BFP and AM I PREGNANT threads must NOT be posted in this forum!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2006
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Trying to conceive can be a frustrating journey for various reasons and so we ask you to please use the forum sections correctly and consider all of the members.

In this case whilst members are always happy for their forum friends certain circumstances & lower days can be hard when faced with BFPs without the choice to see them.

Please post your definate BFP announcents HERE & of course freely use your own personal TTC journals (that was already created) to post any pictures and announcements of your BFP.

We understand that their are many threads of doubt, uncertainty and discussions on evap lines which can be posted HERE!

Thanks girls

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Just bumping this as a reminder :)
Just bumping this as a reminder


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Im 2 days late for my period and i did a test today that came bk neg i was so gutted to only c that 1 line and i did have a cry ive been trying now for over and a year and each month wen my period comes im gutted but i thought this time would be different due to being late,, im eating so much but ive got the worse headache ever so i no my blood sugars arent low im really frustrated and i dont no wot to do regarding the best ways to concieve i cant afford to buy ovulation tests and other stuff like that so im just using mother nature to be honest.

Thanks for reading xx
people are still doing this! what is the Am i pregnant section for?
Hugs hun it's hard to see I think people forget xx

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
people are still doing this! what is the Am i pregnant section for?
I was just thinking this..... TTC is really getting me down so I've stopped reading the am I pregnant section but it seems there's no getting away from it on the trying to conceive section either. :-(
people are still doing this! what is the Am i pregnant section for?
I was just thinking this..... TTC is really getting me down so I've stopped reading the am I pregnant section but it seems there's no getting away from it on the trying to conceive section either. :-(

glad it's not just me!
Just PM the offender, if they can change it, or PM a mod to move it if its and entire post. I'm sure it's not done to be cruel. I think I asked you iwant3 to remove BFPs from a thread title once? :eh: People just don't make the link sometimes xx
Just PM the offender, if they can change it, or PM a mod to move it if its and entire post. I'm sure it's not done to be cruel. I think I asked you iwant3 to remove BFPs from a thread title once? :eh: People just don't make the link sometimes xx

yes you did - but I was only following what was usually done on the monthly testing thread - that's not so bad seeing that - it's all the others not just one - posting to show there tests getting darker or saying is this positive when there is a blaring pink line there!

It's probably just me feeling worse about it due to my miscarriage - sorry for moaning - I'll shut up now:roll:
Just PM the offender, if they can change it, or PM a mod to move it if its and entire post. I'm sure it's not done to be cruel. I think I asked you iwant3 to remove BFPs from a thread title once? :eh: People just don't make the link sometimes xx

yes you did - but I was only following what was usually done on the monthly testing thread - that's not so bad seeing that - it's all the others not just one - posting to show there tests getting darker or saying is this positive when there is a blaring pink line there!

It's probably just me feeling worse about it due to my miscarriage - sorry for moaning - I'll shut up now:roll:

Hugs iwant3 I know what ur saying I was going to say something cos I'm thinking ppl must be blind there is a whole section for am I pregnant why use the ttc section it realy does annoy me sometimes xxx
Sorry!!!! I posted mine here by mistake and don't know how to delete it :-( Please forgive me and hope you are all well.

Hi all
I'm new to this forum so will apologise in advance if I am posting in the wrong place and I will do my upmost to remove or delete it if its wrong thx.
I've been ttc for 3 months now and for some reason have found this month the hardest so thought I might be able to get some advice from ppl. I've just started temping this month so am not too familiar with that and don't know if my chart is ok or so on. I won't write anything specific here in case I'm posting in the wrong area but I will say that af is due on fri and that I have 25 day cycles thx for any replies xx baby dust to all xx
Hi all
I'm new to this forum so will apologise in advance if I am posting in the wrong place and I will do my upmost to remove or delete it if its wrong thx.
I've been ttc for 3 months now and for some reason have found this month the hardest so thought I might be able to get some advice from ppl. I've just started temping this month so am not too familiar with that and don't know if my chart is ok or so on. I won't write anything specific here in case I'm posting in the wrong area but I will say that af is due on fri and that I have 25 day cycles thx for any replies xx baby dust to all xx

Hi :)
You're in the right section but you could just create a thread in the 'trying to conceive' section. This post is rarely commented on as it's just a 'pinned' post just to remind people not to post about positive pregnancy tests xxx
Hi guys,

I am totally going insane, I have been TTC for 3 years now, in that 3 years I have never fallen pregnant, had the dye test found out my right tube was blocked ( doc thinks it was frommy ruptured appedix back when i was 8! ) I am now on the waiting list for a lap but dont understand why ? .. .I mean how will removing my blocked tube help? I also am not entitled to IVF as my partner already has a child with his ex, so that means im not allowed that extra help apparently.. Can anyone help me with my question? Or just help me understand.

All my friends are having kids and im always around them because of this. Im so depressed and but so thankful I have the most understanding partner, i hope the lap works but I dont understand how?!

Hope im in the right section too!

Thanks for listening to me moan! x
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Hi hun,
You need to post in ttc (this is pinned at the top) or lttc, hope someone can offer advice xxx
Hello!!! I just stop taking my birth control at the very end of Sept when it was time for my period to start the first week of October but I was 14 days late with sore breast & very mild cramps off & on & thought I was pregnant but then started spotting pinkish brownish all day yesterday but this morning it was much heavier no cramps which is not normal for me I usually cramp so bad that I can hardly get out of bed.. So I just assumed that my period was just late but my breast still feel heavy with tingling still going on.. Being cheap I purchased a pregnancy test at Wal-Mart for $0.88 and it was negative... So I'm so confused & I'm not understanding why my breast is still sore...

Has this ever happen to anyone or have any suggestions??? Thank u n advance!!; :)
I'm new to this site, sorry for posting in the wrong section! Good luck to all of you xxxx

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