3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

Lovely bumps ladies. I can't believe how much they vary from person to person! Not one bump is the same :)
29 weeks

30 weeks tomorrow eeekkkk!!!

Ahhh I think your bump looks JUST like mine, I am 30wks on Thursday. :) So many are so different, varying sizes etc. But that looks like mine, I have to say.
Fab bumps ladies! Graphicbyme, wow that looks like a cracker from the side!

Well I haven't done a bump pic in ages, this is my first for tri 3.

31+1 weeks


I think I have dropped!! Stay put baby til the 11th please!!!

My first arrived at 38+5.... I have a planned section for the 11th feb....I will be 38+3 then...

Baby doesn't feel engaged or I don't feel too much pressure...but it does look a bit lower on that pic xx
Thanks Stacey! Glad I'm finishing up work tomorrow though as its beginning to get in the way! :roll: xxx
You all have nice bumps I just look fat :(

Excuse the bra lol


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i have a very short body lol i know for sure ive got knees poking into my ribs
I have a short body too Jojo, think it makes things a lot more uncomfortable. I was ok this morning but belly feels like it's going to explode now, it's just so tight and hard.
tell me about it ive had terrible back ache coming and going today, the constant need to push like i need a poo, contant need to wee but i dont need to wee if u know what i mean... on top of that horrendous heartburn.

my mum is a nurse and she said she thinks it sounds like baby could be starting to engage.

at least just 6 weeks til EDD,... mind you despite the aches and pains i dont mind being pregnant
lol the baby must turn corners before you do! lol

is ur bump different this time round than last?

i have major bump envy
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