Advice needed


Apr 1, 2011
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I've just turned 17 and am 20 weeks pregnant. I haven't told anyone, not even the father, but its really obvious now. I am huge! I have been overeating and wearing really baggy clothes. I've gone from a size 6/8 to a size 14/16 already.
Any tips/advice/critisisms, etc
Anything is welcome...
Hi hon, wow I can't believe you've done it alone for 20 weeks, that must have been really hard? Is it that your worried or just personal preference?? The only advice I would give is that the baby doesn't need too much food at this stage and even in 3rd tri its only something like an extra 200 calories a day so you don't need to overeat, infact its safer to carry on eating how you did before, and get as much vitamins and protein through your food as you can, I think we are expected to put some weight on but its not as much as people think, although everyone is different. Your midwife might be able to advise on an eating plan if your worried your putting too much weight on?
Have you had your 20 week scan yet?
No, I'm too scared to let on. I haven't been to the doctor yet so no scan. I'm just trying to hide the bump as much as possible. It's hard but it's my fault. I want to wait 8-10 more weeks until my exams are over as im under loads of pressure already but i was wondering if thats too long. On average, do you know how much I would be showing by then? I'm showing considerably already..
Thanks for the tips though.
i suggest you book yourself in with the drs asap the scans and checks are very important for yours and your babies health also the midwife will be able to give you info on where to go for support ect also if you still have your parents around please please tell them they cant offer you any support if they dont know xxxxx :hugs:
i suppose but i can't. They are so strict they won't even let me have a boyfriend, let alone get pregnant. I really don't know how I can approach it. Would 8-10 weeks be too long?
i agree with midnight

but also wanted to ask if there is twins in your family?!? as this is one of the first things you get asked! im only 2weeks ahead of you and i wouldn't consider myself to be huge, so if you do or the father does its possible there could be two in there, hence why your saying your so big!

get down to your drs asap! and tell your parents, or another family member, they may react badly to start with but they will come round! best of luck :hugs: xxx
well im 31 weeks now and i have a small bump and there is no way i could hide it its so obvious plus you need to get check ups regular plus 10 -12 weeks isnt leaving you very long to buy everything needed for a baby its better to be prepared and deal with it now than later i know how scary it is i was 17 when i got pregnant with my 1st granted my parents wasnt strict but i was still scared of telling them but as soon as i got it off my chest it was liek a whole weight had been lifted you might be able to concentrate better on your exams if your parents knew that way its 1 less thing to worry about xx
id rather my daughter tell me sooner than later x
If you are not ready to tell anyone yet, I definitely think you should at least go to your doctor, everything is confidential and they will scan you and check your blood etc to make sure you don't need any iron etc.. It's so important to go incase (not trying to scare you) anything is wrong, your BP, placenta, babys growth etc.. I don't know how you have done it alone :hug: I was 18 when I had to tell my parents, we never talked about sex etc.. It was the single most scary thing I have ever had to do, but once those words left my mouth, I instantly felt relief, I wasn't hiding a secret anymore, they knew, and in time they would understand and be supportive.. I told myself to look months ahead, once the baby is in their arms all of the fuss will be forgot about.. You always have us on here too hun, anytime xxx
yep we aint going anywhere :) and i dont know how youve done it alone so far shows your strong
8-10 weeks is too long to not see a midwife. You dont have to tell your parents just yet if your that worried but please see your gp and midwife to arrange scans and blood test.

You may be rhesus negative and need anti-d in the next 8 weeks but you wont know till you have a blood test.
Oh hon I don't know what to say, I just can't imagine going through it alone too scared to tell anyone, I don't know how you've coped. I agree with everyone else it is so so so important to see your Dr and get them to appoint you a midwife as there is lots of tests they need to do and you might need medical care without realising like if your iron is low etc, plus your due a scan now to check the baby is growing as it should be. The drs have to be confidential so they can't tell your family, but try and get an apt for Monday its so important.

I know you say your parents are strict but your their daughter they will love you no matter what, it just may take them some time to get over the shock, but if you tell them so they have time to get used to the idea they can help you get everything ready, like a cot and pushchair etc. As for your exams would the school let you take them a bit later if they knew you were pregnant? Or give you some help?

As everyone else said, your not alone on here xx
If you have a quick look in the thread for 3rd tri bump pics you'll be able to see how big you're going to be by 30 weeks.... Definitely think you should see your gp... you need to get checked out x
heya hun , firstly :hugs: . I cant imagine how your feeling . you need to see a doctor and get checked out make sure you and your baby are ok . Do you have a guidance councillor at school / college ? Or a trusted teacher ? you could ask them to be there when you talk to your parents or even your G.P ?
Gosh hun, really feel for you! Its worrying that youve gone this long without seeing a doctor. I dont want to worry you too much as it sounds like you have enough on your plate but you really need to see a doctor ASAP and check that everythings ok with the baby and with your pregnancy.

Personally at 30 weeks my bump was huge and noticable and i couldnt have fooled anyone for that long! I think youre going to have to come clean sooner or later so its best to try and pluck up the courage to do it now. It will only be more shocking for everyone if you tell them youre pregnant and you only have a few weeks until you give birth!

Good luck x
Well, it's out in the open now. Mum's ok with it, keeping herself busy with checks and things. Went to the doctor and found out i'm only 17 weeks, but the doctor recons it might be twins as I am large. Having a scan tomorrow to see. Blood test shows everythings fine so far, hopefully. Double check at the scan. Thank you all for your support and advice as I don't think I would have told otherwise.
Thanks again xxxxxxxxx
Hope everything goes well with your scan tomorrow :hug: x
Good luck for your scan andkeep us posted :D xx
well done with telling your parent :hugs: they will come round so dont worry about them! glad everything seems to be good so far and good luck for tomorrow :) its an amazing experience! let us know how you get on xxx

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