Yummy Mummy Club

Wow 3lbs is brilliant! At present I am 2 pounds heavier than I was at weigh in Monday! Seems to go up and down quite a lot in the week.. Plus think it takes me a while to recover from cheat night haha.

Bek that fat free chocolate sounds horrible haha! I'm picturing chocolate flavoured scrambled egg!!! Xxx
Haha try it!! Lol really takes like a cake! With custard u would never know it has no flour! X

I fluctuate through the week too, I was bad tues thou but back on it now... But I keep craving crap! Chippys and chocolate! Grrr!! X
I had a cake and custard lastnight and a pack of biscuits!! So sod nos how this 3oz has gone!!

My crash diet only lasted 2 days so it cant be that lol!! Xx
I don't know how to add people on mpf ... Can you add me please :) dellyo13
5 kg down from starting weight, 15 kg to go! Excuse the toilet, was out and about

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ThanksMy DH was very nice this morning and said i dont look overweight anymore, just well built lol. I want to get rid of mummy tummy desperatelt.

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I've majorly messed up today! I've had greggs pasty! And tonight I'm having bbq hunters chicken and wine!!! Lol xxx
Ooh give me strength I have Peanut Butter Oreos in my house!!!!
I've never even seen them in the shops before! Hope there around soon! X
Weigh in day!

4lbs down!! Yaaaaay!
I did a sneak mid week weigh in and loads 3lbs by thurs. weighedtoday and another 1lb down :)

13st 9lbs current
11st 7lbs goal! Xx
Its so satisfying seeing scales show lower weight. Just under 12 st 8 lb, still lots to go but starting to see the difference. Well done babyslog, 4 lb is a great loss! I am aiming for no more than 2 lb a week

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Well done on the recent losses!

I'm struggling this week. Lost a lb which is ace but struggling with exercising due to af ! Still going to gym but not enjoyed the last 2 sessions; hope this feeling passes!

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