending u a hospital grade one? I think you'll need to pump every 2 hours to keep your supply up!

I'd get my mum to stay tbh!
I'm not sure, can you take babies into hospital? That would be the best thing. When my mum had it done my brother was a baby & he wasn't even allowed to visit her because of germs :( I'm going to be a blubbering wreck if that happens! Hoping things have changed! I think I will ask my mum to stay, bloody blokes!
I will ask about pumps. Im annoyed it's got this bad, I showed the doc at my six week check that I had a lump getting bigger & he said it was nothing & then I've seen various docs & nothing they have done has helped & now im probably going to be hospitalized grrrrr!
So sorry you're going through all this but just wanted to add my two cents. My mum developed a breast absess while bf my sister and had to have it drained. She took my sister with her and continued to EBF. She said it hurt and it wasn't easy but soon settled back down. Its worth asking your hospital about doing this as while you're being treated you can just have a family member to watch your LO. :hug: hope all this settles for you soon.
Oh that's really good to hear, thank you! I really want to carry on breast feeding, im getting so upset as everyone keeps saying I'll have to switch to formula now. It's good to hear stories like yours. I'm already feeding through a lot of pain & am willing to continue if that's what it takes!
In fact the doctor at the hospital today ( he seemed a bit rubbish) told me I should stop feeding from that breast. I said I'd heard you should carry on in order to drain it & stop it from becoming engorged & so he just said 'well ok, you can if you like'! Clearly not a clue!
Yeah my mum was advised to keep feeding from both. I'm a bit shocked they said to stop feeding from that breast. Surely if they say about germs you could maybe be asked to be moved onto a maternity ward? They won't mind about a baby being on those wards! :)
That must be really hard for you - I hope they can sort the problem out quickly, and maybe you can then even go back to fully breastfeeding once it is sorted, it you're still keen on it! I've also heard that Aptamil is the closest to breastmilk, and as far as I'm aware the advice for making up bottles is to do it one at a time rather than preparing a few in advance, or you can also buy the forumla in a tetrapak (which is more expensive, but obviously also easier). As far as the teats are concerned, I remember that my oldest daughter, who was ff, just got really frustrated and angry when the teats got to small and she was ready for the next size, so maybe just use the ones you've got and see what happens? I hope it all goes well for you at your appointment tomorrow!
Is it possible when you had the op on the boob they damaged a duct or something? Worth asking.

If anything I reckon A&E would drain it and send you on your way unless you have a bad temperature or anything.

Hope you get some relief, and I'm sure your LO will be happy as long as he gets a full tum one way or another right? A healthy happy mum is his number 1 priority.
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