~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Awww the August babies are all so beautiful, what a beautiful family you have jj, you must be so proud!

Charlotte, I had a similar experience to you except I was under a general anaesthetic when I lost all my blood, I had transfusions and im still on iron tablets now! I didn't meet Isaac until he was 4 hours old as
I was still in theatre, they brought him to meet me when I woke up but I don't remember it :( They struggled to keep me alive all that night, my blood pressure was dangerously low and I was septic! It's awful and it's put me off ever having more children but I'm just thankful that me and Isaac are both alive and im making the most of being his mummy now! does your hospital have "birth afterthoughts" you can access that service if you feel like your struggling to get your head around it all. Or just talk to us all on here :) Evie is beautiful!

Tanya - Isaac had baby acne all over his face from about 2 weeks, it's just starting to clear up now and he's 5 week tomorrow! My HV said to use breast milk on it or sudocrem (thin layer) but apparently it just clears itself!

Hope your all doing well xxx
Aww we all had gorgeous babies. Glad their all doing well and hope mummies aren't to tired.

Well Amy is perfect and give me her first proper smile on Sunday to which I was over the moon about.

This is my beautiful chubby cheeks
Aw she's so beautiful Dolly!! Luca first smiled at 5 weeks and now there's no stopping him. He had his hand on our gp's face today and was just smiling at her. Really wish I'd have got a picture xx
Hi everyone,
All your babies are gorgeous I've been trying to catch up on all your posts.

It's my daughter Nevaehs fourth birthday tomorrow, so I've been sorting everything out for that.

I get chase to myself now, hubby at work, kids at school and nursery. He sleeps more now than what he did newborn, I think booby is filling him now.
I haven't had him weighed since he was discharged from the midwife. So I'm going to do that tomorrow
Does anyone have any advice for a mum who reeks of vomit?? Lol. Emilie is usually a perfect feeder. She has expressed and also formula and takes both fine. Just recently she is bringing a lot of her feeds back up. We wind her during feeds and sometimes she is sick then too.

Any advice? She is not over fed either.

Hv has suggested trying a number two teat but everything then just runs down her neck!
Kumber- thankyou - griffins bloods were great apparently this week all normal, and he finally passed his hearing test! Ive notticed the difference this week hes been startling to everything so whatever newborn gunk that was in there has def gone !!

Dolly- ahhh she's grown loads and is gorgeous!

Xjd - happy 4 th birthday to your Nevaeh, ( beautiful name by the way)

Lollie, sorry prob not much help, but no sign of a cold in Emilie? Or does she lay flat after feeding, perhaps a slight angle would help for half hour? Like bouncer etc Or is she getting more active/ leg wiggling now as that could help disturb food x
Feel like I have totally abandoned you all!!!!
How is everyone doing?
Cole is a whole 6 weeks now, where the heck has the time gone?
I'm going to try and read back a bit to get caught up and I've a couple of pm's to reply to which I am really grateful for so thanks to those lovely ladies!!!
Had my 6 week check on Tues and all is great! After my worry a few weeks ago about PND raising its head again the Dr said she thought I was exhausted and honestly I've felt amazing since! Everything was going great until she asked how long I was thinking of waiting between number 2&3....seriously he's 6 weeks give me a break LOL! Although hubby would like another tomorrow and actually I don't have the Im done feeling that I felt after the trauma of having Tyler but I think if someone else asks me when number 3's coming Im going to offer them to take the 2 children and hubby (the biggest child of the 3 of them Grrr) and see how they get on LOL!!
I hope everyone's doing well!
Here's a little pic of me and my blue eyed boys xx

Beautiful pic Tmum, really glad you're doing well.

I can't help but feel really annoyed this morning. Had the worst night ever in terms of Luca's nose. The drops the doctor gave him haven't relieved him 1 bit. He cried and cried and cried and cried all night long. My whole house stinks of karvol. Didn't think it would be so difficult just trying to unblock his nose xx
Today's my daughters birthday, can't believes she 4,

I've just had Chase weighed he's now 10lb 8oz he last got weighed four weeks ago and was 9lb. I'm so glad he's chunking out. I hate when people (family) make you feel like your breastfeeding for selfish reasons.

