3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

lol nice bump

i dont have any strech marks on belly but do have one under my boobs
31+1 today... looks like a ball up my front! ;-)

First baby, boy and head is already down. Yay!

Awww lovely bump :) Did your midwife tell you head down? My midwife thought mine was head down at 31 wk appt too but back to back. I just can't tell at all by feeling myself. Always feels on the right and side a lot though.
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Feels like its dropped

Feeling huge this week! 36 weeks, 3 weeks to go!


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wow 3 weeks? YIKES!

my friends are all cvonvinced ill have a baby before feburary is out... one has made a bet with another one of my friends that ill have a valentines day babym, the other thinks 19th lol...
Yup, getting nervous about the needles now! I've got my pre op appt 13th feb so I'm going to ask if they have any spots free 14th to get me in early. Will be easier with getting help with the other kids, and also means OH will be off an extra 3 days to help me during recovery. Also selfishly, the 14th is the anniversary of when my mum passed away so would be nice for something happy to happen on that day.

Jojo, has your midwife checked if baby engaged yet? Have you told your friends you get the bet winnings?lol
Oh and a side on with my new friend Sid ( the stretch mark) I have named it Sid - because it's a male name and I feel more comfortable having a go at it ha

Ooo, you've dropped haven't you! You look smaller.
no but she said from the sounds of everything baby has dropped into pelvis. also yesterday at the hospital she didnt palpate but said that all my signs and pains sound like engageent - she also had to go quite low for the trace, not far from my pelvic bone.

weird ting is... i was looking through my notes and i had a GTT on 16th dec and she had a quick palpate and they did a trace as i had had that big fall a few days before... on my notes she wrote 4/5 engaged! that cnt be right, surely?

i see my consultant wednesday and have a scan so ill make sure they have a propper feel around as not knowing is making me quite anxious and i dont know why

ive had cinstant pain at the bottom of my back and fanny daggers today, feels like someone is crushing my pelvis in a vice and had a few large BH roday that really took my breath and a few last night. i also cant stand up for too long or i get really crampy in my back.
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Oh and a side on with my new friend Sid ( the stretch mark) I have named it Sid - because it's a male name and I feel more comfortable having a go at it ha

Ooo, you've dropped haven't you! You look smaller.

Do you think? People say they think I am starting to drop but I still feel very high - also don't feel like baby has engaged or anything - the pressure and pains all the other ladies associate with engagement I just havnt got :/
I also don't feel like I've grown either in the last few weeks - glad someone else has noticed and it's not just me!
i think i look a bit smaller today and yesterdsy than i have done, the point of my bump seems lower
Ok so first pic was 31 weeks- 2nd 35 weeks

Deffo getting massive ... :/ wanted to compare!


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Looking beautiful ladies! :)

My bump looks smaller and weird shaped now as it's totally dropped. I'll post a picture soon :)
Looking great ladies!! I shall have a new one tonight or tomorrow morning. X
I don't know haha - everyone thinks I'm having a boy - so I naturally think it will be a girl because of this haha

I'm not very sceptical when it comes to the whole old wives tales stuff - it's probably my eating habits :lol:

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