Advice on switching to formula :(

That's so helpful thanks. I bought a big tub of aptamil but they didn't have the little cartons so we'll make do with powder, hoping I won't need it anyway! I'm hoping that hospitals are more geared up to try to keep you breastfeeding these days, but we'll see, the doc I saw certainly wasn't! In bed now hoping the night goes quickly as just wanna get it treated now, had enough of all the pain :(
If you do end up in for a few days, I'd think surely they would have to accommodate your baby too, because you are his food supply and cannot be separated from him!! I know when Logan was in with a urine infection (albeit was children's ward) I stayed on parent bed as I couldn't stay away for long so stayed 24/7. It wouldn't be fair to make you have to give formula if u want to continue feeding him by boob as that's not the NHS encouraging EBF do I'd be forcing the issue that your son is comic with you as he needs to you be able to eat! Well done on sticking with it, it must be really sore
Ps meant couldn't stay away because I bf him lol was a random sentence there
Thanks everyone for comments & advice, I don't know what I'd do without this forum sometimes!
Ok, little update on boob, went to hospital, they confirmed a breast abcsess but couldn't fit me in today, bit gutted as soooo painful. Going back tomoro though & they are going to try to drain it while I'm awake so they don't have to keep me in & separate me from LO. But if that doesn't work I've got to have an operation & stay in & that would do a lot of damage to nipple so won't be feeding from it again :( It looks horrendous, shockingly awful! OH is being helpful now & my mum is coming down tomoro. We have been stocking up on bottles & formula in case we need it, I'm still feeding from it at mo tho!! Go me! Just got a quick formula Q- we will be taking bottles of cooled boiled water to the hospital tomoro to put formula powder in when needed, how long can you keep the bottles of water both in & out of fridge?
Goodness me what a palava! I really hope it's sorted for you as painlessly as possible! I really hope it works out for you! I'm not 100% on how formula works but I know my mum used to take it hot in the bottle in a bottle insulator then would add the powder at feed time and it would be the right temp but she knew feed times so you'll be best talking to the more experienced ladies I think!


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