Sorry, but I'm having to have a damn good rant!!
My mother lives with us and is driving me NUTS!! She has just returned from visiting my brother (because I wanted time alone with my family and Oscar). Since she's back, every time Oscar has a wee cry, she immediately views her opinion about the fact that my milk must be CRAP. Can you imagine how bloody annoying that is? With my first born (nearly 12 years ago) she did the same and I ended up bottle feeding after a couple of weeks). I found out some years later, that the only problem I had with my son, was incorrect latching which caused cracked nipples. I breastfed my daughter with no probs for 18 months, because my mother wasn't breathing down my neck.
I'm sorry, just sooooo pissed off. When Oscar cries she wants to hold him. She thinks she's the only one that can get rid of winds, etc. She had 7 kids (including twins to start with) and thinks she knows it all. I'm sure she does have some good advice to pass on, but only if she does it without sounding like a "know-all". For goodness sake, I was her last born (only girl after 6 boys) in the 60's. We've changed our way of thinking ie. demand feeding. In her day you spiked the baby's milk with rusks and even brandy!!!
I love my mother, but she's on bloody thin ice now. She speads alot of tension in my house amongst my kids and husband. Now that hubby is working away, it's like having another kid in the house. I have to take her food to her every evening whilst she's watching her soaps. Seldom a compliment arise.
Oh dear, what do I sound like??? I'm such a placid person with a lot of patience, but this is taking the mickey!!!! I'm starting to get sooooooo stressed out and it's affecting my moods with my children. I've tried talking to her, but she just looks past me. In one ear, out the other. She has so little respect for me in my own house. I ask her not to do one thing.... turn my back.... and she does it anyway!!!
So, what would you do when nothing you've tried to talk about, will work?
Emilia xx
My mother lives with us and is driving me NUTS!! She has just returned from visiting my brother (because I wanted time alone with my family and Oscar). Since she's back, every time Oscar has a wee cry, she immediately views her opinion about the fact that my milk must be CRAP. Can you imagine how bloody annoying that is? With my first born (nearly 12 years ago) she did the same and I ended up bottle feeding after a couple of weeks). I found out some years later, that the only problem I had with my son, was incorrect latching which caused cracked nipples. I breastfed my daughter with no probs for 18 months, because my mother wasn't breathing down my neck.
I'm sorry, just sooooo pissed off. When Oscar cries she wants to hold him. She thinks she's the only one that can get rid of winds, etc. She had 7 kids (including twins to start with) and thinks she knows it all. I'm sure she does have some good advice to pass on, but only if she does it without sounding like a "know-all". For goodness sake, I was her last born (only girl after 6 boys) in the 60's. We've changed our way of thinking ie. demand feeding. In her day you spiked the baby's milk with rusks and even brandy!!!
I love my mother, but she's on bloody thin ice now. She speads alot of tension in my house amongst my kids and husband. Now that hubby is working away, it's like having another kid in the house. I have to take her food to her every evening whilst she's watching her soaps. Seldom a compliment arise.
Oh dear, what do I sound like??? I'm such a placid person with a lot of patience, but this is taking the mickey!!!! I'm starting to get sooooooo stressed out and it's affecting my moods with my children. I've tried talking to her, but she just looks past me. In one ear, out the other. She has so little respect for me in my own house. I ask her not to do one thing.... turn my back.... and she does it anyway!!!
So, what would you do when nothing you've tried to talk about, will work?
Emilia xx