5 weeks??


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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Is anybody else around 5 weeks preg? I previously had a mc (in may). Now im 5 weeks and would like to compare how im feelin etc. Dont want to have to go through that again x
I'm 5 weeks Charlie26. Also had a mc this year too. It's so stressful all of this, we have to keep cool and relaxed though eh? :)

One thing I have learnt though is that it's best not to compare your symptoms with last time, or anyone else for that matter. Everyone has a different journey through pregnancy and just because you do or don't have certain symptoms doesn't necessarily mean things are going to go bad.
You seem really posative, i wish i could feel like that. I know if its ment to be then everything will be ok. It just doesnt help seeing pregnant women everytime i step out of the house. Are you going for an early scan or are you waiting till 12 week? x
I'm trying to be positive (though have the occasional wobble - see my did something stupid/panic over posts lol )

I will be having an early scan but I want to make sure that I have it at the right time because I couldn't bear it being inconclusive and having to go back in 2 weeks or something. So I think I am going to hold out until 8 weeks ish for that.
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Yes i seen your posts lol, thats a good idea to wait till 8 weeks. When i mc i had to go back a week later as they could see the sack in the 1st scan, but a week later they just did a preg test and it came back neg, so i didnt even get a scan. Im sure this time is going to be ok but i cant get too far ahead of my self as i dont think ill be able to handle the pain a second time round. x
Think all of us that have had m/c's worry that its going to happen again, but Tor's right charlie. BEst not to compare it to last time (easier said than done) - or anyone else - cos every pregnancy different.

Hope everything goes well this time round.

Thank u hun, im feelin much more posative as every day goes by. (a little retail therapy has also helped today) :) xx
lol - retail therapy always helps. xxx now if only my OH could understand this.
yes best not to compare, I had lots sickness with my MMC baby lost at 11 plus 5 weeks, baby was 9 weeks
and then straight after no real major sickness , only tiny bit naseua with the next one which stuck!

I had a scan at 9 weeks, which turned out to only be 8 weeks, and so they very kindley offered me another after the 9 week point to make me feel better, so worth waiting , as long as it is
I know, i sopose if its ment to be it doesnt matter how long i wait. Still a very scary time. My 5yr old child asked me last night if i had a baby in my belly, how strange. Nobody knows except me & my hubby. Think children can sometimes sence these things x
wow....I also had a mc in May and just found out yesterday I am 5 weeks pregnant. I'm slightly aprehensive about it all, but I am trying to enjoy the news.....even though I am quite shocked it happened so quickly.

Be positive and enjoy being pregnant - I'm trying to do that. I've had 2mc now and your right in that nearly everywhere you look someone has a bump.......your heart just gives a little lurch and a small voice in your head says 'why not me' - I suspect its a totally normal feeling - just stay strong and positve.

Good Luck to everyone....x
Wow, it really is amazing howm many women have been through this, and at the same time! I found out on tue, im 5 weeks today. Now i have had a few days to think about it, im being more positive, also every day thats passes is a step closer to 12weeks! Good luck hun xx

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