20 week scan - not so good

Heartbreaking. Just read this thread from the start and I am absolutely devastated for you. Huge hugs sweetheart :( xxx
Been thinking about you all day. Not wanting to give you any false hope but I googled your condition and wondered if, as someone else suggested, is it worth getting a second opinion before you commit to doing anything. Xxx
Oh gosh hun my heartgoes out to you, thats not what i expected atall. Surely just a few more weeks could do the trick on complete bed rest with loads of fluids, i thought amniotic fluid can replace/ top up even just a small amount to give a chanceofgetting past 24 weeks plus

Xxx thinking of you xx
I'm so sorry to hear this :( xxxxx

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So sorry to hear this. This happened to me so I know what your going through. If you ever need anyone to speak to.

In my thoughts xx
Such heartbreaking news ... So not the news that I was hoping for. Sending you big hugs, take car of each other through this terrible time xxx
Wow I'm overwhelmed by your messages, thank you so much it has been a comfort.

I've been offered the chance to go to a different hospital for a second opinion. However, my best friends Aunty works there and I had a long chat with her last night, unfortunately she shared the opinion of the doctor I saw yesterday.

The problem is there is now no fluid left at all and my baby is not moving, heartbeat is slowing so whether I terminate or wait and see it looks bleak, I hate to think of my poor baby in there suffering.

I asked about an amnioinfusion (adding more fluid) and was told that it was not an option - the trauma of inserting a needle is almost guaranteed to bring on a miscarriage because of the weakened state of my baby.

I feel so empty.

Thank you all again for your kind words

Heather - thank you. I'll send you a PM later, I'd like to talk to you some more when my head's a little clearer

Really sorry to hear this will be thinking of you xxx
Hi Gemma,
So sorry to hear what you are you through.
There are lots of amazing ladies on here who can help you if you need to talk and have been through similar experiences.

Thoughts are with you and your family.

I am so sorry gemloulau :(

I know too well the devastation and shock from being given bad news about your baby during an ultrasound. I had a growth scan at 30 weeks which identified that my son was dying due to Hydrops. It was the most horrific moment of me and my husbands life. He actually survived the birth but died 2 days later :(
It all happened so fast so I was in complete shock, from being told there was a problem to him being delivered and passing away only a few days had passed.

All my previous scans had been perfect, they believe it was a viral infection as structurally he was perfect. I had a flu virus at the time so they believe it was that, although we can't get 100% confirmation of that.

Its over 2 years since we lost him and honestly we are stronger than ever, I never thought I could get through it all. I was totally numb but it does get easier.

Take care of yourself and here if you ever need a chat xxx
Sorry to hear your update hun. Wishing you all the best getting a second opinion, although I appreciate the prognosis doesn't sound too promising. Where there's life, there's hope. Take care. xxx
So sorry that the fluid has all gone now, sending you a huge hug and my thoughts are with you xx
My heart goes out to you to get so far and have it all snatched away is so cruel! Thinking of you and your family at his awful time xxx
You are in my thoughts, I am sorry to hear your sad news life is way too harsh sometimes. Take care of you xx

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