1dpo and defo getting our bfp in 2 weeks time ...

Thanks ladies! Andrea, I don't think the BFP got the memo this month. Sooooo happy Kaa got her's though! Yay!! Be good to have the 2ww with you again Jodie. Xx
I will be here haha i dont think im going anywhere anytime soon haha come on andrea wheres that bfp xxx
I'm sending as many positive vibes as I can but I'm not well at the min so maybe they forgot to send properly I'm so sorry here they are....

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: xxxxx
Thanks kaa + Jodie ! No pressure lol , just looked at my dates again don't think I'm due af till sat I'm still on a testing ban !
Nope no pressure at all andrea haha ... but u are gettingnur bfp this month :) xx
Think im out ladies. Belly cramping badly tonight. Looks like AF is 4 days early for me :( xx
Yeah i no will wait see what happens over the weekend but im pretty sure x
The witch greeted me this morning with a big fat f### u ! Cried over the packed lunches this morning . Well here's 2 the Xmas baby's and doing the 2ww with u lovely ladies again xx
Oh andrea so sorry hun thats total crap .. the witch is makin my life hell .. a half hearted yey to another tww again xxx
Sorry to hear that Andrea it's early isn't it?! ! :( fx this cycle!! Xxxx
I feel ur pain Jodie this isn't fair . This was when Suzy had said I would get my bfp so stupidly I had a bit of extra hope :(
I was like that andrea last year when she said i would get mine .. i want a refund !!! Lol ... surely its our turn soon we havr been here long enough .. i need my pma back bcos im feeling total pants today xxx

is there anyone still to test xx
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I wonder if she has got any1s right ?? !!defo refund !! Lol
Right have 2 get out of bed and face the world kids r still asleep ooops gunna b late , time 2 b super women and get everything done in an hour !
B&C 2 night Jodie !!
Yep defo andrea drown our sorrows good style haha xx
So sorry andrea x

got my fingers crossed for all of you guys to get bfps next month.....bring on the xmas babies!!! x

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