RWW, we're also planning on waiting for the 20 week scan too. Trying to save cashola as I know other stuff will be expensive. We've provisionally booked an NCT course in Sept, so telling myself the money I've saved on scan has gone to that.
Agreed, costs definitely mount up! I am also thinking of doing the NCT course as one of my friends said it was really good for meeting other mums, and I have also had hypnobirthing classes recommended to me. I'm currently seeing a pregnancy chiropractor as have historically had issues with my hips and posture, so want to try and do everything possible to prevent pelvic girdle pain, and potentially help me be better prepared for birth. Luckily I pay into a health scheme which covers some of the cost of the chiro, but it's still something to factor in every few weeks. Waargh! How much did you pay for the NCT classes, if you don't mind me asking? I have looked on the website but can't seem to find anything about fees. I am anticipating it will be a few hundred :/
I was having a mooch around the shops this morning, and saw so many nice baby stuff, but the prices made my eyes water. Especially changing bags. Eeek. OHs brother kindly said that they were planning on selling / donating a lot of their kids stuff soon anyhow, and has given us first dibs on things, so that should be a massive help.
I've heard mixed reviews of nct, mainly for the content being all available elsewhere. But lots of people say its worth it for meeting other new parents. We live really far away from all family, and not many of our friends live that local, or have kids. So, we're keen to make new friends nearby.
I've heard costs vary by region, we're in London, so I guess we're in the higher end. Ours is £360. That's the course that runs on two full Saturdays, plus a couple of shorter bits for women only and on breastfeeding.
I've also heard good things about hypnobirthing, so I'm thinking about that too.