Due 1st may.

Hi girls, I rang doctors the other day receptionist said I was to ring back at 8 - 10 weeks and book appt with our surgery midwife. No advice about folic acid, no asking if i had any other medical conditions - NOTHING!!
I had to make appt to see dr about something else and have been this morning. She has referred me onto my midwife and made me appt for 4th Oct for booking in. She also said that its a good job that I was already taking folic acid and had some common sense, because some people may not know about issues like that and if they have no advice until 10 weeks they wont know for the crucial time!! Think this is a very valid point xx

omg thats disgusting!!! glad i have a nice doctors lol... cant complain in the slightest!
im the same; the midwife said to me that she cant see me until im 8 weeks; my doctors are so unhelpful and rude its horrible; it just makes you uncomfortable everytime you need to ring; well does me anyway. anyone know whether its 8 weeks or 12 weeks you have your first scan; ive seen some people have had one at 8 but others at 12? xx
usually you wait until your 12 weeks, earlier scans are usually for people who have miscarried previously, people who are experiencing problems in there pregnancy and to date a pregnancy xx
I saw my mw at 5 weeks i was stressing out, needed advice as i had a mc in may. She didnt do much tbh, just filled my file in and told me to take folic acid & vit d. She said i was low risk and didnt want me to go for a early scan. So i phoned epu my self and went down. My next appoinment with her is 16 weeks, seems crazy! xx

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