Adam James Mendy 5th Sept 2011

Tracey M

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2010
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Sorry for delay in posting this, been in neo-natal unit with wee Adam. He was born at 02.07 hrs on Monday. 5th September weighing 8lb 14oz. He was home for a week and been in hospital since. Somehow he gor HSV-1 virus and will be in neo natal until 6th october! He is responding to treatment but his course of treatment lasts 21 days... Pics of Adam on postnatal thread! Welcome to the world wee guy, be strong and will get you back home soon
Aww poor Adam! Really hope he makes a speedy recovery!! I love the name Adam and want it for our next baby if it's a bluey but our neighbour's Son's are Jack & Adam so I don't think we'll use it! lol

I'm off to nosey at your pics now! x
Hang in there little Adam, 6th will soon come and your mummy will take you home :)
Bless you all x
Aww, Poor Adam, Hope he is better soon and starts picking up. x
Congratulations! Poor little adam, hope he makes a speedy recovery x
Congratulations!! God bless the wee soul - he'll be right as rain in no time. Xxxx

Congratulations on his arrival, he'll be fighting fit in no time :hug: x
Bless him, hope he recovers quickly so you can take him home. :hugs: x x
Congratulations! Hope he recovers soon. xx
Congrats hun! hope adam gets better soon so you can take him home :hugs: xxx
So pleased for you! Congratulations on the birth, nearly 9 lbs? Thats quite big isnt it? How are you both holding up? xxx

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