3 year old british girl abducted in Portugal

Alfiesmummy said:
this is so sad :cry: but i do have to agree in a foreign country i wouldnt leave mine alone whilst i ate away whether it was across the way or not, thats just me personally, i wouldnt even do it in this country if im honest. I pray they find her safe and unharmed :cry:
i was amazed at this too steph :shock:
i would not let mine out of sight either
Oh my god what the hell were they thinking leaving three young children alone like that! Never in my life would I ever leave my child alone while I ate my dinner in a resturant!
there was apparantly a babysitting service where the children are checked every half an hour.
hmmm im still not convinced if i had a babysitter whilst i was here id prefer them to check on my son more than once every half an hour and thats in my own home call me obsessive but i check on alfie every 20 minutes or so, or if im watching tv in every break, even WITH the motions sensor, but that could be me being over protective
Alfiesmummy said:
hmmm im still not convinced if i had a babysitter whilst i was here id prefer them to check on my son more than once every half an hour and thats in my own home call me obsessive but i check on alfie every 20 minutes or so, or if im watching tv in every break, even WITH the motions sensor, but that could be me being over protective
id not trust ANYONE i didn't know with my kids. i bet they didn't check them every half hour either :roll:
sunshinestars said:
"They went out about eight, went back in at nine, they were fine, went back in at 10 and she was gone."

this shows they hadnt been checked on for an hour!

poor girl!

Nope every hour they was checked on, and thats on that link that was posted on here!
I really hope she is found safe and well, I cant imagine what they must be going through!

I agree that they shouldnt have left them like that, its not so much a case of checking them but more a case of a responsible adult being on the premesis to make sure no-one else could get to them and being within shouting distance.

They must be feeling incredibly guilty about that.
glitzyglamgirl said:
I really hope she is found safe and well, I cant imagine what they must be going through!

I agree that they shouldnt have left them like that, its not so much a case of checking them but more a case of a responsible adult being on the premesis to make sure no-one else could get to them and being within shouting distance.

They must be feeling incredibly guilty about that.

yep i bet they do :(
a lot of if onlys and what if's i bet :(
I do feel for anyone who's child is taken/abducted/raped/murdered/lost etc but I also think the parents are blooming stupid to leave the child alone while they enjoyed their dinner, they really can only blame themselves. You shouldn't leave babies/young children alone what so ever.
i really do feel sorry for them but the kids should not have been left alone, there was a babysiting servce available and they didnt use it becus they could see their apartment from where they were eating. what they did was sstupid but im sure they are paing for that now as i would feel sooooo guilty and ashamed with myself. the girl is very very pretty their is pics of her on the sky news website. poor thing i hope for her and her families sake she is found safe. xxxxx
Nicola said:
I do feel for anyone who's child is taken/abducted/raped/murdered/lost etc but I also think the parents are blooming stupid to leave the child alone while they enjoyed their dinner, they really can only blame themselves. You shouldn't leave babies/young children alone what so ever.

I think that is really harsh, why not blame the evil person/people who abduted her. Yes perhaps the parents should have been there with her but it's not like they were galavanting miles away leaving her for hours...they were opposite and checking in every half hour (according to new reports) while she slept.
pip said:
Nicola said:
I do feel for anyone who's child is taken/abducted/raped/murdered/lost etc but I also think the parents are blooming stupid to leave the child alone while they enjoyed their dinner, they really can only blame themselves. You shouldn't leave babies/young children alone what so ever.

I think that is really harsh, why not blame the evil person/people who abduted her. Yes perhaps the parents should have been there with her but it's not like they were galavanting miles away leaving her for hours...they were opposite and checking in every half hour (according to new reports) while she slept.

People do all sorts of bad things and parents are aware of risks with children being taken (raped, murdered, etc) and in my opinion whether they were checking her every half hour or not at all the times she was unsupervised was just plain stupidity and I do believe it they had been watching her she would still be with them now. Yes the person/people that took her are of course bad etc but it's not just their fault, they shouldn't have taken her but the parents should not have left her alone. It might seem harsh but some people are just stupid when it comes to common sense. Just personal opinion.
pip said:
Nicola said:
I do feel for anyone who's child is taken/abducted/raped/murdered/lost etc but I also think the parents are blooming stupid to leave the child alone while they enjoyed their dinner, they really can only blame themselves. You shouldn't leave babies/young children alone what so ever.

I think that is really harsh, why not blame the evil person/people who abduted her. Yes perhaps the parents should have been there with her but it's not like they were galavanting miles away leaving her for hours...they were opposite and checking in every half hour (according to new reports) while she slept.

i dont think its harsh to point out they were stupid, no-one wuld wish that on anyone despite wot they had done but if they had left those kids alone in this country they would have been breaking the law!! xxxx
pip said:
Nicola said:
I do feel for anyone who's child is taken/abducted/raped/murdered/lost etc but I also think the parents are blooming stupid to leave the child alone while they enjoyed their dinner, they really can only blame themselves. You shouldn't leave babies/young children alone what so ever.

I think that is really harsh, why not blame the evil person/people who abduted her. Yes perhaps the parents should have been there with her but it's not like they were galavanting miles away leaving her for hours...they were opposite and checking in every half hour (according to new reports) while she slept.

sorry pip im inclined to agree with nicola, whether they were over the road or not they left 3 very young children unsuporvised and as a result one was taken, they may have been checking every half an hour but it still wasnt enough to prevent this happening.
I bet they are beside themselves kicking themselves and would give anything to turn the clocks back, but the fact remains if they had been there there would of been none of this. especially in the worls we live in now
I have to agree with those who have already said that the children shouldn't have been left alone. Unfortunately the world we live in is not a place where children should be left alone for a second. I couldn't enjoy a meal knowing that my LO was alone asleep in a hotel / apartment room. Checking up on them every half an hour is just not good enough for me.

I respect your opinion....but there are times when children are left unsupervised even for a few minutes like when you're buying petrol or stopping on the roadside to post a letter....there will always be an opportunity for a potentional rapist/murder to grab in that brief few minutes. You simply can not cart them everywhere....now i'm not saying that doing everyday errands like above is the same as going out and leaving them to have dinner....and i am not condoning leaving your child like this couple have done but i really feel that this was a case of dreadful bad luck, i think this child must have been chosen because of her fair complexion and an opportunity was seized.

I am not trying to argue with any of you girls...just trying to put myself in their shoes. I value your opinions.
I only put petrol in at tescos so that I can pay at the pump :wink:
I stand by my opinion that the children should not have been left alone while the parents dined out. I can't put myself in their shoes because I just would never ever have done it.

Reading my post back sounds as though I am being argumentative with you pip, I didn't mean it too :hug:

Lindsay said:
I only put petrol in at tescos so that I can pay at the pump :wink:
I stand by my opinion that the children should not have been left alone while the parents dined out. I can't put myself in their shoes because I just would never ever have done it.


Ha ha, we don't have tesco's here only crappy old sainsbury's where you have to trudge inside and pay.

Anyway i'm going to lay off this subject now and just hope that little girl is ok and turns up :pray:

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