Yummy Mummy Club

Dani I prefer ww to slimming world purely because there are some limits- I know loads of people who lost loads of weight with SW, but I found that I was eating so much pasta it just wasn't working- did like that I didn't have to weigh things though!!

With WW the maths is pretty much all done for you and it's not just based on calories- I still felt totally satisfied, the only downside being your points reduce as you weight does!!!!! I felt most in control on ww though.

Good luck!!!! Xxx
Well I was so chuffed tonight with my 2 and a half weight loss!!! M

Just goes to show the exercise that I wasnt back doing made all the difference. I have also halved my fuit intake as although its 'free' in WW plan I eat absolutely loads and with my lack of moving my calorie intake was too high.

Dani I can help you with questions etc about WW if you want as Im a helper/person who weighs folk at my class.
Yay well done Laura!! And well done for having the energy to exercise! I need to start but can't face it yet! Xxx
Pre pregnancy: 12st 2lbs
End of pregnancy: 16st 3lbs
Currently: 14st 1lb

Goal: 11st 7lbs

dug this out from page 85 lol 9th Aug!!
My weight is up and down...

i lost 2st within 2 weeks PP.. and now ive been juggling between 13st 12 and 14st 2 lol..

I weighed yesterday after putting ona few lbs last week and im currently 13st 13lbs.

SO! week crash diet starts tomorrow, and after that ill be doing WW!

2 stone 6 lbs to lose!!!

WEDDING IN 19MONTHS!! lets dooooo this!

for real this time haha xx
What the actual fuck, I've put on 2lbs this week! How is that even possible!?!

I'm ebfing & I've not had any takeaways or anything! I'm not going to lie, I've had a few treats but nothing out of the ordinary. That's it, I'm sticking to the bare minimum calories I need to feed Harrison & nothing more! I'm so upset :(

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He'll be 10 weeks on Friday x

Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 4
Oh I've just seen your ticker. He'll be going through another growth spurt in a couple of weeks and you'll find you will lose a lot of weight then. I remember during the 12 week spurt losing 6 lbs in a week. After that it calmed down. I find with bf'ing the pattern was:
First few weeks - lose bucket loads
Next few weeks remain the same maybe put on weight
Then at around 12 weeks - lose loads more
Then stay the same until around 19 weeks
Then lose 3-4 more lbs

That's without dieting or doing exercise.
What I will say is that you get a lot more energy for walking and light exercise from 12 weeks. I did my race for life when lo was 4 months and since then I've felt more fit and active than I did before pregnancy.

Don't be disheartened, just avoid snacking on biscuits or crisps but eat good food when you are hungry so you keep your energy up and enough milk for lo.
I know I'd be annoyed too Sara but if you know there isn't a reason for it then you just need to trust that your body knows what it's doing. It might be storing fat for the next growth spurt? Have you are much beans? Bananas? Lots and lots of veg over the last couple of days? It might take a couple if days for your body to lose whilst it still being heavy with all 'good' food? Xxxx

Weigh in for me tonight, fingers crossed! Yet another week of zero exercise! I must start walking more! Xxxx
So took ur advice ladies and waited to start proper diet till now ben will be 6 weeks on thurs where did the time go and we have removed the chocolate and the biscuits from the house replaced with nuts seeds fruit and dried fruit to snack on and healthy veg and filling heart food. Whomeal bread etc. So I started today so Mon will be weigh day today 13st6 so onwards and downwards hopefully here on in.am using my fitnes pal to keep track too as I know otherwise il think I have more Cals spare iv set it as 1.5 lb a week to loose and will add the bf bit daily come on girls you are all doing so well and inspire me! X
Good luck for your first week hun!

Well just got back from ww and I've lost 2 pound! Yay! So that's 8n a half pound loss in 5week which is fine by me! So went straight to tescos for my cheat night goodies... I am having a pizza express pizza, followed by cream slices, a whispa gold, chocolate raisons, and bourbons with a cuppa tea! Woohoo! LOVE cheat night! Just hope I manage to eat it all! Xxx
Well done Claire!! Ooh your cheat night sounds amazing!!
Omg Claire that cheat night sounds brill!!!! I want lol!
I had a bad weekend buffet, choc cake, a lot of alcohol (ooops) and McDonald's and Sunday roast (not healthily cooked) plus chocs! But because I followed the plan all week I still lost 0.5lb lol I know it's not a lot but with the weekend I've had it's better than expected! Lol
Going to be good all week again as my oh's bday is Sunday so were having pizza and few drinks. So fingers crossed I get some sort of loss again next week! I'd love 1lb loss, then I get my stone! Woop!!
Got to have a life at the same time though haven't we lol xx
Good luck for your first week hun!

Well just got back from ww and I've lost 2 pound! Yay! So that's 8n a half pound loss in 5week which is fine by me! So went straight to tescos for my cheat night goodies... I am having a pizza express pizza, followed by cream slices, a whispa gold, chocolate raisons, and bourbons with a cuppa tea! Woohoo! LOVE cheat night! Just hope I manage to eat it all! Xxx

Oooh Claire that sounds so lush!!! Enjoy it, you deserve it, 2lbs is fab!


Weigh in is tomorrow and I've had a bad week, I only tracked on wednesday :( I had a busy week and had a wedding on Saturday and I've pretty much been off the wagon all week :(

Anyhoo - I could really see the weight loss in my dress and I felt really good, so if put on its ok, I'll be back on it from Wed.


Thanks ladies, and good luck for today babybushie!

Ps.. Didnt manage to eat the whispa gold, but everything else went down a treat! Xx
2lb on this week booooo!! :( :( :(

I did mentally prepare myself but I am annoyed that I let myself slip this week!

Anyhoo! Got some good food in and not much plans of doing stuff this week so I'll be cooking good Lunches and dinners and going out for some long walks!

In the meantime I'm really taking advantage of "Treat Tuesday" as I wont be having any naughtiness until next Tuesday! I'm just about to pop into sainsburys as I have my eyes on their jam donuts Yummy!!!


Ooops... My friends broke up with her bf so I joined in her comfort eating, I've had... Fish chips and peas at the pub, coffee and double choc muffin, chippy (chip cob), and a big dairy milk!!!! Oooooops!
Back on it tomoro!! Xx
I've had a pretty bad day today too Bek.. It's just so easy to fall off the wagon sometimes! I'm out for dinner tomorrow night too do don't fancy my chances much for this week! Xxx
Yes I know what u mean, I can see my whole week being a write off! It's oh's bday this weekend and we usually celebrate with food and booze lol xx

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