A question about HPT & Implantation Read Plz


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Hey Everyone,
I had some spotting 5 dpo. (ive never had it this early before. i usually get some spotting a few days before AF since coming off the pill.) It was only one occasion when i wiped too. Could it be?
I am 10 dpo now and testing negative. Surley i would be testing positive by now if it was implantation wouldn't i? I was really positive about this month as the first month (last month) i conceived but unforunatley MMC.

Has anyone got any experiences with implantation bleeding 5 dpo if so when did they test positive?

I know ill find out if i wait but you know what its like waiting lol.

Thanks for any replies xxx

I have posted this in 2 sections :) as i figured out people seem to come on this one more xxx
It'll get answered where ever you stick it, one will be enough i think :)

Implantation occurs between 6DPO and 12DPO according to the articles i've read, but maybe it can haappen earlier - i don't know.

The egg needs time to travel and multiply into a large enough structure to implant itself.

As for when to test, the time it takes for HCG levels to increase enough varies from one person to the next so you're just going to have to wait and see how long it takes for you :)
Thanks Louiseb, i know ive got to wait :-( i just can't stop thinking about it xx
Yeah it's really horrid waiting.

I just don't care right now... I'm done stressing.

BFP - woohoo get a baba.

BFN - woohoo get a couple of weeks free from ttc!
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Sounds all positive but its very very early to tell, a friend of mine (god I am so old I have soooo many stories) tested BFN and then a few days later nearer her period, like on the day she was due on, she tested BFP so unfortunately its that ticking clock again hey, its a nightmare isnt it, just the not knowing does me everytime, if it was one way or the other you could get on with things but the not knowing arrrrrgggggghhhhh ha ha ha xxx
thanks for that :)
Yeah the days just seem to drag ha...well least ive got hope xxx

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