Advice needed

Just seen this thread. Well done for telling and best of luck with your scan, let us know how you get on. So glad your mum is ok with things x
I understand how your feeling too well, but you've done the hard part already without realizing.
I got with my new boyfriend a year and a bit l8a (christmas) I found out I was pregnant , Only 17 years old.... I'm 18 soon and my mom knows but my dad doesn't, when I told my mom i wrote it in a letter. Write a letter telling them gently how far your gone, why you haven't told them, phone your doctors and book a appointment (they wont tell your parents, but when letters are been sent they will find out if they open your letter so look out for post) However, send them a letter, whichever parent you can trust the most, tell them first and then ask for there help on telling the other parent. It's a shame your missing out on scans but because your over 16 your GP or hospital cannot tell your parents... or get a family member your close to who speaks to your mom and dad to tell them. They need to know soon chick, because you have to have blood tests and things to check the baby is okay and everything is normal. Don't stress, I know how you feel because I haven't told my dad yet but my mom knows and even though she was disappointed at first, she couldn't care what my dad has to say now (she has no choice but to accept it) so she is going to tell him for me. Just message me if you need any advise hun :) x
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Only just read that you told them, well done and now enjoy the rest of pregnancy :) let us know how scan goes x
i agree with midnight

but also wanted to ask if there is twins in your family?!? as this is one of the first things you get asked! im only 2weeks ahead of you and i wouldn't consider myself to be huge, so if you do or the father does its possible there could be two in there, hence why your saying your so big!

get down to your drs asap! and tell your parents, or another family member, they may react badly to start with but they will come round! best of luck :hugs: xxx

Just re-read your comment and was wondering.. now it turns out I am 5 weeks behind you, how big is my belly compared to yours? Incase it is twins. Although, there is no history of it in the family :eh: Thanks for the tip though :)
[/QUOTE] Just re-read your comment and was wondering.. now it turns out I am 5 weeks behind you, how big is my belly compared to yours? Incase it is twins. Although, there is no history of it in the family :eh: Thanks for the tip though :)[/QUOTE]

well there is a recent pic in the bummpy pics section at the top of tri 2 page, but id say a little smaller than your maybe, but it all depends on you body shape to start with! i have quite wide hips and so normally wear a size 14 trouser, though i have only developed a bump out front! take a look and see what you think! does the baby's father have twins in his family? xxx
Well done of telling them hun, that by far is the hardest bit over, with each day that passes it will get better and better and the excitement will grow :hug: Are you going to stick around? There is amazing support on here and help for almost every situation xo
I'm so pleased you've seen a Dr and told your mum, good luck with your scan hon its the most amazing thing ever being able to see your baby, keep us all posted x
How did he guess 17 weeks?

You hid that bump well :D

Hope scan went ok x
wow! amazing that youve managed to keep it in, i was telling the world at 9 weeks.

In my opinion 8-10 weeks you will probably showing a noticeable amount, and by the looks of your piccy you already are. People may have already started to notice but havent said anything as they dont want to offend you if they have it wrong.

I really would suggest telling your parents hun, I know its prob going to be hard - but once they come to terms with it it will be fine! Also really recommend going to the doctors. You've missed out on two amazing experiences of seeing your baby inside you already & it really is something you dont want to miss. Plus they will be able to tell you how the baby is developing and answer all questions. xx
sorry im so far behind! well done for telling your mum. now you can relax and just look forward to the second half of your pregnancy and meeting your baby :)
Welldone telling your mum :)

How did your scan go? x
Thanks for all your support. And I'm having twins! Parents have settled down about it now, but its still really awkward and weird. But I'm over the worst of it. Two lovely boys are coming my way!
The scan was amazing. My mum started to cry! I did get some dissapproving looks from nurses but who cares?! It was a truly magical moment. I would put the picture on here but it doesn't come out clearly on a camera and I don't own a scanner :(

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Thanks for all your support. And I'm having twins! Parents have settled down about it now, but its still really awkward and weird. But I'm over the worst of it. Two lovely boys are coming my way!

congrats wow bet ur ova the moon boys r very loving hun xx
i spent ages searching for this thread the other day and couldnt find it haha

congrats and im glad you told your mum x
Wow thats amazing!!!! It must have been VERY hard to hide that bump :)

I would love to see your scan pics, must have been amazing to see twins on the scan! Were you quite shocked?

Haha thanks! Why were you looking for it?

just wondered if you had told your parents :)

bet it was a shock finding out its twins double the trouble but double the fun :) when are they due? any names picked out
haha yeah it was a huge shock, but I was huge (still am but theres a reason now :) ) It was truly amazig. Haha they look like little aliens, massive heads!
They are due August 20th but they will probably be earlier! Umm I'm not sure. I'm liking Edward, Joseph, Jack, James, Michael, George. What do you think? We will have to see what they look like when they are born. They might not suit any of those names!

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