Wow Zoe, it is indeed high, but it makes a lovely shape though umcomfy for you, I had missed he was lying sideways , thought was still breech ! Looking good hun.
Sarah I too can't believe you are 32 weeks already, awsome bump
Thank you girls coco- not necessarily , was just saying that I was a mum by 36 weeks last time so it is very real for me that at any time baby could make an appearance x
thanks girls, fab bump mummy-midwife xx
he keeps going from head up to head to the side but keeps his feet low so mw still called it breech as his feet are down think he's pretty long as he keeps getting into some awkward positions sometimes and if i lay down you can see exactly where he is! Given up on him going head down now he seems to just push himself higher and higher xxx
August mums, I seem to have been blocked on the August thread and my posts need moderating apparently, which I am fuming about. So I haven't been loosing my posts I am just not allowed to post. Very upset about it x
Aw thanks Keeptrying that's good to know it's not just me having issues, really upset as had written another big reply and couldn't post it. I will wait to see what Alan says and if needs be I will contact admin mum2b . In the meantime I will just read thread x
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