Anyways hope everybody's ok xx
Happy birthday to your daughter jd! How can you bf for selfish reasons??? :shock:

Happy birthday to your daughter jd! How can you bf for selfish reasons??? :shock:

Thank you, sorry I didn't explain myself properly. My mum and other family members always have a dig that they never get a hold of Chase because he's to clingy to me because he's breastfed. Every time he cries they assume he needs feeding so in their opinion I'm not producing enough milk. Obviously my mum can't have him over night or an afternoon because he prefers the boob. So it annoys her.

I did feed my little girl until she was 13 months, I'm sure they forget that.
Well, I think the August mummies created the cutest babies! And so many with full heads of hair! I'd post a pic of Austin but I've no idea how from this tablet!

Sorry you had a rough time of it during labour Charlotte! She's a real cutie so enjoy her!

Happy birthday to Neveah! And its good to hear Griffin's doing well and Chase is chunking out! Hope Luca gets better soon Lulu, keep pushing at the doctors as mother knows best!

Tmum - the second Austin came out I said I'd do it again! Its the sleepless nights that make me think twice!

I find people's views on breastfeeding so odd jd. We spend all our pregnancy being told by the professionals to breastfeed but some people do it down. I had my mother and SIL trying to tell me it was ok to quit before I'd even had Austin! He's my baby how I feed him is my ruddy choice!

We are starting to instigate bedtime routine tonight. Austin has had his bath and his bottle and we have put him to sleep in his basket upstairs. We are sat downstairs with the baby monitor. I hate it, I've never been so far away from him I miss watching him sleep!
Matthieu has went from 7lb 14oz to 9lb 14oz and he is 6 weeks on Monday he is getting so big. My poor baby has the cold since yesterday but is a lot better today. Hope your all well xxx


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Oh he is just beautiful Natalie.

I forgot to say, happy birthday Nevaeh!!

Our routine has gone totally out of the window now with this bloody blocked nose, it's ruining everything lol. I still have a wide awake Luca xx
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I've just come back from a completely child-free evening at a cousin's. Hubby, bless him, did a stellar job and shoved me out the door. I've been needing some "me" time for a while, selfish as it sounds. Home life has been tough lately. Had a lovely time but ohhhhh my boobs hurt!

For your sanity Kumber you need some me time...hope you enjoyed your time to yourself xx
I'm paying for it now! Both boys spent the night getting up and down with this awful cold, when one went down, the other woke up crying. Got Riley down for his morning nap, he was asleep for about 5 minutes and his nappy leaked so his pjs, sheet and duvet were drenched. So that's him fully up for the day after half a night's sleep and a 5 minute morning nap. I really hope today is kind to me.

Hope you're all well ladies :)

Hi ladies, sorry haven't abandoned you!! Been getting some sort of routine going and getting the kids back off to school. It's my first school pick up today for my 5year old so looking forward to that. It's good to have independence back with driving again!

How long did you bleed after c section? I stopped about a week or so ago and now I think I've started a period!? So things must be getting back to normal!

Congratulations Charlotte! She's beautiful sorry you had such a rough time.

Jj mum lovely pictures, your oldest looks like you :) good luck on the Navy app!!

Kumber hope you enjoyed your very much needed you time. I'm getting my hair done later and really looking forward to it! I haven't spent any time away from Harley so it will be nice and odd too!

Lulu your Luca is so so gorgeous and chunky! I hope he gets something sorted for his cold bless him.

We seem to have settled more at night, he goes down anytime between 8-10. And then wakes at 1 and 5/6ish. So that's good.
He's still under hospital care and having bloods regularly done as he's still quite anaemic, I'm hoping the results from Tuesday are a little better.

Natalie and everyone that posted photos they are all just scrumtious !! All our August babies are just gorgeous!
Jd that's a great weight gain , don't listen to people's comments over bf, it's our own choice how we feed our babies.

Hoping everyone is ok! Can't reply to everything but I have read back, and going to have to get on More as things settle down here! Xxx
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Im probably biased but I agree suagr all our babies are gorgeous lol....with regards to periods I started mine this morning I think well I assume it must be my period ill be 6 weeks post partum on Monday so maybe thats me getting back to normal too. I started taking the mini pill today will that stop my period?? Sorry for silly question but never been on the pill xx
I've had nothing period wise. I bled for over 4 weeks and I'm 6 weeks pp on Monday and had no period. But I'm breastfeeding so that's might delay my period xx

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