I've only been measured once using a measuring tape at any of my midwife appointments - is this something that should be done ?
It's routinely done at my apps hon but not sure how accurate it is, depends how baby is lying etc. I'm 4/5 engaged so could be to do with that x x
I've only been measured once using a measuring tape at any of my midwife appointments - is this something that should be done ?
It's routinely done at my apps hon but not sure how accurate it is, depends how baby is lying etc. I'm 4/5 engaged so could be to do with that x x
When they measure you, where do they measure from and to? I've not been measured yet and just wondering how they do it xx
I've only been measured once using a measuring tape at any of my midwife appointments - is this something that should be done ?
It's routinely done at my apps hon but not sure how accurate it is, depends how baby is lying etc. I'm 4/5 engaged so could be to do with that x x
When they measure you, where do they measure from and to? I've not been measured yet and just wondering how they do it xx
Is it like a cloth tape measure? I measured mine with a cloth one I got in my bounty pack and it measured 41cm - surely that's not right! My friend is a lot bigger than me and she's only a week in front and measuring spot on! Xx
Is it like a cloth tape measure? I measured mine with a cloth one I got in my bounty pack and it measured 41cm - surely that's not right! My friend is a lot bigger than me and she's only a week in front and measuring spot on! Xx
Have you still got an innie twinkles??
Might be brave and do a bare bump when I hit 36 weeks....