Thank you Lollie for that advice, maybee ill ask gp for second opinion and maybee to be reffered at Baby six week chk ( they have it at 8 weeks here), i just cant face another with possible speech issues, im already worried my 23 mth old will get bad speech coping his older brother !
Lollie you had super weight gain too! Proper growth spurt.
Kumber - well done you for being honest on the test, ive filled it out not honestly before with my older kids. I think if you can see theres a problem thats the most important bit, and be open to talking about it, seeing your options. I think my husbands totally struggling and stressed and shouting so im trying to cope and his stress brings me down.
Hes put on a stone and a half! My hv talked about getting a homestart person in to help watch kids for a few hours a week, so i can get on with house etc, that nearly finished me off, i said no as baby six was a surprise but we chose to have so many children, i need to find a way to cope, i know it gets easier.
Chat to me anytime, having a really close age gap like you have is very hard , but so nice as they grow , i have a 13 mth gap and its been fab. I decided yesterday to abbandon any attempts to washup, tidy and just go out and walk with the little guys and play with Roman more... I walked them to sleep in pushchair, went to shops, sat on a bench drinking a free waitrose decaff coffee while they slept, We ate burgers and chips for tea!!, My house is still a tip but I made it througth a really enjoyable day.
Lulu , Well done - Iv 'e started xmas shopping too, i like shopping theraphy

. Argos 3 for 2 is on for toys at mo, im being sensible this year, and cutting back before 4 year old nottices/remembers, just got to store it now -my wardrobe is full of gifts not clothes!
Hi Xjd, hows things ?
Weve had first smiles this week and its just delightful, your getting something back for the hard work etc - just need to catch a picture of it now
Natalie, im sorry its been nearly two yrs so i cant remember what we had , you could check at a local chemist or where you picked up drops? Are they working ?