11 weeks and symptoms going :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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I'm probably being neurotic and insane but I feel like my symptoms are going. I'm not as tired as I was, I'm not feeling as sick as I did a few weeks ago and my boobs don't hurt as much.

I have 10 days to wait for my scan :(

Did anyone else feel like this at 11 weeks?
Usually u start to feel better before u go into tri 2 so I wouldnt worry hun. Think positive xxxx
Don't worry, your placenta takes over hormone production about this time, and lots of women lose their symptoms or find they improve.
I agree with the ladies, some ladies get symptoms like sickness for longer, but your nearly at Trimester 2 and the majority will start seeing an improvement in their symptoms as they approach this milestone, enjoy the restbite from them and look forward to your scan, not long now, and it's only natural that this will be playing on your mind and making you worry about lack of symptoms, but it's really quite normal X
My symptoms pretty much stopped overnight when I'd just reached 11 weeks

I just remember waking up one morning thinking I felt strange.... And then it dawned on me that I didn't feel sick anymore, or tired or have sore boobs

Just try and relax and enjoy feeling normal again!!
OMG! I am in the same panicky boat at you. I am 11+2 as well with my scan 9 days away! I keep trying to think positive (sometimes this is hard thought). xxx
Do you have any symptoms now then 11 week ladies?

At 10+6 I'm still (tmi) constipated but the night visits to the loo have significantly dropped in the last few days :)

Never had sore boobs and the morning sickness cleared up a few days ago. However have been getting sore throat & mild headaches in afternoon/evenings.

P.s. 9 days til my first scan - so excited!

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I feel almost "normal" now. Now I've stopped the dreaded pregnacare, I haven't felt sick for nearly one week and have no symptoms at all now x
I stopped feeling sick at 11 weeks had a week of feeling good then it all came back again! Have woken up today feeling brill though! Fingers crossed this continues.
Thanks ladies, I feel so much better with some reassurance - phew!

I'm bloated, and can't eat too much without then throwing up - in fact I can't eat as much as I used to in general - if I have a snack after work then I don't want my evening meal, which is a change to being hungry all the time in the first few weeks!

I'm not constipated this weekend - in fact I have the opposite!

Bev you get your scan on the Tues then it's mine on the Weds, looking forward to seeing your scan pic :)
Don't worry, your placenta takes over hormone production about this time, and lots of women lose their symptoms or find they improve.

This is what I was going to say hun!!

Try not to stress.

Hey RB1 have you got a bump yet? I keep analysing my belly and asking DH if he can see anything! Nothing yet:(
Hey RB1 have you got a bump yet? I keep analysing my belly and asking DH if he can see anything! Nothing yet:(

I think I do, I was really bloated but the bloating's gone down a bit, but still rounded little bump!
This thread has mad me feel so much better. I had a scan at 10 weeks and everything was well (i went private, was worrying for the sake of it) I will be 12 weeks on Friday which is the day I have my hospital scan. However this week my sickness has stopped and I haven't had as many symptoms which once again was making me think the worse!

After reading all your comments I do feel so much more positive - keep forgetting we are all in this together and all I needed to do was ask!! xx
Hi - that's really reassuring to hear - I'm nearly at 11 weeks and still being really sick - starting to feel really fed up with the constant nausea.xx
I spoke too soon - this week I've been incredibly tired and spent all yesterday feeling really sick! Must have been having a few good days, now back on the symptom train.
Good to hear so many of you had relief of symptoms at about 11 - 12 weeks, I'm almost at 11 and still being very sick.
Has anyone heard of the pregnacare making you feel sick or any symptoms from it? did any one feel better after stopping it after 12 weeks - and has anyone continued it or can I stop it at the start of tri 2?
Thanks ladies x
I think quite a few ladies reckon the pregnacare doesn't help their sickness. I can't decide if it affects mine or not, but I've been taking it last thing at night just in case.

You could stop at 12 weeks if you like. The recommendation for folic acid is to take until then, and that's the most important one. If you have a good varied diet, you should be OK without.

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