~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Hey everyone hope ur all well.

Quick question regarding night feeds Amy normal wakes around half 2 but she seems to just want a nappy change recently. She use to take 6ozs but she has started dropping ozs to the point she only took 1oz last night. Is this her trying to drop this feed? She normally has 6 6oz bottles in 24hrs. X
Dolly , if she shows no signs of hunger/food etc id pop her back to sleep, and enjoy x
I am so exhausted I want to burst into tears.

The 2 bottles Luca had during the night, he took 2 hours to finish. Just now screamed for another, drank half an ounce and fell asleep. I guarantee when I put him down he will start screaming. I know it isn't his fault but I'm pulling my hair out xx
I had my 6 week check last week, had to book one for Emilie too. For mine she asked me questions about how I was coping, did I have support etc. She checked me down there as I'm still quite pained af5er the stitches and asked if I'd had a period yet (whiçh i haven't) and spoke about contraception.

With Emilie, she checked her hips, gave her tummy time and that was about it really.

I think Emilie is suffering from reflux. Going to make a drs appt today as yesterday she just cried all day and brought up all her milk and lots of clear fluid. It made me cry seeing her in obvious pain.
I think I will just stay with Chase's jabs appointment. I so the health visitor when chase was 15 days. She wasn't even the one for my area because they are to busy.

I can't complain I hate waiting in for them anyways. Plus I should know what I'm going when I'm on my fourth :) x
Ignore my earlier post. The health visitor just came round unannounced. They didn't have my landline number and had a number missing from my mobile number.

Apparently you have to be seen before the 49th day. Or they get in trouble.

He's fine, I'm fine, she didn't tell me anything about this injection. So totally pointless xx
Emilie has reflux and is on gaviscon, hopefully we will get our happy baby back now.

xjdx - Strange she hasn't mentioned the meningitis jab to you, both the HV and the Dr have spoken to me about it.
I think she expected me not to be in. A bit of a rush job really x
We are fine. Emilie is super clingy and will only go to sleep in my arms with her head under my chin bless her. I'm very tired but her reflux seems to have calmed down now she's on medication.

Hope everyone else is well?
Matthieu's 6 week check went great he is now 10lb 5oz which is perfect the HV said. All checks were perfect although the eye the doctor swabbed came back as having a mild infection due to duct being blocked so having to put drops in his eye 4 times a day which strangely he doesn't seem to mind. He is sleeping and feeding really well and has pee'd on me a million times like a wee fountain lol the amount of sleepsuit changes I'm doing lol wee rascal haha. Hope u are all well xx
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Glad you and your babies are doing well Lolie and Natalie.

Malachy is doing well, his tummy is finally settled. I have the hv coming at 3 to discuss PND. Quite nervous.

Hey Kumber, really glad Malachy's tummy has settled down , that gives me hope! , any advice on what did it? Finn's still suffering :( Good luck with the HV xx

Hi everyone, sorry not really been on much, but little Finn has only been giving me a couple of hours sleep a night, so quite distracted. Also been dealing with the NHS as they need to investigate the antenatal care I received. It seems his birth weight put him on 1 percentile which was dangerously low as there was deterioration of my placenta, this should really have been picked up in my measurements by the midwives, but they never recorded / tracked!!!
Lollie, griffin will hardley ever sleep in the pram top, only happy being help/cosleeping too

Kumber- how did you get on with hv? Mine scored me an 11 and wanted to see me again, but i said id come and see her if I was struggling, im ok just not coping as well as I want to. ( im eating a stupid amount of cake and choc!!)

Natalie - we had the blocked tear ducts last time with my baby Roman, those eye drops are good stuff.
Were also getting througth all the sleepsuits as he does runny BF poos all the time, you hear him go midd feed and its a race to the changing mat tbh!!

Weve been weighed now at 8 lb 4 oz! A huge jump from 6 lb 8 oz in 3 weeks!
I asked if he had a tounge tie as i thought he does as I dont think he is a great feeder/strong suck, she checked and said he did but put it at a 5 out of a 1-10 scale of tounge tie, so dont know what to do. Loads of you have had tounge tie babies? Any advice ? My 4 year old has speech issues so dont want to go down that route again but he might not have any probs etc!
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WTT - I'm block feeding in 6 hour blocks. Gonna look at changing that now though as my non-feeding boob is so painful but 4 hour blocks weren't working for us. He still suffers a little but it's nowhere near as bad. By the sounds of it, it's a good thing it's being investigated? (Although not good they happened of course!).

JJ - I scored 19. I'm also eating ridic amount of chocolate and cake! She's setting up 6 home visits, referred me to counselling and GP. Bit disappointed in myself but trying to remind myself that it's just one of those things that happens and I'm not alone in it. Trying to keep positive :) well done Griffen on his weight gain, you have super milk!

JJmum, I would get the tie cut (just my personal opinion but I've worked with children who haven't and their speech has really suffered.) Emilie has her appt next week to get it cut so I'm hoping I can put her back on the boob and stop with the expressing - it takes up so much time! They said her tongue tie isn't major but I insisted it get cut.

She now weighs 9lb 4 (was 7lb 11 two weeks ago) so I'm happy she hasn't been too affected by the reflux before we started with the medication.
So sorry to hear some of you are suffering with PND. I was really worried about this as my mum suffered for 11 years and my nan 10 years. It upsets me that you're feeling so low kumber, you know you can always pick up the phone.

Luca spent a few hours with his grandparents yesterday while I went and started my Christmas shopping (how sad am I). Ended up buying more clothes for him than anything else. The clothes get so much cuter for boys when they go into 3-6 xx
I just noticed the drops Matthieu was prescribed for his eye say on the front for adults and children over 2 years!! Have they gave me the wrongdrop!?!?!?! What was your baby prescribed? Xx
Thank you Lollie for that advice, maybee ill ask gp for second opinion and maybee to be reffered at Baby six week chk ( they have it at 8 weeks here), i just cant face another with possible speech issues, im already worried my 23 mth old will get bad speech coping his older brother !

Lollie you had super weight gain too! Proper growth spurt.

Kumber - well done you for being honest on the test, ive filled it out not honestly before with my older kids. I think if you can see theres a problem thats the most important bit, and be open to talking about it, seeing your options. I think my husbands totally struggling and stressed and shouting so im trying to cope and his stress brings me down.
Hes put on a stone and a half! My hv talked about getting a homestart person in to help watch kids for a few hours a week, so i can get on with house etc, that nearly finished me off, i said no as baby six was a surprise but we chose to have so many children, i need to find a way to cope, i know it gets easier.
Chat to me anytime, having a really close age gap like you have is very hard , but so nice as they grow , i have a 13 mth gap and its been fab. I decided yesterday to abbandon any attempts to washup, tidy and just go out and walk with the little guys and play with Roman more... I walked them to sleep in pushchair, went to shops, sat on a bench drinking a free waitrose decaff coffee while they slept, We ate burgers and chips for tea!!, My house is still a tip but I made it througth a really enjoyable day.

Lulu , Well done - Iv 'e started xmas shopping too, i like shopping theraphy ;). Argos 3 for 2 is on for toys at mo, im being sensible this year, and cutting back before 4 year old nottices/remembers, just got to store it now -my wardrobe is full of gifts not clothes!

Hi Xjd, hows things ?

Weve had first smiles this week and its just delightful, your getting something back for the hard work etc - just need to catch a picture of it now :)

Natalie, im sorry its been nearly two yrs so i cant remember what we had , you could check at a local chemist or where you picked up drops? Are they working ?
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