nikki1306 said:
Sorry if anyone has a rotwiller but they aren't exactly cute,why would you even want one as a pet,you would hardly wanna cuddle up to it

,but i have to agree i would never leave any dog alone with a child

One dog that i nursed sticks in my mind, she was a large 59kg Rottwieler called' Rizla' her owners were rough but would do anything for their dog.
She had cancer and regularly came for chemotherapy, if you let her of her lead in the prep room she would trot off to a kennel and get comfy.
She would give you her paw before you had even started to do anything as we always had to take blood samples and attach an i/v catheter to give medication, often she would lick your head as you were doing it.
And if you sat on the floor, Rizla would park her bum on you!
the cancer eventually got the better of her and she was put to sleep, every one was upset including the vet who delt with her, she was such a character, the owners in her last week bought her donuts every day! as a treat.
They now have another rottie 'Disney' who is nuts! but they know how to handle him.
Please don't label one breed of dog as being bad, there are some pretty horrible humans out there too... should we ban them??