1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

I hope this pic uploads, I'm trying to upload it from my phone because tapatalk won't allow me to upload pics.
But I'm only 5+2 weeks (I think, my mum thinks I'm further on) but I woke up this morning to this little pot belly looking back at me. I can't suck it in, and I'm a size 8-10 so don't really have a belly.
Does this seem a bit ridiclous for so early on? Lol.

Again, if the pic didn't actually upload, ignore this lol.


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I hope this pic uploads, I'm trying to upload it from my phone because tapatalk won't allow me to upload pics.
But I'm only 5+2 weeks (I think, my mum thinks I'm further on) but I woke up this morning to this little pot belly looking back at me. I can't suck it in, and I'm a size 8-10 so don't really have a belly.
Does this seem a bit ridiclous for so early on? Lol.

Again, if the pic didn't actually upload, ignore this lol.

Nice picture hun, Probably just bloat as you get bloated in the early weeks before bump sets in x
It's probably just a bit of bloating as I don't think there's any chance you can show this early?? I'll try to upload a photo of my belly at 5 weeks and at 9 weeks...I'm pretty sure it's all bloating at the moment! My OH says he can't see a difference but I definitely can...looking fatter!!
It most likely is a big bloat but it was weird as it literally appeared between going to sleep at 5am and waking up at 9am lol.
Thanks ladies x
Hello, am I being stupid?? I can't work out how to upload a pic from my phone. Is it possible? X
Soooo jealous of all your great bumps....I got a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig bump but its all fat and wind lol.....wish I was skinny so I could see mine...I look about 6mths with all the bloat, I daren't take a pic I would die of shame lol
Well I have absolutely no doubt that the majority (if not all) of my bump is a mixture of bloating and trapped wind lol.

Taken at 10 weeks



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Here's blub and bloat lol...11 weeks 6 days, wish I was skinny so I could see what was baby and what was blub!

Thank you misscc ...although I feel like a beached whale lol...my waist is 44" and around my lower stomach it's 49 !!!! that is soooooooooooooo bad!
I stay away from the tape measure it wasn't my friend last time as I wasn't getting bigger and it annoyed me x
I'm convincing myself that I'm starting to get a bump as I normally have a flat stomach when I breathe in (haha!) but now when I breathe in it sticks out and is solid. I'm only 10+6 though with my first so not sure I could be showing yet? Hope I am...it's exciting and makes it feel more real! My OH thinks it's just bloat though!

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