Yummy Mummy Club

It is comfy yes ... a wee bit of BBT got me through it, and I'm right sweaty after 30 mins

Looking good tweety :) if you don't mind me asking where was bike from and how much did it set you back I'd love one, iv been running but got a right bad blister :( x x
It is comfy yes ... a wee bit of BBT got me through it, and I'm right sweaty after 30 mins

Looking good tweety :) if you don't mind me asking where was bike from and how much did it set you back I'd love one, iv been running but got a right bad blister :( x x

I've hired it from fitness takeaway Hun.

It's £35 for 8 weeks plus £10 delivery

I'd have to pay a hell of a lot more for a bike of that standard and I dont have to store it long term.

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Just saw this and really made me chuckle. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1364336271.934809.jpg
:rotfl:Morning all- aching bad today lifting Ava is a workout in itself this morning but I got on the bike regardless and am determined to do 30ds but will have to see how I go with that :/ that being said I must be doing something right to be hurting so yey
Hope you all have a good Wednesday! X
Morning troops!

Oh do I feel the pain this morning :shock:

Motto for today - NO PAIN NO GAIN

Someone massage me please?

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Massage you....my partner is qualified in sports massage and he won't bludy massage me haha! X
Morning all. Epsom salts, great for the ache. I spent 60 minutes in squats yesterday, a stretch and an epsom salt bath has kept me pain free!

I've got more pilates in the pipe line for day. I'm really starting to look much slimmer even though I'm still suffering with water retention and the scales have stalled again.
Morning ladies! Just had porridge and banana for brekkie. I'm going to make my own granola later for another breakfast option. I hate dried fruit so can't buy granola usually. Going to have scrambled egg and smoked salmon for lunch and not sure about dinner yet... Pilates, 30DS and bike today too. My thighs are so sore today!

Anyone have the Hairy Dieters cookbook? Some great ideas in there!

Thanks for the Epsom salt tip Willow, will definitely try that! Xx
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I dont have the cookbook but we did try their korma and sweet and sour chicken after seeing them cook it on tv and they were yummy xxx
James has had me awake since 3am, he was so fitful and just kept moaning in his sleep.... I was getting up and trying dummy (no go) and popping Ewan on every 20 minutes or so. I gave in at 5.30am and bought him in with me so I did get an hour but I am dead on my feet.

Tiredness for me always means I reach for the junk food! Sugar = energy!

Going to have to try very hard today to resist.

Tiredness for me always means I reach for the junk food! Sugar = energy!

Going to have to try very hard today to resist.


Try and plan energy rich meals instead

Maybe a healthy cooked breakfast? Poached egg, slice of toast, tomato, mushrooms (i think you may not like mushrooms though), baked beans and some bacon medallions?

Eat banana, or add some fresh berries to yoghurt?

Or for lunch some pasta in a tomato sauce and lots of veg? Something thats filling but better than cake (my current downfall)

Or a baked potato, cheese and beans with a salad

Just thinking on my feet - these are the things that I eat on "hungry" days and they seem to get me through.
Protein works for me. I eat about 50% less when I start the morning with a protein shake, even when I'm dead on my feet.
One of my fave breakfast's is avacado and tomato on toast. Dice up avacado and tomato's mix together with a good pinch of salt and pepper pop on a slice of toast and yum!

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
30ds done ... Bedtime? Zzzzz

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
God you're good Tweety!

I am on the hunt for a sports bra today, I used to do the Davina workout and I know it off by heart so even if I don't start the 30ds then at least I can start some kind of workout???

Got terrible PMT as well (due on over the weekend) I fell like I am walking through treacle LOL!

I plan to weigh in Sat and hopefully I'll have lost a lb, then I am having an evening off for a nice meal with OH and a few glasses of wine (only If I've lost any weight though)

We'll walk for a good hour today, and I have a yummy but quite low cal lunch planned!

I don't really do breakkie, it doesn't excite me? I don't even really like fry-ups?

Im at a wedding tomorrow, but hoping to do 30DS in the morning and hopefully will get on my bike in the evening, all depends what time we get home

I'm usually so excited about weddings getting a new outfit etc, but I cba! I hate my body so dont see the point in making an effort :oooo:
I hate getting dressed up at the moment and thankfully I also hate shopping for myself!

I refuse to buy anything whilst I am this size!

I'm the same hate shopping for myself would much rather be in my trackies and hoodies just don't feel good but I'm going out on the 13th April with friends and I'm hoping that I would have lost a little weight too feel good in something! X

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