How Awful

nikki1306 said:
Sorry if anyone has a rotwiller but they aren't exactly cute,why would you even want one as a pet,you would hardly wanna cuddle up to it :? ,but i have to agree i would never leave any dog alone with a child :shakehead: xx

i used to have a rotweiller and he was so nice, he would never bite any one. I wouldnt leave a kid alone with a dog... my cousin poked her dog in the eye by accident because she got too carried away and it snapped at her...wasnt the dogs fault though, they just react to whats happening doesnt make them vicious.
i think rotweillers are very cute... :think:
I sold my loved Bullmastiff when i was pg with Aimee and i was devastated, i still am. He was so soft but you can't trust them 100% and i couldn't take that risk. Unless your sure you can keep them apart so the dog will never have a chance to do anything I wouldn't risk it.
awwww wat a tradjedy

my heart goes out to the parents and grandparents
It was on the news today that the parents left the baby alone with two guard dogs, I really hope that isn't the case
beanie said:
It was on the news today that the parents left the baby alone with two guard dogs, I really hope that isn't the case

if they did then they should be arrested! its commen sence not to leave a baby with 2 guard dogs... :wall:
Cat&Noah said:
Although all dogs are different they are prone to particular traits.
And rottwillers are prone to aggressive behavior, that although can be trained to be obedient and mild mannored, they will always carry the risk of having a sudden break in behavior where they may attack unprovoked.
So will any breed of dog,

Cat&Noah said:
And I agree that anyone with a family should think long and hard before getting a dog like a rottweiler,
that is true these dogs require good training as they are big and very strong dogs

Cat&Noah said:
In this day and age animals are not really required as guard animals, as we have other safer forms of security,
in this day and age i think people feel safer with a large dog, as the police are generally useless, and you never know what weapons people are carrying, the 'beware of the dog' usually keep people at bay. most burglars know the ins and outs of most saftey/crime devices.

Cat&Noah said:
I do not really see why anyone should keep such a noturiously dangerous animal, when they can be so harmfull to people of any age. If someone in your street kept a pet tiger promising you that it was a very friendly mild mannored one, I dont really thinkyou would trust it and it would never be allowed because of the risks it would put humans at, and I feel its the same with these dogs.
I think that is a very bad judgement, all dogs are dangerous if placed in the wrong hands, in the end the dogs get the bad press, i've met more vicious cocker spaniels in my time than Rottweilers,

The parents were at fault to leave a baby with two unknown dogs, my heart goes out to them but the dogs were not at fault. The dogs are dead now anyway.

Sorry but i feel very strongly about dogs getting bad press when it not always there fault, it would be better if they brought back dog licencing and to microchip all dogs.

It would stop irresponsible owners, if the dogs were dumped the owners would be traced and procecuted.
nikki1306 said:
Sorry if anyone has a rotwiller but they aren't exactly cute,why would you even want one as a pet,you would hardly wanna cuddle up to it :? ,but i have to agree i would never leave any dog alone with a child :shakehead: xx

One dog that i nursed sticks in my mind, she was a large 59kg Rottwieler called' Rizla' her owners were rough but would do anything for their dog.
She had cancer and regularly came for chemotherapy, if you let her of her lead in the prep room she would trot off to a kennel and get comfy.
She would give you her paw before you had even started to do anything as we always had to take blood samples and attach an i/v catheter to give medication, often she would lick your head as you were doing it.
And if you sat on the floor, Rizla would park her bum on you!
the cancer eventually got the better of her and she was put to sleep, every one was upset including the vet who delt with her, she was such a character, the owners in her last week bought her donuts every day! as a treat.
They now have another rottie 'Disney' who is nuts! but they know how to handle him.

Please don't label one breed of dog as being bad, there are some pretty horrible humans out there too... should we ban them?? :)
Ryan O'Meara, editor of K9 magazine, who owns rottweilers, said: "It has not surprised me ... If a child was to come into close contact with guard dogs, I could predict the result. This is not a breed issue, this is a dog owner issue.

"I think what we need is not legislation on different dogs but legislation on dog owners. I would like to see something like the theory test for driving. To be able to own a dog you would have to show you are committed and know about dogs."

Exactly my point - click the link for the full article. ... amily.html
I make sure my bullterriers are in their crates when we have other peoples kids visiting, not that i think they would do anything to harm kids but the could knock them over etc. Theynever print articles of yorkies biteing babies face etc, because it aint macho enough to get an audience. Ive heard of more border collies mauling kids than youd ever know, theres never articles about good things that rotties do a few years back one jumped into a pond and save a kid from drowning. I dont understand why the baby was left any where near working (guard) dogs, id never even let a guard dog snif my son and ive had Rotties all my life. My heart goes out to the family though i cant even begin to imagine how they are feeling right now :pray: XkelX

This is terrible got tears in my eyes such a tragedy i hope they get to the bottom of this.
As for rotties being banned i dont think so every one i seen are very friendly cuddley dogs, my mom had a rotti cross and it was the best dog was a gaurd dog but as kids just would lick us and play with us never ever even barred his teeth at us
Like others say its the owners not the dogs dogs are not to blame owners who beat there dogs and treat them badly and train them to be mean should be to blame.
My dad had a wolfx husky and she is a very nice dog cuz she was trained to be a loving family pet
Feel sorry for the parents .
xSuzx that article is just shocking. Such tradgedy accross the whole family.

I think dog owners will always rule dogs are fine with their kids (until obviously if/when they get a wake up call), and those who don't have dogs obviously will say they are a bad idea to have round children and especially babies. Something people will never agree on.
Hypnorm said:
nikki1306 said:
Sorry if anyone has a rotwiller but they aren't exactly cute,why would you even want one as a pet,you would hardly wanna cuddle up to it :? ,but i have to agree i would never leave any dog alone with a child :shakehead: xx

One dog that i nursed sticks in my mind, she was a large 59kg Rottwieler called' Rizla' her owners were rough but would do anything for their dog.
She had cancer and regularly came for chemotherapy, if you let her of her lead in the prep room she would trot off to a kennel and get comfy.
She would give you her paw before you had even started to do anything as we always had to take blood samples and attach an i/v catheter to give medication, often she would lick your head as you were doing it.
And if you sat on the floor, Rizla would park her bum on you!
the cancer eventually got the better of her and she was put to sleep, every one was upset including the vet who delt with her, she was such a character, the owners in her last week bought her donuts every day! as a treat.
They now have another rottie 'Disney' who is nuts! but they know how to handle him.

Please don't label one breed of dog as being bad, there are some pretty horrible humans out there too... should we ban them?? :)

Oh hun i don't label them as bad dogs i just don't think that they look all that cute,i find them kind of scary looking,but if anyone has a picture of a cute Rottwieler then i take it back :hug: xx
Sami said:
xSuzx that article is just shocking. Such tradgedy accross the whole family.

I think dog owners will always rule dogs are fine with their kids (until obviously if/when they get a wake up call), and those who don't have dogs obviously will say they are a bad idea to have round children and especially babies. Something people will never agree on.

I would never have left Sam with Seren, they were never really in the same room when I was there anyway as he was so old and unpredictable. Not all dog owners are naive to say their dogs are fine with their children. All animals are unpredictable!!
I just think dog owners are less likely to see it as an issue than those who don't have them if you see what I mean?
the news has just came on, the news flash
"2nd tragity for the family of the baby killed by dogs"




Cute rotties


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