1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

I might have seen her work before, but the name doesn't ring a bell :(
you girls are all so lovely and slim.......it will take weeks and weeks for baby to work its way through my fat...lol...think i will just skip right to tri 2 bump pics in a few weeks...

here's my bump pic:-


lol xx
Look who's popped out to say hello :D

OH took it from a weird angle, so looks like I'm cheating a bit but it is that big, promise! lol! xx
you girls are all so lovely and slim.......it will take weeks and weeks for baby to work its way through my fat...lol...think i will just skip right to tri 2 bump pics in a few weeks...

here's my bump pic:-


lol xx

Dont know if its just me, but thats showing as a pregnancy test??

yeah....lol..its cos i am so podgy thats the only proof of pregnancy i am prepared to show at the moment....lol...will take weeks for any bump to show :( xx

well your looking so slim in that pic anyway :wink:

Its funny, I was looking through bump pics on another forum (i'm not a member, was jst having a nosey) some of these pics were going back 4/5 years, and there was photos that weren't meant to be there if that makes sense, they were supposed to be bumps but were random pics of dogs or whatever, so for some reason over time they must have got changed...


well your looking so slim in that pic anyway :wink:

Its funny, I was looking through bump pics on another forum (i'm not a member, was jst having a nosey) some of these pics were going back 4/5 years, and there was photos that weren't meant to be there if that makes sense, they were supposed to be bumps but were random pics of dogs or whatever, so for some reason over time they must have got changed...


lol...how funny :) xx
Regarding my bump - I think it was a false alarm. My tummy still registers as flat in the morning now and gets huge by evening. Not sure on what, because I'm not pigging out!
Belly at 8 weeks

Belly at 11 weeks


Bump or bloat? This was taken first thing this morning with no food or drink!! I'm losing my waistline and I'm actually loving it!!

lovely little bump loopy god id kill for a figure like that before i got my bfp hehehe iv gotten huge but its all fat not bump, my buba just wants junk food
i have always been chubby....good job sam loves me as i am.......trying my best not to eat really bad food, but its hard when its what you crave...trying to eat loads of fruit...xx

Everyones bumps look so cute! It makes me want to post one although at the minute i'm in the phase that looks like i've just been pigging out not that i'm actually pregnant- hopefully I will get a nice bump soon!

I went for my 12 week scan on Monday (which was amazing :D) and i got told i have to go to the Haematology clinic and i just wondered if anyone else had been there? and if so what they do whilst your there? x
This is me at 13 weeks :)


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There so many great bumps here. I'm 8 Weeks at the moment, and I'm not sure if I have a bump yet, but this is how my belly looked at 8 Weeks;)


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