My mum told me about this last night an my blood ran cold
I just keep thinking about how scared the poor girl must have been
On the topic of the stereotypical owners, we were in the park a few weeks ago with MILs dog and a big group of lads in hoodies and what not walked towards us with a westie
what shocked me most tho was that the westie went bat shit crazy and had to be dragged off MILs dog
he's a big dog, daft as a brush, but always muzzled when out (apparently he's been dog aggressive in the past, but I've never seen it, I think it's more for MILs peace of mind). He was just looking at this westie as if to say WTF?!
We had a westie growing up and whilst I've known him to be food aggressive on the odd occasion, I've never seen a westie act like that, it was actually quite scary! So you'd have to assume it was the was it had been raised
I have to say tho, I'm petrified of german shepherds! There were two on our road growing up who were really badly treated and I had a few "incidents" with them and it's properly lived with me! I know they're not all like that, but I will cross the street if I see one coming! I'm just wary of big dogs tho, they're like the same height as me when they jump up